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EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 668 to 672 [ personality ]

Unit 668. A weird personality is not bad. When it comes to personalities, they say being weird in high school is the worst, but when you grow up, it's an absolute bonus. English On The Go I remember when I was in high school, I always thought being weird was such a bad thing. And, you know, if you're the one with the kind of weird personality, you get, you feel like an outsider. ----------------..

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 패턴모음 653 - 697

653 * do one's own ~ : 직접 ~를 하다 1) 그는 자신의 빨래를 직접 해요. He does his own laundry. 2) 그들은 자신의 숙제를 직접 해야 해요. They should do their own homework. * From then on, I ~ : 그때부터 저는 ~ 1) 그때부터 저는 죄책감이 들었어요. From then on, I felt guilty. 2) 그때부터 저는 그걸 즐기기 시작했어요. From then on, I started enjoying it. 그런 말은 어디에서 들은 거예요? Where did you hear that kind of stuff? 654 < Pattern Practice ..