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EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 663 to 667 [ hobby ]

Unit 663. Someone's hobby can become your hobby. Talking with other people about your hobbies and interests might lead to you finding a new hobby. English On The Go Okay, let's talk hobbies. First of all, for my, all my English-learning friends out there, I just want to say in textbooks it often comes up as “What are your hobbies?” like a sentence that we say. ----------------------- But to be h..

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 658 to 662 [ birthdays ]

Unit 658. On my birthday, I look back on my life. Birthdays are great opportunities for reflection. English On The Go Birthdays are great times for reflection on your life and your goals and what you've learned. And obviously they're great times for presents, too, and spending time with family and doing fun things, and I absolutely love those things … especially the presents. -------------------..