Unit 660. I'm fond of birthdays.
I've always been really fond of birthdays because I think they are the perfect excuse to ensure that your loved ones know how treasured and valuable they are to you.
English On The Go
I have always been really fond of birthdays,
not necessarily because of all the attention that you get or because of any parties,
but just because it's a day where you hear from loads of people in your life how they feel about you.
It's a day where people send you all these lovely, uplifting messages
about how they appreciate you and what you mean to them.
And although I wish this wasn't just a birthday thing
and I try to make it a daily-life thing where I would make sure that the people in my life know how much I appreciate them
and how much I value them and what they mean to me,
birthdays I think are a sort of yearly reminder to us all to express how we feel about our loved ones
and to make sure that they're aware that they're so valuable, they're so worthy, and they're so loved,
which is why I think birthdays are just such an uplifting and empowering day,
because you get to think about your life, you get all these messages from people that love you,
and you just get to think about the past year in a very grateful and reflective type of way, which I think is really valuable.
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fond 좋아하는
attention 주의, 관심
uplifting 행복감을 주는
worthy 훌륭한, 자격이 있는
empowering 힘을 주는, 자신감을 주는
reflective 사색적인
< Pattern Practice >
* loads of ~ : 많은 ~
1) 우리는 쓰레기를 많이 내다 버렸어요.
We threw out loads of trash.
2) 저는 서류를 많이 출력했어요.
I printed loads of documents.
* be not just a ~ thing : ~에만 관련된 것이 아니다
1) 이건 가족에만 관련된 게 아니에요.
1. This isn't just a family thing.
2) 그건 학교하고만 관련된 게 아니었어요.
2. It was not just a school thing.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
생일 선물로 받았어요.
I received it for my birthday.
In The Social World
Harry (남)
I'm fond of birthdays … when it's mine.
Reem (여)
I love festivities and exchanging gifts. I'm fond of any reason to celebrate with people.
festivities 기념하는 축제행사나 분위기
< 해석 >
Bluinse / 오스트리아
Speaking Summary
I've always been really fond of birthdays because I think they are the perfect excuse to ensure that your loved ones know how treasured and valuable they are to you.
저는 항상 생일을 좋아했는데, 그 이유는 사랑하는 사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 귀중하고 소중한지를 알려줄 수 있는 완벽한 핑계이기 때문이에요.
ensure = make sure 반드시 ~ 하다. 보장하다
English On The Go
I have always been really fond of birthdays,
저는 생일을 항상 정말 좋아했어요.
fond memories of childhood 어린 시절의 좋은 추억들
fond 좋아하는
not necessarily because of all the attention that you get or because of any parties,
사람들의 관심을 많이 받거나 파티를 하기 때문만은 아니었어요.
not necessarily 꼭 이것만은 아니다
attention 주의, 관심 ( 차렷 )
but just because it's a day where you hear from loads of people in your life how they feel about you.
많은 사람들로부터 그들이 나에 대해 어떻게 느끼는지 이야기를 들을 수 있는 날이기 때문이에요.
It's a day where people send you all these lovely, uplifting messages
사람들이 사랑스럽고 행복감을 주는 메시지들을 보내는 날이에요.
uplifting song 기분좋아지는 노래 , uplifting poems, uplifting movies .....
uplifting 행복감을 주는
about how they appreciate you and what you mean to them.
그들이 나의 존재를 감사히 여기고, 그들에게 내가 어떤 의미를 가진 존재인지에 대해서요.
you 사람들 또는 자기자신 = I
And although I wish this wasn't just a birthday thing
그리고 저는 이게 생일에만 하는 일이 아니었으면 좋겠지만,
and I try to make it a daily-life thing where I would make sure that the people in my life know how much I appreciate them
그리고 저는 제 삶 속의 사람들이 제가 그들을 얼마나 감사히 여기는지 알게 하는 일상의 일부로 만들기 위해 노력해요.
and how much I value them and what they mean to me,
그리고 제가 그들을 얼마나 소중히 여기는지, 그리고 그들이 저에게 어떤 의미인지를요.
birthdays I think are a sort of yearly reminder to us all to express how we feel about our loved ones
제 생각에 생일은 일 년에 한 번씩 우리 모두에게 사랑하는 사람들에 대한 감정을 표현하라고 상기시켜 주는 것 같아요.
and to make sure that they're aware that they're so valuable, they're so worthy, and they're so loved,
그리고 그들이 소중하고, 정말 가치 있고, 정말 사랑받는 사람들이라는 걸 그들이 알 수 있게 하라는 것을 말이에요.
worthy 훌륭한, 자격이 있는
which is why I think birthdays are just such an uplifting and empowering day,
그래서 저는 생일이 정말 행복감을 주고 힘을 주는 날이라고 생각해요.
empowering 힘을 주는, 자신감을 주는
because you get to think about your life, you get all these messages from people that love you,
왜냐하면, 자신의 인생에 대해서 생각할 수 있고, 자신을 사랑하는 사람들로부터 메시지를 많이 받고
and you just get to think about the past year in a very grateful and reflective type of way, which I think is really valuable.
그리고 감사하고 되돌아보는 마음으로 지난 일 년에 대해서 생각해 볼 수 있으니까요. 저는 이게 정말 소중하다고 생각해요.
reflective 사색적인
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