Unit 658. On my birthday, I look back on my life.
Birthdays are great opportunities for reflection.
English On The Go
Birthdays are great times for reflection on your life and your goals and what you've learned.
And obviously they're great times for presents, too, and spending time with family and doing fun things,
and I absolutely love those things … especially the presents.
But the older I get, the more I realize that
birthdays are times for you to reflect on what you've learned in your life up until this age
and on what you hope to learn and the type of person that you hope to be as you continue to age.
Back in the day, I didn't do this, but now, every birthday that I have,
I like to write down a number of things that I've learned, equivalent to my age.
So I just turned 21 last September, and I did 21 things that I've learned, since I'm 21.
It seems really cheesy, but it's actually really cool to just check in with yourself and see how you're doing
and what you're learning and making sure that you are learning stuff,
because that's what we should do in life … learn.
reflection 생각, 심사숙고
age 나이가 들다
ex) You don’t age.
equivalent 동등한, 상응하는
ex) That’s equivalent to about 3 miles.
< Pattern Practice >
* up until ~ : ~까지는
1) 그건 어제까지는 똑같았어요.
It was the same up until yesterday.
2) 우리가 대화하기 전까지, 저는 정말 혼란스러웠어요.
Up until we talked, I was really confused.
* as one continues to ~ : 계속 ~함에 따라
1) 계속 걸었더니 발이 아프기 시작했어요.
As I continued to walk, my feet started hurting.
2) 우리는 계속 연습하면서 실력이 나아질 거예요.
We'll improve as we continue to practice.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
올해 생일은 일요일이에요.
My birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
falls on 날짜가 어디에 해당이 된다.
In The Social World
Spence (남)
On birthdays I like to reflect on this journey of life, and man, I'm so proud of myself.
man 감탄사
Rose (여)
My birthday is tomorrow, and I feel like I'm 100 years old. I tend to do a lot of self-reflection every year whether I intend to or not, and it keeps dawning on me just how many lives I've lived.
dawning on 깨닫게 된다
how many lives I've lived (라이브스) 많은 경험들을 했다
< 해석 >
Jordan / 미국
Speaking Summary
Birthdays are great opportunities for reflection.
생일은 되돌아볼 수 있는 좋은 기회예요.
reflection 곰곰이 생각해 보는 것
reflection on something 되돌아 보는 것
English On The Go
Birthdays are great times for reflection on your life and your goals and what you've learned.
생일은 인생을 되돌아보고 자신의 목표, 그리고 그동안 배운 것을 되돌아보는 데에 좋은 시기예요.
reflection 생각, 심사숙고 + on 돌아보는 것을 말함
And obviously they're great times for presents, too, and spending time with family and doing fun things,
그리고 물론 선물을 주고받기에도 좋은 시기이고, 가족과 시간을 보내며 재미있는 일을 하기에도 좋아요.
and I absolutely love those things … especially the presents.
그리고 저는 그런 걸 정말 좋아해요. 특히 선물을요.
But the older I get, the more I realize that
그런데 나이가 들수록, 더 깨닫게 돼요.
birthdays are times for you to reflect on what you've learned in your life up until this age
생일은 이 나이가 될 때까지 그동안 살면서 배운 내용을 되돌아보는 시간이라는 걸요.
and on what you hope to learn and the type of person that you hope to be as you continue to age.
그리고 앞으로 배우길 바라는 것과 나이가 들면서 어떤 사람이 되고 싶은지에 대해서요.
age 나이가 들다
You don’t age.
나이를 안 드시네요.
Back in the day, I didn't do this, but now, every birthday that I have,
예전에 저는 이렇게 하지 않았었는데, 이제는 제 생일이 돌아올 때마다
Back in the day 관용어구, 예전에는, 옛날에는
I like to write down a number of things that I've learned, equivalent to my age.
저는 제가 배운 것들 몇 가지를 제 나이랑 같은 수로 맞춰서 적는 걸 좋아해요.
equivalent 동등한, 상응하는
That’s equivalent to about 3 miles.
그건 3마일 정도에 해당돼요.
다른 나라의 ... 가 한국의 ... 과 비슷하다. 다른 나라의 배우가 한국의 .. 와 비슷하다 라고 할때 많이 씀
So I just turned 21 last September, and I did ( 21 things that I've learned ) , since I'm 21.
그러니까 저는 작년 9월에 스물한 살이 됐으니까, 제가 그동안 배운 것 스물한 가지를 적었어요.
did .. 괄호안의 것을 적었다는 뜻
It seems really cheesy, but it's actually really cool to just check in with yourself and see how you're doing
정말 유치해 보이지만, 사실 스스로를 점검하면서 자신이 얼마나 잘하고 있는지 보는 건 정말 멋진 일이에요.
cheesy 이 문맥에서는 childish 유치한
check in with ~ : 확인해 보고, 어떻게 되어 가는건지 보는 것
check in with yourself 와 see how you're doing 은 같은 뜻
and what you're learning and making sure that you are learning stuff,
그리고 뭘 배우고 있는지를 확인하고, 반드시 뭔가를 배우도록 하는 건 말이에요.
are 에 강세를 두는 이유는 ... 배우고 있기는 한지 ...
because that's what we should do in life … learn.
왜냐하면 그게 바로 우리가 인생에서 해야 하는 일이거든요. 배우는 것 말이에요.
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