생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 659

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 26. 21:05

Unit 659. I have a unique birthday.

I have what some people might consider a rather unique date for a birthday.

English On The Go

I know some people might disagree,

but I have what I think is a rather unique date for a birthday … December 30th.

My birthday is wedged right in between Christmas and New Year's Day.


So, what that means to an outsider is that it looks like, and at least in Western culture or in American culture

where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children, I get less presents.


Because you get presents for Christmas and you get presents for your birthday,

and I think some people thought that I had presents that were combined, two holidays into one, Christmas and my birthday.

But that wasn't really the case.


And actually, I like having a birthday that is in the middle of a lot of activity,

because it helps me realize who my actual friends are,

the ones that reach out to call me and say “Happy Birthday.” on my actual birthday.



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wedge 끼워 넣다, 밀어 넣다

combine 결합하다, 합치다

ex) How about we combine the two offices?


< Pattern Practice >

* be a rather unique ~  :  꽤 독특한 ~이다

1) 그건 꽤 독특한 제목이었어요.

It was a rather unique title.

2) 그건 꽤 독특한 재주네요.

That's a rather unique skill.


* reach out to ~  :  ~에게 연락하다

1) 저는 그들에게 연락해서 고맙다고 할 거예요.

I'll reach out to them and say thanks.

2) 우리는 그녀에게 연락해서 제안했어요.

We reached out to her and made an offer.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

항상 그런 건 아니에요.

It’s not always the case.


In The Social World

Carol (여)

I have a unique birthday. It is 5/9/1959, or as my kids say, “5959.”

   When is your birthday? 생일이 언제입니까?

   What is your birthdate? 태어난 날짜는 언제입니까? ( birthdate 라고 하는 경우에는 태어난 해, 월, 일까지 말해야 함 )


Mohammad (남)

My birthday is unique ... February 14, Valentine's Day. I'm full of love.


< 해석 >

Richard / 미국

Speaking Summary

I have what some people might consider a rather unique date for a birthday.
저는 어떤 사람들이 꽤 독특하다고 생각할 수 있는 날짜가 생일이에요.


English On The Go

I know some people might disagree,

어떤 분들은 동의하지 않을 수도 있겠지만


but I have what I think is a rather unique date for a birthday … December 30th.

그런데 저는 제 생각에 생일 날짜가 꽤 독특한데, 12월 30일이에요.


My birthday is wedged right in between Christmas and New Year's Day.

제 생일은 크리스마스와 새해 첫날 사이에 끼어 있어요.

 New Year's Day  1월 1일 새해 첫날

 New Year's Eve   12월 31일 


wedge 끼워 넣다, 밀어 넣다  명사) door stop 용으로 밀어넣는 삼각형 모양의 것,  wedges 굽 높은 여성용 신발 

 웨지감자 potato wedges                                            



So, what that means to an outsider is that it looks like, and at least in Western culture or in American culture

그래서 남들에게는 그게, 적어도 서양 문화나 미국 문화에서는 어떻게 보이냐면,

 outsider 가족말고 남들

 at least in Western culture or in American culture where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children


where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children, I get less presents.

여기에서는 크리스마스가 성대하게 기념되고 특히 아이들에게는 크기 때문에, 제가 선물을 덜 받는 것처럼 보여요.


Because you get presents for Christmas and you get presents for your birthday,

왜냐하면, 크리스마스 때 선물을 받고, 생일 때도 선물을 받으니까요.


and I think some people thought that I had presents that were combined, two holidays into one, Christmas and my birthday.

그리고 어떤 사람들은 제가 선물을 합쳐서 받은 줄 알아요. 크리스마스와 제 생일을 합쳐서요.

 holidays 일반적으로 생일을 가리키지는 않지만, 편의상 여기서는 생일을 지칭 +크리스마스

combine 결합하다, 합치다   , 명사 combination  줄이면 combo  콤비는 콩글리쉬 .. 콤비라는 말은 없다.


How about we combine the two offices?

사무실 두 곳을 하나로 합치면 어때요?


But that wasn't really the case.

그렇지만 그렇지는 않았어요.


And actually, I like having a birthday that is in the middle of a lot of activity,

그리고 사실 저는 여러 가지 활동이 있는 와중에 제 생일이 있어서 좋아요.

 a lot of activity   활동 - 셀 수 있음, 여기서는 그냥 이것저것 ...


because it helps me realize who my actual friends are,

왜냐하면, 제 진짜 친구들이 누구인지를 알 수 있게 해 주거든요.


the ones that reach out to call me and say “Happy Birthday.” on my actual birthday.

제 실제 생일에 저한테 연락해서 ‘생일 축하해.’라고 말해 주는 친구들이요.



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