생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 661

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 28. 19:32

Unit 661. It's interesting how birthday celebrations change.

I think it's interesting how birthday celebrations change from when we're younger to when we're older.

English On The Go

I think it's really interesting to see how birthdays have changed from the time when we're young to the time when we're adults.

For example, one of my favorite birthdays that I remember as a kid was

when I was maybe eight or nine and my parents took my friends and I to an ice skating rink.


We had this amazing time just skating around the park.

We had pizza and hot dogs and ice cream, and it was really unhealthy but really, really fun.


And then getting into high school and college,

it was more about having, like, a lot of people at your party but not necessarily having, like, a big celebration

where we go to some place and spend a ton of money, because we don't have a lot of money as students.


But it was more about just getting a bunch of people together.

And now as an adult, it's for me personally more about spending quality time with a close group of friends.


Maybe grab dinner or some drinks, but just something very simple.

I don't try to make a big deal about getting older anymore.

So I think that's interesting how birthdays seem to change.



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unhealthy 건강하지 못한, 건강에 안 좋은

quality 양질의

grab 간단히 하다



< Pattern Practice >

* from the time ~  :  ~했을 때부터

1) 저는 그가 15살이었을 때부터 그를 알았어요.

I knew him from the time he was 15.

2) 그 카페가 처음 문을 열었을 때부터 사람들은 그곳을 좋아했어요.

From the time the cafe first opened, people loved it.


* be more about –ing  :  ~가 더 중요하다

1) 그 순간을 즐기는 게 더 중요했어요.

It was more about enjoying the moment.

2) 이 행사는 경험을 나누는 것이 더 중요한 부분입니다.

This event is more about sharing experiences.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

생일 때 어떤 선물 받고 싶어요?

What do you want for your birthday?


In The Social World

Sami (남)

It's funny how birthdays change as you get older. This time a few years ago, I was celebrating. Now I'm just ready to sleep.


Samm (여)

I'm starting my birthday sipping coffee and watching this documentary, feeling perfectly content to never leave the house today. It's weird how birthdays change over the years.

 content   만족하는 ,   2음절에 강세 


< 해석 >

Kayla / 미국

Speaking Summary

I think it's interesting how birthday celebrations change from when we're younger to when we're older.
생일을 기념하는 방식이 우리가 어렸을 때와 나이가 들었을 때 차이가 나는 것이 흥미로운 것 같아요.

 interesting how = interesting that     interesting 뒤에 how가 올 때 대개 이런 뜻 


English On The Go

I think it's really interesting to see how birthdays have changed from the time when we're young to the time when we're adults.

우리가 어렸을 때부터 어른이 된 지금까지 생일이 어떻게 달라졌는가를 보면 정말 흥미로운 것 같아요.

 I think it's interesting how  라면 .. ~라는 사실이 흥미롭다 정도로 번역될 때가 굉장히 많다.

 I think it's really interesting to see how  에서 to see 가 들어가서 어떻게 ~ 했는지 보는 것이 흥미롭다로 해석 됨. 

   (  how 를 that 처럼 번역할 수도 있음 , 둘 다 가능 함 )

 we're young  = we were young 라고 했어도 괜찮음


For example, one of my favorite birthdays that I remember as a kid was

예를 들어 제가 어렸을 때 제일 좋아했던 생일 중 하나는


when I was maybe eight or nine and my parents took my friends and I to an ice skating rink.

아마 제가 8살인가 9살이었을 때, 부모님이 제 친구들과 저를 스케이트장에 데려가 주셨을 때였어요.

 나이 뒤에는 years old 생략 됨

 took my friends and I   문법적으로는 took my friends and me 



We had this amazing time just skating around the park.

그냥 공원에서 스케이트를 타면서 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.


We had pizza and hot dogs and ice cream, and it was really unhealthy but really, really fun.

우리는 피자도 먹고 핫도그도 먹고 아이스크림도 먹었는데, 건강에는 정말 안 좋은 음식들이었지만 정말 재미있었어요.


unhealthy 건강하지 못한, 건강에 안 좋은


And then getting into high school and college,

그리고 고등학교와 대학에 들어가서는


it was more about having, like, a lot of people at your party but not necessarily having, like, a big celebration

많은 사람들을 파티에 부르는 게 더 중요했고, 성대하게 기념하는 게 중요한 건 아니었어요.

 like 두 개의 like 는 크게 의미 없는 단어

 it was about  ~   :  ~ 에 관련 되어 있다

 it was more about ~  :   ~ 중요하다  ( 더 관련되어 있다 )


where we go to some place and spend a ton of money, because we don't have a lot of money as students.

어떤 곳에 가서 돈을 많이 쓰는 그런 거 말이에요. 왜냐하면 학생은 돈이 별로 없으니까요.


But it was more about just getting a bunch of people together.

그런데 그냥 많은 사람들을 한 자리에 모으는 게 더 중요했어요.


And now as an adult, it's for me personally more about spending quality time with a close group of friends.

그리고 이제 어른이 되어서 저는 개인적으로, 소수의 가까운 친구들 몇 명과 좋은 시간을 보내는 게 중요해요.


quality 양질의   ( 원래 질, 품질 이란 뜻이지만 형용사로 쓰일때 good quality 의 뜻을 내포할 수 있다. )


Maybe grab dinner or some drinks, but just something very simple.

예를 들어 저녁 식사를 하거나 뭘 좀 마시거나 하는데, 그냥 아주 간소하게 하는 거예요.


grab 간단히 하다


I don't try to make a big deal about getting older anymore.

나이가 더 드는 것에 대해서 더 이상 유난을 떨지 않아요.

 a big deal out of something,  a big deal about something    :    ~ 에 대해서 유난을 떨다


So I think that's interesting how birthdays seem to change.

그래서 생일이 변화하는 게 흥미로운 것 같아요.



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