Unit 658. On my birthday, I look back on my life.
Birthdays are great opportunities for reflection.
English On The Go
Birthdays are great times for reflection on your life and your goals and what you've learned.
And obviously they're great times for presents, too, and spending time with family and doing fun things,
and I absolutely love those things … especially the presents.
But the older I get, the more I realize that
birthdays are times for you to reflect on what you've learned in your life up until this age
and on what you hope to learn and the type of person that you hope to be as you continue to age.
Back in the day, I didn't do this, but now, every birthday that I have,
I like to write down a number of things that I've learned, equivalent to my age.
So I just turned 21 last September, and I did 21 things that I've learned, since I'm 21.
It seems really cheesy, but it's actually really cool to just check in with yourself and see how you're doing
and what you're learning and making sure that you are learning stuff,
because that's what we should do in life … learn.
< Pattern Practice >
* up until ~ : ~까지는
1) 그건 어제까지는 똑같았어요.
It was the same up until yesterday.
2) 우리가 대화하기 전까지, 저는 정말 혼란스러웠어요.
Up until we talked, I was really confused.
* as one continues to ~ : 계속 ~함에 따라
1) 계속 걸었더니 발이 아프기 시작했어요.
As I continued to walk, my feet started hurting.
2) 우리는 계속 연습하면서 실력이 나아질 거예요.
We'll improve as we continue to practice.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
올해 생일은 일요일이에요.
My birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
falls on 날짜가 어디에 해당이 된다.
In The Social World
Spence (남)
On birthdays I like to reflect on this journey of life, and man, I'm so proud of myself.
man 감탄사
Rose (여)
My birthday is tomorrow, and I feel like I'm 100 years old. I tend to do a lot of self-reflection every year whether I intend to or not, and it keeps dawning on me just how many lives I've lived.
dawning on 깨닫게 된다
how many lives I've lived (라이브스) 많은 경험들을 했다
< 해석 >
Jordan / 미국
Speaking Summary
Birthdays are great opportunities for reflection.
생일은 되돌아볼 수 있는 좋은 기회예요.
reflection 곰곰이 생각해 보는 것
reflection on something 되돌아 보는 것
English On The Go
Birthdays are great times for reflection on your life and your goals and what you've learned.
생일은 인생을 되돌아보고 자신의 목표, 그리고 그동안 배운 것을 되돌아보는 데에 좋은 시기예요.
reflection 생각, 심사숙고 + on 돌아보는 것을 말함
And obviously they're great times for presents, too, and spending time with family and doing fun things,
그리고 물론 선물을 주고받기에도 좋은 시기이고, 가족과 시간을 보내며 재미있는 일을 하기에도 좋아요.
and I absolutely love those things … especially the presents.
그리고 저는 그런 걸 정말 좋아해요. 특히 선물을요.
But the older I get, the more I realize that
그런데 나이가 들수록, 더 깨닫게 돼요.
birthdays are times for you to reflect on what you've learned in your life up until this age
생일은 이 나이가 될 때까지 그동안 살면서 배운 내용을 되돌아보는 시간이라는 걸요.
and on what you hope to learn and the type of person that you hope to be as you continue to age.
그리고 앞으로 배우길 바라는 것과 나이가 들면서 어떤 사람이 되고 싶은지에 대해서요.
age 나이가 들다
You don’t age.
나이를 안 드시네요.
Back in the day, I didn't do this, but now, every birthday that I have,
예전에 저는 이렇게 하지 않았었는데, 이제는 제 생일이 돌아올 때마다
Back in the day 관용어구, 예전에는, 옛날에는
I like to write down a number of things that I've learned, equivalent to my age.
저는 제가 배운 것들 몇 가지를 제 나이랑 같은 수로 맞춰서 적는 걸 좋아해요.
equivalent 동등한, 상응하는
That’s equivalent to about 3 miles.
그건 3마일 정도에 해당돼요.
다른 나라의 ... 가 한국의 ... 과 비슷하다. 다른 나라의 배우가 한국의 .. 와 비슷하다 라고 할때 많이 씀
So I just turned 21 last September, and I did ( 21 things that I've learned ) , since I'm 21.
그러니까 저는 작년 9월에 스물한 살이 됐으니까, 제가 그동안 배운 것 스물한 가지를 적었어요.
did .. 괄호안의 것을 적었다는 뜻
It seems really cheesy, but it's actually really cool to just check in with yourself and see how you're doing
정말 유치해 보이지만, 사실 스스로를 점검하면서 자신이 얼마나 잘하고 있는지 보는 건 정말 멋진 일이에요.
cheesy 이 문맥에서는 childish 유치한
check in with ~ : 확인해 보고, 어떻게 되어 가는건지 보는 것
check in with yourself 와 see how you're doing 은 같은 뜻
and what you're learning and making sure that you are learning stuff,
그리고 뭘 배우고 있는지를 확인하고, 반드시 뭔가를 배우도록 하는 건 말이에요.
are 에 강세를 두는 이유는 ... 배우고 있기는 한지 ...
because that's what we should do in life … learn.
왜냐하면 그게 바로 우리가 인생에서 해야 하는 일이거든요. 배우는 것 말이에요.
Unit 659. I have a unique birthday.
I have what some people might consider a rather unique date for a birthday.
English On The Go
I know some people might disagree,
but I have what I think is a rather unique date for a birthday … December 30th.
My birthday is wedged right in between Christmas and New Year's Day.
So, what that means to an outsider is that it looks like, and at least in Western culture or in American culture
where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children, I get less presents.
Because you get presents for Christmas and you get presents for your birthday,
and I think some people thought that I had presents that were combined, two holidays into one, Christmas and my birthday.
But that wasn't really the case.
And actually, I like having a birthday that is in the middle of a lot of activity,
because it helps me realize who my actual friends are,
the ones that reach out to call me and say “Happy Birthday.” on my actual birthday.
< Pattern Practice >
* be a rather unique ~ : 꽤 독특한 ~이다
1) 그건 꽤 독특한 제목이었어요.
It was a rather unique title.
2) 그건 꽤 독특한 재주네요.
That's a rather unique skill.
* reach out to ~ : ~에게 연락하다
1) 저는 그들에게 연락해서 고맙다고 할 거예요.
I'll reach out to them and say thanks.
2) 우리는 그녀에게 연락해서 제안했어요.
We reached out to her and made an offer.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
항상 그런 건 아니에요.
It’s not always the case.
In The Social World
Carol (여)
I have a unique birthday. It is 5/9/1959, or as my kids say, “5959.”
When is your birthday? 생일이 언제입니까?
What is your birthdate? 태어난 날짜는 언제입니까? ( birthdate 라고 하는 경우에는 태어난 해, 월, 일까지 말해야 함 )
Mohammad (남)
My birthday is unique ... February 14, Valentine's Day. I'm full of love.
< 해석 >
Richard / 미국
Speaking Summary
I have what some people might consider a rather unique date for a birthday.
저는 어떤 사람들이 꽤 독특하다고 생각할 수 있는 날짜가 생일이에요.
English On The Go
I know some people might disagree,
어떤 분들은 동의하지 않을 수도 있겠지만
but I have what I think is a rather unique date for a birthday … December 30th.
그런데 저는 제 생각에 생일 날짜가 꽤 독특한데, 12월 30일이에요.
My birthday is wedged right in between Christmas and New Year's Day.
제 생일은 크리스마스와 새해 첫날 사이에 끼어 있어요.
New Year's Day 1월 1일 새해 첫날
New Year's Eve 12월 31일
wedge 끼워 넣다, 밀어 넣다 명사) door stop 용으로 밀어넣는 삼각형 모양의 것, wedges 굽 높은 여성용 신발
웨지감자 potato wedges
So, what that means to an outsider is that it looks like, and at least in Western culture or in American culture
그래서 남들에게는 그게, 적어도 서양 문화나 미국 문화에서는 어떻게 보이냐면,
outsider 가족말고 남들
at least in Western culture or in American culture where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children
where Christmas is heavily celebrated and especially for children, I get less presents.
여기에서는 크리스마스가 성대하게 기념되고 특히 아이들에게는 크기 때문에, 제가 선물을 덜 받는 것처럼 보여요.
Because you get presents for Christmas and you get presents for your birthday,
왜냐하면, 크리스마스 때 선물을 받고, 생일 때도 선물을 받으니까요.
and I think some people thought that I had presents that were combined, two holidays into one, Christmas and my birthday.
그리고 어떤 사람들은 제가 선물을 합쳐서 받은 줄 알아요. 크리스마스와 제 생일을 합쳐서요.
holidays 일반적으로 생일을 가리키지는 않지만, 편의상 여기서는 생일을 지칭 +크리스마스
combine 결합하다, 합치다 , 명사 combination 줄이면 combo 콤비는 콩글리쉬 .. 콤비라는 말은 없다.
How about we combine the two offices?
사무실 두 곳을 하나로 합치면 어때요?
But that wasn't really the case.
그렇지만 그렇지는 않았어요.
And actually, I like having a birthday that is in the middle of a lot of activity,
그리고 사실 저는 여러 가지 활동이 있는 와중에 제 생일이 있어서 좋아요.
a lot of activity 활동 - 셀 수 있음, 여기서는 그냥 이것저것 ...
because it helps me realize who my actual friends are,
왜냐하면, 제 진짜 친구들이 누구인지를 알 수 있게 해 주거든요.
the ones that reach out to call me and say “Happy Birthday.” on my actual birthday.
제 실제 생일에 저한테 연락해서 ‘생일 축하해.’라고 말해 주는 친구들이요.
Unit 660. I'm fond of birthdays.
I've always been really fond of birthdays because I think they are the perfect excuse to ensure that your loved ones know how treasured and valuable they are to you.
English On The Go
I have always been really fond of birthdays,
not necessarily because of all the attention that you get or because of any parties,
but just because it's a day where you hear from loads of people in your life how they feel about you.
It's a day where people send you all these lovely, uplifting messages
about how they appreciate you and what you mean to them.
And although I wish this wasn't just a birthday thing
and I try to make it a daily-life thing where I would make sure that the people in my life know how much I appreciate them
and how much I value them and what they mean to me,
birthdays I think are a sort of yearly reminder to us all to express how we feel about our loved ones
and to make sure that they're aware that they're so valuable, they're so worthy, and they're so loved,
which is why I think birthdays are just such an uplifting and empowering day,
because you get to think about your life, you get all these messages from people that love you,
and you just get to think about the past year in a very grateful and reflective type of way, which I think is really valuable.
< Pattern Practice >
* loads of ~ : 많은 ~
1) 우리는 쓰레기를 많이 내다 버렸어요.
We threw out loads of trash.
2) 저는 서류를 많이 출력했어요.
I printed loads of documents.
* be not just a ~ thing : ~에만 관련된 것이 아니다
1) 이건 가족에만 관련된 게 아니에요.
1. This isn't just a family thing.
2) 그건 학교하고만 관련된 게 아니었어요.
2. It was not just a school thing.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
생일 선물로 받았어요.
I received it for my birthday.
In The Social World
Harry (남)
I'm fond of birthdays … when it's mine.
Reem (여)
I love festivities and exchanging gifts. I'm fond of any reason to celebrate with people.
festivities 기념하는 축제행사나 분위기
< 해석 >
Bluinse / 오스트리아
Speaking Summary
I've always been really fond of birthdays because I think they are the perfect excuse to ensure that your loved ones know how treasured and valuable they are to you.
저는 항상 생일을 좋아했는데, 그 이유는 사랑하는 사람들에게 그들이 얼마나 귀중하고 소중한지를 알려줄 수 있는 완벽한 핑계이기 때문이에요.
ensure = make sure 반드시 ~ 하다. 보장하다
English On The Go
I have always been really fond of birthdays,
저는 생일을 항상 정말 좋아했어요.
fond memories of childhood 어린 시절의 좋은 추억들
fond 좋아하는
not necessarily because of all the attention that you get or because of any parties,
사람들의 관심을 많이 받거나 파티를 하기 때문만은 아니었어요.
not necessarily 꼭 이것만은 아니다
attention 주의, 관심 ( 차렷 )
but just because it's a day where you hear from loads of people in your life how they feel about you.
많은 사람들로부터 그들이 나에 대해 어떻게 느끼는지 이야기를 들을 수 있는 날이기 때문이에요.
It's a day where people send you all these lovely, uplifting messages
사람들이 사랑스럽고 행복감을 주는 메시지들을 보내는 날이에요.
uplifting song 기분좋아지는 노래 , uplifting poems, uplifting movies .....
uplifting 행복감을 주는
about how they appreciate you and what you mean to them.
그들이 나의 존재를 감사히 여기고, 그들에게 내가 어떤 의미를 가진 존재인지에 대해서요.
you 사람들 또는 자기자신 = I
And although I wish this wasn't just a birthday thing
그리고 저는 이게 생일에만 하는 일이 아니었으면 좋겠지만,
and I try to make it a daily-life thing where I would make sure that the people in my life know how much I appreciate them
그리고 저는 제 삶 속의 사람들이 제가 그들을 얼마나 감사히 여기는지 알게 하는 일상의 일부로 만들기 위해 노력해요.
and how much I value them and what they mean to me,
그리고 제가 그들을 얼마나 소중히 여기는지, 그리고 그들이 저에게 어떤 의미인지를요.
birthdays I think are a sort of yearly reminder to us all to express how we feel about our loved ones
제 생각에 생일은 일 년에 한 번씩 우리 모두에게 사랑하는 사람들에 대한 감정을 표현하라고 상기시켜 주는 것 같아요.
and to make sure that they're aware that they're so valuable, they're so worthy, and they're so loved,
그리고 그들이 소중하고, 정말 가치 있고, 정말 사랑받는 사람들이라는 걸 그들이 알 수 있게 하라는 것을 말이에요.
worthy 훌륭한, 자격이 있는
which is why I think birthdays are just such an uplifting and empowering day,
그래서 저는 생일이 정말 행복감을 주고 힘을 주는 날이라고 생각해요.
empowering 힘을 주는, 자신감을 주는
because you get to think about your life, you get all these messages from people that love you,
왜냐하면, 자신의 인생에 대해서 생각할 수 있고, 자신을 사랑하는 사람들로부터 메시지를 많이 받고
and you just get to think about the past year in a very grateful and reflective type of way, which I think is really valuable.
그리고 감사하고 되돌아보는 마음으로 지난 일 년에 대해서 생각해 볼 수 있으니까요. 저는 이게 정말 소중하다고 생각해요.
reflective 사색적인
Unit 661. It's interesting how birthday celebrations change.
I think it's interesting how birthday celebrations change from when we're younger to when we're older.
English On The Go
I think it's really interesting to see how birthdays have changed from the time when we're young to the time when we're adults.
For example, one of my favorite birthdays that I remember as a kid was
when I was maybe eight or nine and my parents took my friends and I to an ice skating rink.
We had this amazing time just skating around the park.
We had pizza and hot dogs and ice cream, and it was really unhealthy but really, really fun.
And then getting into high school and college,
it was more about having, like, a lot of people at your party but not necessarily having, like, a big celebration
where we go to some place and spend a ton of money, because we don't have a lot of money as students.
But it was more about just getting a bunch of people together.
And now as an adult, it's for me personally more about spending quality time with a close group of friends.
Maybe grab dinner or some drinks, but just something very simple.
I don't try to make a big deal about getting older anymore.
So I think that's interesting how birthdays seem to change.
< Pattern Practice >
* from the time ~ : ~했을 때부터
1) 저는 그가 15살이었을 때부터 그를 알았어요.
I knew him from the time he was 15.
2) 그 카페가 처음 문을 열었을 때부터 사람들은 그곳을 좋아했어요.
From the time the cafe first opened, people loved it.
* be more about –ing : ~가 더 중요하다
1) 그 순간을 즐기는 게 더 중요했어요.
It was more about enjoying the moment.
2) 이 행사는 경험을 나누는 것이 더 중요한 부분입니다.
This event is more about sharing experiences.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
생일 때 어떤 선물 받고 싶어요?
What do you want for your birthday?
In The Social World
Sami (남)
It's funny how birthdays change as you get older. This time a few years ago, I was celebrating. Now I'm just ready to sleep.
Samm (여)
I'm starting my birthday sipping coffee and watching this documentary, feeling perfectly content to never leave the house today. It's weird how birthdays change over the years.
content 만족하는 , 2음절에 강세
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
I think it's interesting how birthday celebrations change from when we're younger to when we're older.
생일을 기념하는 방식이 우리가 어렸을 때와 나이가 들었을 때 차이가 나는 것이 흥미로운 것 같아요.
interesting how = interesting that interesting 뒤에 how가 올 때 대개 이런 뜻
English On The Go
I think it's really interesting to see how birthdays have changed from the time when we're young to the time when we're adults.
우리가 어렸을 때부터 어른이 된 지금까지 생일이 어떻게 달라졌는가를 보면 정말 흥미로운 것 같아요.
I think it's interesting how 라면 .. ~라는 사실이 흥미롭다 정도로 번역될 때가 굉장히 많다.
I think it's really interesting to see how 에서 to see 가 들어가서 어떻게 ~ 했는지 보는 것이 흥미롭다로 해석 됨.
( how 를 that 처럼 번역할 수도 있음 , 둘 다 가능 함 )
we're young = we were young 라고 했어도 괜찮음
For example, one of my favorite birthdays that I remember as a kid was
예를 들어 제가 어렸을 때 제일 좋아했던 생일 중 하나는
when I was maybe eight or nine and my parents took my friends and I to an ice skating rink.
아마 제가 8살인가 9살이었을 때, 부모님이 제 친구들과 저를 스케이트장에 데려가 주셨을 때였어요.
나이 뒤에는 years old 생략 됨
took my friends and I 문법적으로는 took my friends and me
We had this amazing time just skating around the park.
그냥 공원에서 스케이트를 타면서 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.
We had pizza and hot dogs and ice cream, and it was really unhealthy but really, really fun.
우리는 피자도 먹고 핫도그도 먹고 아이스크림도 먹었는데, 건강에는 정말 안 좋은 음식들이었지만 정말 재미있었어요.
unhealthy 건강하지 못한, 건강에 안 좋은
And then getting into high school and college,
그리고 고등학교와 대학에 들어가서는
it was more about having, like, a lot of people at your party but not necessarily having, like, a big celebration
많은 사람들을 파티에 부르는 게 더 중요했고, 성대하게 기념하는 게 중요한 건 아니었어요.
like 두 개의 like 는 크게 의미 없는 단어
it was about ~ : ~ 에 관련 되어 있다
it was more about ~ : ~ 중요하다 ( 더 관련되어 있다 )
where we go to some place and spend a ton of money, because we don't have a lot of money as students.
어떤 곳에 가서 돈을 많이 쓰는 그런 거 말이에요. 왜냐하면 학생은 돈이 별로 없으니까요.
But it was more about just getting a bunch of people together.
그런데 그냥 많은 사람들을 한 자리에 모으는 게 더 중요했어요.
And now as an adult, it's for me personally more about spending quality time with a close group of friends.
그리고 이제 어른이 되어서 저는 개인적으로, 소수의 가까운 친구들 몇 명과 좋은 시간을 보내는 게 중요해요.
quality 양질의 ( 원래 질, 품질 이란 뜻이지만 형용사로 쓰일때 good quality 의 뜻을 내포할 수 있다. )
Maybe grab dinner or some drinks, but just something very simple.
예를 들어 저녁 식사를 하거나 뭘 좀 마시거나 하는데, 그냥 아주 간소하게 하는 거예요.
grab 간단히 하다
I don't try to make a big deal about getting older anymore.
나이가 더 드는 것에 대해서 더 이상 유난을 떨지 않아요.
a big deal out of something, a big deal about something : ~ 에 대해서 유난을 떨다
So I think that's interesting how birthdays seem to change.
그래서 생일이 변화하는 게 흥미로운 것 같아요.
Unit 662. I got a lot of cakes on my birthday.
It was actually my birthday a few days ago, and for the first time I think ever, I received about four cakes in one day.
English On The Go
It was my birthday a few days ago, and although by the time this airs,
I guess maybe my birthday will be a little while away, depending on when it airs …
But I really like to bake.
And because of that, a lot of … I think for maybe the last three or so years,
I haven't got an actual birthday cake for my birthday.
My friends and family like to get me, like, a tart or, like, something else, or sometimes I've made my own.
And so, yeah, I haven't actually received a birthday cake in a long time.
And on my birthday this year, I found myself getting four … or three and a big doughnut.
So it was really amazing because at a birthday party, two people brought a whole cake each.
And then someone … We had eaten one earlier in the day because I didn't think I was going to get one.
I didn't expect it. So I was so touched and humbled by that.
And of course I ate all of the cakes and the giant doughnut that I also got instead of a cake. Thank you for the gifts.
< Pattern Practice >
* the last three or so years : 지난 3년 정도
1) 지난 3년 정도는 힘든 시기였어요.
The last three or so years have been tough.
2) 저는 지난 3년 정도는 회원이었어요.
I've been a member for the last three or so years.
* get ~ instead of ~ : ~ 대신에 ~를 받다
1) 저는 이메일 대신에 전화를 받았어요.
I got a call instead of an e-mail.
2) 그녀는 책 대신에 영화표를 받았어요.
She got movie tickets instead of books.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
감동적인 이야기였어요.
It was a touching story.
It was a moving story.
In The Social World
Matthew (남)
Last year I got three cakes on my birthday, so this one has a lot to live up to.
, 올해 생일은 작년만큼 받기 쉽지 않겠다는 말 ( 기대치에 부응하기 힘듦 )
this one 이번 생일
has a lot to live up to '(다른 사람이) 기대치에 부응하려면 많은 노력을 해야된다'
Samaria (여)
I got multiple cakes for my birthday, including a homemade ice cream cake. Now that's love.
< 해석 >
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
It was actually my birthday a few days ago, and for the first time I think ever, I received about four cakes in one day.
사실 며칠 전에 제 생일이었는데, 제 생각에는 처음으로 하루에 케이크를 네 개 정도 받았어요.
for the first time I think ever .. first 와 ever 가 가까이 있는 경우가 흔함
for the first time ever I think, first ever ~
English On The Go
It was my birthday a few days ago, and although by the time this airs,
며칠 전에 제 생일이었어요. 물론 이게 방송으로 나갈 때쯤에는
air 방송되다
The show airs every morning at 7:30 AM.
그 프로그램은 매일 아침 7시 30분에 방송됩니다.
I guess maybe my birthday will be a little while away, depending on when it airs …
어쩌면 제 생일은 좀 지난 뒤겠죠? 언제 방송이 나가느냐에 따라서요.
away 아직 돌아오지않은 날짜, My birthday is two months away. My birthday was two months ago.
But I really like to bake.
그런데 저는 베이킹 하는 걸 정말 좋아해요.
But 여기서는 anyway 와 비슷한 뜻
And because of that, a lot of … I think for maybe the last three or so years,
그리고 그 이유로, 제 생각에 아마 지난 3년 정도는
I haven't got an actual birthday cake for my birthday.
제 생일에 생일 케이크를 받은 적이 없어요.
an actual birthday cake 생일때 받는 것 처럼 생긴 케잌을 받은 적이 없다..
My friends and family like to get me, like, a tart or, like, something else, or sometimes I've made my own.
제 친구들과 가족은 저한테 타르트나 다른 뭔가를 주는 걸 좋아하는데, 가끔은 제가 직접 만든 적도 있어요.
And so, yeah, I haven't actually received a birthday cake in a long time.
그래서 저는 오랫동안 실제로 생일 케이크를 받아 본 적이 없어요.
haven't done something in a long time ~를 안 한지 오래되었다. 오랫동안 해 본적이 없다.
And on my birthday this year, I found myself getting four … or three and a big doughnut.
그리고 올해 제 생일 때는 네 개, 아니 세 개를 받았고 큰 도넛도 받았어요.
found myself getting 계획한 건 아니고 어쩌다 보니 그렇게 되었다는 전개를 나타낼 때 씀
예) 이거 안 살거야 라고 친구들에게 말 해놓고, At the end of the week, I found myself paying for one.
So it was really amazing because at a birthday party, two people brought a whole cake each.
정말 대단했어요. 왜냐하면, 생일 파티에서 두 사람이 각각 하나씩 케이크를 가지고 왔거든요.
And then someone … We had eaten one earlier in the day because I didn't think I was going to get one.
그러고 나서 누군가가... 그날 저는 케이크를 받을 거라고 생각을 못 해서 이미 케이크 하나를 먹었었거든요.
I didn't expect it. So I was so touched and humbled by that.
예상을 못 했어요. 그래서 저는 정말 감동하고 겸허한 마음이 들었어요.
humbled 이란 표현이 영어에서는 자주 쓰임.. 일반적
touch 감동시키다
humble 겸허하게 만들다
And of course I ate all of the cakes and the giant doughnut that I also got instead of a cake. Thank you for the gifts.
그리고 물론 저는 그 케이크 전부랑 케이크 대신에 받은 큰 도넛까지 다 먹었어요. 선물 감사합니다.
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