Unit 675. I feel like e-mail is outdated.
I personally feel like e-mail is a bit outdated and we don't really use it that much anymore.
English On The Go
So this might just be my own personal opinion, but I feel like e-mail has kind of become a bit, like, outdated.
For example, I remember when e-mails first kind of became a thing.
I was quite young, but everybody got one at the time.
And we really used them almost like a messaging, like a messenger program.
We would send e-mails to each other.
We'd have these cute little sign, like, signatures at the bottom.
And you'd just check in to see with your friends what they were doing for the weekend.
But then as technology evolved, we got instant messengers and then text messaging and then messaging apps.
And now I feel like I only really use e-mail for business-related purposes,
for maybe messaging a company or sending documents or, you know, explaining a wordy situation.
But I really feel like it has become a little bit outdated and now is only used in certain specific situations or spam.
What do you guys think?
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outdated 구식인
ex) The software is outdated.
signature 서명
evolve 발달하다, 진화하다
wordy 장황한
< Pattern Practice >
* I remember when ~ first : ~가 처음 ~했을 때가 기억나요
1) 저는 처음 휴대전화를 샀을 때가 기억나요.
I remember when I first bought a cellphone.
2) 당신이 처음 저 문으로 걸어 들어왔을 때가 기억나요.
I remember when you first walked in through that door.
* almost like a(n) ~ : 거의 ~같은
1) 우리는 거의 가족 같았어요.
We were almost like a family.
2) 그건 거의 로봇 같아 보였어요.
It looked almost like a robot.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
저는 이메일을 업무용으로만 써요.
I only use e-mail for work.
In The Social World
Ashlee (여)
People think e-mailing is outdated. I e-mail people all the time. It becomes a requirement sometimes when you're an adult.
Tayyab (남)
Isn't e-mail an outdated thing now? The future is social media and other apps. You can send all your queries through social-media direct messaging.
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
I personally feel like e-mail is a bit outdated and we don't really use it that much anymore.
저는 개인적으로 이메일이 좀 구식인 것 같고 더 이상 그렇게 많이 안 쓰는 것 같아요.
Vocabulary Check
outdated 구식인
signature 서명
evolve 발달하다, 진화하다
wordy 장황한
English On The Go
So this might just be my own personal opinion, but I feel like e-mail has kind of become a bit, like, outdated.
이건 그냥 제 개인 의견일 수도 있지만, 저는 이메일은 좀 구식이 된 것 같아요.
outdated 구식인
The software is outdated.
소프트웨어가 오래된 버전이에요.
For example, I remember when e-mails first kind of became a thing.
예를 들어, 저는 이메일이 처음 흔해지기 시작했을 때가 생각나요.
I was quite young, but everybody got one at the time.
저는 아주 어렸었는데, 그 당시에 모두 다 이메일 주소를 만들었어요.
And we really used them almost like a messaging, like a messenger program.
그리고 우리는 메시지처럼, 메신저 프로그램처럼 이메일을 썼어요.
We would send e-mails to each other.
우리는 서로에게 이메일을 보내곤 했어요.
We'd have these cute little sign, like, signatures at the bottom.
끝부분에 귀여운 서명을 한 마디 덧붙이곤 했어요.
signature 서명
And you'd just check in to see with your friends what they were doing for the weekend.
그리고 친구들과 연락해서 주말에 뭐 하는지 확인하곤 했어요.
But then as technology evolved, we got instant messengers and then text messaging and then messaging apps.
그런데 기술이 발달하면서 우리는 인스턴트 메신저 프로그램들이 생겼고, 문자도 생기고, 메시지 보내는 앱들이 생겼어요.
evolve 발달하다, 진화하다
And now I feel like I only really use e-mail for business-related purposes,
그리고 이제 저는 이메일을 업무 관련된 목적으로만 사용하는 것 같아요.
for maybe messaging a company or sending documents or, you know, explaining a wordy situation.
예를 들어 어떤 회사에 메시지를 보내거나 문서를 보내거나, 장황한 상황을 설명할 때 말이에요.
wordy 장황한
But I really feel like it has become a little bit outdated and now is only used in certain specific situations or spam.
그런데 저는 이메일이 정말로 조금 구식이 된 것 같고 특정 상황이나 스팸 용도로만 쓰이는 것 같아요.
What do you guys think?
여러분은 어떻게 생각하세요?
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