Unit 677. My first e-mail address was a secret.
I made my first e-mail address to keep a secret from my parents.
English On The Go
I actually made my first e-mail address in order to keep a secret from my parents.
Now, I know that sounds bad, but it really wasn't.
In the first grade, there was this website that all my classmates were on
where you sign up and you make these virtual pets and you play games with all your friends, and it was tons of fun.
And I wanted to be a part of it.
So I went to sign up, and they said, “Put in your parents' e-mail address to play this game.”
So I called my friend who was really good with computers,
and I was like, “Hey, they say they need my parents' e-mail address. Should I put that in?”
She's like, “No, absolutely not. Don't put it in.”
“Because if you put in your parents' e-mail address, then it's going to e-mail your parents
and they're going to know you're playing games on the computer and not actually doing schoolwork. So don't do that.“
So instead, I made my own e-mail address, and I signed up for an account using that e-mail.
And my parents were none the wiser.
They had no idea that I was playing for hours on end. I just told them it was some school thing.
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virtual 가상의
schoolwork 학업, 학교 공부
none the wiser 여전히 모르는
< Pattern Practice >
* there is this ~ : 어떤 ~가 있어요
1) 제가 찾은 어떤 TV 프로그램이 있었어요.
There was this TV show I found.
2) 그녀가 안 좋아하는 어떤 남자가 있어요.
There's this guy that she doesn't like.
* for ~ on end : 계속해서 ~동안이나
1) 며칠 동안 계속 냄새가 날 거예요.
It will smell for days on end.
2) 저는 그걸 몇 주 동안이나 못 찾고 있었어요.
I couldn't find it for weeks on end.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
계정이 있는 줄도 몰랐어요.
I didn’t even know I had an account.
In The Social World
Z019 (여)
My first e-mail address was on some "kids' account" so my parents could monitor it.
Robert (남)
Up until I moved to Europe, I kept my e-mail address secret from my parents because my mom always forwarded chain e-mails.
< 해석 >
Jordan / 미국
Speaking Summary
I made my first e-mail address to keep a secret from my parents.
저는 제 첫 이메일 주소를 부모님에게서 비밀을 지키기 위해서 만들었어요.
Vocabulary Check
virtual 가상의
schoolwork 학업, 학교 공부
none the wiser 여전히 모르는
English On The Go
I actually made my first e-mail address in order to keep a secret from my parents.
저는 사실 제 첫 번째 이메일 주소를 부모님에게서 비밀을 감추기 위해서 만들었어요.
Now, I know that sounds bad, but it really wasn't.
심각한 상황처럼 들리겠지만 그런 건 아니었어요.
In the first grade, there was this website that all my classmates were on
1학년 때, 저희 반 친구들이 모두 쓰고 있던 어떤 웹사이트가 있었어요.
where you sign up and you make these virtual pets and you play games with all your friends, and it was tons of fun.
가입해서 가상의 애완동물을 만들고 친구들이랑 게임을 하는 거였는데 정말 재미있었어요.
virtual 가상의
And I wanted to be a part of it.
그리고 저도 거기에 참여하고 싶었어요.
So I went to sign up, and they said, “Put in your parents' e-mail address to play this game.”
그래서 가입하러 들어갔는데, ‘이 게임을 하려면 부모님 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.’라고 쓰여 있었어요.
So I called my friend who was really good with computers,
그래서 컴퓨터를 정말 잘하는 제 친구에게 전화를 했어요.
and I was like, “Hey, they say they need my parents' e-mail address. Should I put that in?”
그리고 이렇게 말했어요. “부모님 이메일 주소 필요하다는데, 그거 넣어야 돼?”
She's like, “No, absolutely not. Don't put it in.”
그 친구는 이렇게 말했어요. “안 돼. 절대 안 돼. 입력하지 마.”
“Because if you put in your parents' e-mail address, then it's going to e-mail your parents
“왜냐하면 부모님 이메일 주소를 입력하면 부모님한테 이메일을 보낼 거야.”
and they're going to know you're playing games on the computer and not actually doing schoolwork. So don't do that.“
“그러면 네가 컴퓨터로 게임을 하고 있고, 공부하는 게 아니라는 걸 부모님이 알게 되실 거야. 그러니까 그러면 안 돼.”
schoolwork 학업, 학교 공부
So instead, I made my own e-mail address, and I signed up for an account using that e-mail.
그래서 그 대신 저는 제 이메일 주소를 만들어서 그 이메일을 이용해서 계정을 만들었어요.
And my parents were none the wiser.
그리고 부모님은 그걸 모르셨어요.
none the wiser 여전히 모르는
They had no idea that I was playing for hours on end. I just told them it was some school thing.
부모님은 제가 몇 시간씩이나 게임을 한다는 걸 전혀 모르셨어요. 저는 그게 그냥 학교 숙제라고 말했어요.
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