Unit 679. It's fun to compare childhood memories.
Sharing and comparing childhood memories is a great way to learn about other people.
English On The Go
One of my favorite things to talk about are childhood memories.
And I am super fortunate to have some great memories from when I was a kid,
although it seems as I'm getting older, I'm starting to forget them more and more, which is not good.
But, yeah, one of my favorite things to do is
to talk with my friends about our childhood memories and compare them because they were so different.
I grew up in the countryside, and so we had a small group of kids that lived near each other.
And we would ride bikes and build tree forts and, you know, go dirt biking and just all this outdoor activity
because we pretty much lived and played outside in nature.
But compared to some of my friends who grew up in the city,
who would go to the park and would go to these big shopping malls and spend time out at the food court …
is a completely different childhood memory.
So it's always fun to compare and share and learn about people
and how they became who they are and their perspective on life based on how they grew up.
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fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
fort 요새
perspective 관점, 시각
< Pattern Practice >
* be super ~ to ~ : ~하는 건 정말 ~해요
1) 여기 와 있으니 정말 이상하네요.
It's super weird to be here.
2) 그는 그 소식을 듣고 정말 신났어요.
He was super excited to hear the news.
* As I ~, I start to ~ : ~하면 ~하기 시작하다
1) 저는 자전거를 타면, 평온한 기분이 들기 시작해요.
As I ride my bike, I start to feel peaceful.
2) 그의 이야기를 들으니, 저는 질문이 생겼어요.
As I listened to his story, I started to have questions.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
저는 어렸을 때 기억이 잘 안 나요.
I don’t remember much from my childhood.
In The Social World
Jeej (여)
The forgetful sibling, me, is comparing childhood memories with my sister to make sure I didn't fabricate them.
뭔가 잘 잊어버리는 형제자매인, 나는, 어린시절의 기억을( 지어내지 않게) 확신을 갖기위해 내 시스터와 비교한다.
fabricate 지어내는 것, (거짓 정보를) 날조하다[조작하다]
Lou (남)
At our B&B in Canada, another guest and I compared childhood memories of a hurricane hitting New York City in 1960.
캐나다의 B&B에서 다른 손님과 나는 어린 시절의 기억을 비교했다. 1960년에 허리캐인이 왔었던 기억에 대해서
B&B ; bed and breakfast 숙박을 할 수 있는 곳.
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
Sharing and comparing childhood memories is a great way to learn about other people.
어린 시절 추억 이야기를 나누고 비교하는 건 서로에 대해서 알 수 있는 좋은 방법이에요.
Sharing 공유하고 나누는 거지만, 이야기를 해 주는 것도 share
Vocabulary Check
fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
fort 요새
perspective 관점, 시각
English On The Go
One of my favorite things to talk about are childhood memories.
제가 이야기하기 제일 좋아하는 것 중 하나는 어린 시절 추억이에요.
are 는 뒤에 memories 를 생각하고 말 한거기 때문에 썼지만, 일반적으로 is를 씀
둘 다 맞음
And I am super fortunate to have some great memories from when I was a kid,
그리고 저는 어렸을 때 좋은 추억들이 있어서 정말 운이 좋아요.
fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
although it seems as I'm getting older, I'm starting to forget them more and more, which is not good.
나이가 들면서 더 많이 잊어버리는 것 같고, 그건 좋은 건 아니지만요.
although (단서를 붙인 것) 좋은데 이런 면도 있지만요 ..
as I'm getting older 나이가 들면서
But, yeah, one of my favorite things to do is
그런데 제가 제일 좋아하는 것 중 하나는
to talk with my friends about our childhood memories and compare them because they were so different.
친구들과 어린 시절 추억에 관해서 이야기하고 비교하는 건데요, 정말 달랐거든요.
I grew up in the countryside, and so we had a small group of kids that lived near each other.
저는 시골에서 자라서, 가까운 곳에 사는 친구들이 몇 명 있었어요.
and so = so
And we would ride bikes and build tree forts and, you know, go dirt biking and just all this outdoor activity
그리고 우리는 자전거를 타고, 나무 위에 집도 만들고, 비포장도로에서 오토바이도 타고, 이런 온갖 야외 활동을 했어요.
activity ; activites 라고 해도 됨,
fort 요새
because we pretty much lived and played outside in nature.
왜냐하면, 우리는 거의 자연 속에서 살고 놀았으니까요.
pretty much ; 거의 almost, basically, 쉽게 말해서 .., 기본적으로,
But compared to some of my friends who grew up in the city,
그런데 도시에서 자란 제 몇몇 친구들과 비교했을 때
some of my friends 몇몇 친구들 (자주 쓰임, 발음이 빠르다 보니까 썸어 처럼 들림)
who would go to the park and would go to these big shopping malls and spend time out at the food court …
그 친구들은 공원에 가거나 큰 쇼핑몰에 가서 푸드 코트에서 시간을 보내곤 했는데
is a completely different childhood memory.
완전히 다른 어린 시절의 추억이에요.
원래 It is a ~ 이어야 하지만, 앞에 주어가 나온 것처럼 했음.
So it's always fun to compare and share and learn about people
그래서 비교하고, 이야기 나누고, 다른 사람들에 대해서 알게 되는 건 항상 재미있어요.
and how they became who they are and their perspective on life based on how they grew up.
그리고 그들이 어떻게 이런 사람이 되었는지와 자란 환경에 따라 어떤 인생관을 갖고 있는지에 대해서요.
perspective on life 인생관
perspective 관점, 시각
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