Unit 680. I played in the sandbox as a kid.
One of my very earliest memories from childhood was playing in the backyard sandbox with one of my best friends.
English On The Go
I have a ton of childhood memories.
I feel extremely fortunate because in our neighborhood where I grew up,
just two houses down one of my best friends also grew up,
and he is only two months older than me to the day.
So because we were virtually the same age and had many of the same interests, we spent a lot of time together.
And one of my very earliest memories from my childhood was spending time with him in the backyard sandbox.
Do you know what a sandbox is?
I don't know if they have them in Korea, but we do have them in the United States.
Children still have them. You can buy them now.
They're made of plastic, but I think the one that we played in growing up was made from my father out of wood.
It was just a square box, and then you buy sand, very much similar to sand at the beach, pour it into the box.
And then you play around like you're at the beach, except for it's located in your backyard.
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extremely 극도로, 극히
virtually 사실상, 거의
< Pattern Practice >
* two ~ down : 하나 건너서
1) 그녀는 옆 옆 사무실에 있어요.
She's two offices down.
2) 저쪽으로 두 블록 가셔야 해요.
You should go two streets down.
* be virtually the same ~ : 사실상 똑같다.
1) 그건 사실상 똑같은 거였어요.
It was virtually the same thing.
2) 그건 거의 불가능한 거였어요.
It was virtually impossible.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
어렸을 때 그거 저도 있었어요.
I used to have one, too, when I was a kid.
I used to have it 대신에 누구나 가지고 있을 수 있는 기성품일 때 one이 훨씬 자연스럽다.
In The Social World
Adrian (남)
Can I go back to the days where I just played in the sandbox, chilling in my diaper?
샌드박스에서 놀던 시절로 되돌아 갈 수 있나요, 기저귀차고 편안하게 놀던 ?
chilling 릴렉싱의 의미, 편안하게
Janelle (여)
I have not played in the sandbox in forever. The last time I played in the sandbox was when I was a kid.
샌드박스에서 안 놀아본지 정말 오래 되었다. 가장 마지막은 어렸을 때 였다 .
in forever = in a long time.
< 해석 >
Richard / 미국
Speaking Summary
One of my very earliest memories from childhood was playing in the backyard sandbox with one of my best friends.
가장 어렸을 때의 기억 중 하나는 제 가장 친한 친구들 중 한 명과 뒷마당에 있는 모래 놀이통에서 논 거예요.
Vocabulary Check
extremely 극도로, 극히
virtually 사실상, 거의
English On The Go
I have a ton of childhood memories.
저는 어렸을 때 추억이 정말 많아요.
I feel extremely fortunate because in our neighborhood where I grew up,
저는 정말 운이 좋았다고 느끼는데, 왜냐하면 제가 자랐던 동네에서는
extremely 극도로, 극히
just two houses down one of my best friends also grew up,
한 집 건너서 있는 집에 제 제일 친한 친구 중 한 명이 살았거든요.
two houses down 한 집 건너
one house down 바로 옆집
cf) two blocks down ; first block, second block ...
and he is only two months older than me to the day.
그리고 그 친구는 저보다 정확히 딱 두 달 나이가 많았어요.
So because we were virtually the same age and had many of the same interests, we spent a lot of time together.
그래서 저희는 거의 나이가 같았고, 같은 관심사도 많았기 때문에, 많은 시간을 함께 보냈어요.
virtually 사실상, 거의
cf: VR ; virtual reality 가상 현실
And one of my very earliest memories from my childhood was spending time with him in the backyard sandbox.
그리고 가장 어렸을 때의 기억 중 하나는 그 친구랑 뒷마당의 모래 놀이통에서 시간을 보냈던 거예요.
very 강조
Do you know what a sandbox is?
모래 놀이통이 뭔지 아세요?
I don't know if they have them in Korea, but we do have them in the United States.
한국에도 있는지 모르겠는데, 미국에는 있어요.
they 일반적인 사람들, people
Children still have them. You can buy them now.
아직도 (요즘) 아이들한테 있는 거고요. 지금도 살 수 있어요.
They're made of plastic, but I think the one that we played in growing up was made from my father out of wood.
플라스틱으로 만드는 건데, 어렸을 때 저희가 들어가서 놀았던 건 저희 아빠가 나무로 만드신 거였어요.
made of, made with, made out of, made using ..
made from my father out of wood ; made by my father .. 와 비슷, 아빠로 부터 받은 박스라는 의미를 포함함.
It was just a square box, and then you buy sand, very much similar to sand at the beach, pour it into the box.
그냥 정사각형으로 된 상자인데, 모래를 사서, 바닷가에 있는 모래와 아주 비슷한데, 그 상자 안에 붓는 거예요.
And then you play around like you're at the beach, except for it's located in your backyard.
그리고는 바닷가에 있는 것처럼 노는 건데, 유일한 차이는 집 뒷마당에 있는 모래통이라는 거죠.
except for = except , except for the fact that
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