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EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 715

Unit 715. I don't know what the trends are now. I'm not one for following trends. In fact, I have no idea what's popular right now. English On The Go I'm not much for following trends. In fact, I have no idea what's popular these days. So I went on the internet and searched “newest trends 2019” and the top link that popped up, I clicked on. 그래서 인터넷에서 ‘2019년 최신 트렌드’를 검색해 봤고, 첫 번째로 뜬 링크를 열어 봤어요. -..

생활 영어 2019.09.11

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 708 to 712 [ Planning ]

Unit 708. I like to plan some things but not everything. I'm the kind of person who likes to plan certain things in advance but still doing some spontaneous things in my daily life. English On The Go I'm pretty sure there are three types of people in the world … those who plan everything in advance as if their life depends on it, those who don't plan anything ever and just go along with whatever..