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EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 703 to 707 [ Patience ]

Unit 703. I'm patient, especially with birthday gifts. I believe I'm a very patient person because even if for some reason there is a birthday gift at my home half a year in advance, I'm not going to open it until it's my birthday. English On The Go When it comes to gifts, I am officially the most patient person in the world, and I'm pretty proud of that. I feel like not many people can contain ..

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 698 to 702 [ Emergency ]

Unit 698. It's important to be prepared for an emergency. It's important to be well prepared for an emergency, so it's necessary to have important supplies, such as water. English On The Go It's important to be well prepared in an emergency. I got this gift a while back that is an emergency kit. It has things you need to survive a disaster. ----------------- It has a whistle so you can call out ..