Unit 715. I don't know what the trends are now.
I'm not one for following trends. In fact, I have no idea what's popular right now.
English On The Go
I'm not much for following trends.
In fact, I have no idea what's popular these days.
So I went on the internet and searched “newest trends 2019” and the top link that popped up, I clicked on.
그래서 인터넷에서 ‘2019년 최신 트렌드’를 검색해 봤고, 첫 번째로 뜬 링크를 열어 봤어요.
And it said that bamboo handbags are some of the newest trends that are happening this year.
Is that really true?
I can't believe how out of the loop I am.
But that wasn't always the case.
When I was in middle school, I really, really desperately wanted all the name-brand items, at least for clothing,
because I was deathly afraid of what some of my peers would think
if I didn't have the coolest, hippest, newest trends.
Like, for instance, my sneakers. I don't know what happened.
I guess I started buying all of my own items, and that desire to have all the newest trends sort of faded away.
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desperately 절망적으로, 필사적으로
peers 또래, 친구
fade away 점차 사라지다
< Pattern Practice >
* be not much for –ing : ~를 별로 안 좋아해요
1) 저는 탄산음료를 마시는 걸 별로 안 좋아했어요.
I wasn't much for drinking soda.
2) 그녀는 원피스 입는 걸 별로 안 좋아해요.
She's not much for wearing dresses.
* cannot believe how ~ : 너무 ~해서 놀랍다
1) 그는 그들이 너무 친절해서 놀라워해요.
He can't believe how nice they are.
2) 우리는 그게 너무 오래 걸려서 놀랐어요.
We couldn't believe how long it took.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
외국에서도 인기를 얻고 있어요.
It’s catching on overseas, too.
In The Social World
Tyler (남)
If only I were hip enough to know what the trends are right now.
Lauren (여)
I don't even know what the trends are anymore. I can't keep up.
< 해석 >
Richard / 미국
Speaking Summary
I'm not one for following trends. In fact, I have no idea what's popular right now.
저는 유행을 따르는 사람이 아니에요. 사실, 지금 뭐가 인기 있는지 저는 몰라요.
Vocabulary Check
desperately 절망적으로, 필사적으로
peers 또래, 친구
fade away 점차 사라지다
English On The Go
I'm not much for following trends.
저는 유행을 별로 따르지 않아요.
In fact, I have no idea what's popular these days.
사실, 요즘 뭐가 인기 있는지 저는 전혀 몰라요.
So I went on the internet and searched “newest trends 2019” and the top link that popped up, I clicked on.
그래서 인터넷에서 ‘2019년 최신 트렌드’를 검색해 봤고, 첫 번째로 뜬 링크를 열어 봤어요.
And it said that bamboo handbags are some of the newest trends that are happening this year.
그리고 대나무 핸드백이 올해 최신 유행 중 하나라고 하더라고요.
Is that really true?
그게 정말인가요?
I can't believe how out of the loop I am.
제가 요즘 상황을 정말 모르는 것 같아요.
But that wasn't always the case.
하지만 항상 그랬던 것은 아니었어요.
When I was in middle school, I really, really desperately wanted all the name-brand items, at least for clothing,
제가 중학생 때는 저는 적어도 옷에 관해서는 모든 유명 브랜드 상품들을 정말 필사적으로 갖고 싶었어요.
desperately 절망적으로, 필사적으로
because I was deathly afraid of what some of my peers would think
왜냐하면 제 친구들이 어떻게 생각할지를 정말 두려워했거든요.
peers 또래, 친구
if I didn't have the coolest, hippest, newest trends.
제가 가장 멋진 최신 유행 상품을 갖고 있지 않으면 말이에요.
Like, for instance, my sneakers. I don't know what happened.
예를 들어서, 운동화 같은 거요. 어떻게 된 건지 모르겠어요.
I guess I started buying all of my own items, and that desire to have all the newest trends sort of faded away.
제가 원하는 물건들을 사기 시작하고, 최신 유행을 다 갖고 싶은 마음이 점차 사라지기 시작한 것 같아요.
fade away 점차 사라지다
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