생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 633

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 20. 22:48

Unit 633. Parents should keep their promises.

< 본문 >

Parents should really consider keeping the promises they make to their kids, because I'm still pretty sad about not getting that fries maker that my dad promised me when I was six.

English on the go

I think parents are very good at making promises but are not very good at keeping them, whether it's because they think that the kid forgotten what they were promised by the time it's time to deliver, or it's because they actually forgot what they promised.

 And my dad is a clear example of that because when I was a kid, he promised me all these things that I will remember forever that he never actually delivered, such as ice cream maker, cotton candy maker, a fries machine, a pair of boots, a trip to Egypt, and a fishing trip.

And I'm sure, you know, he forgot somewhere along the way, and I got really nice things instead.

But don't think kids can't remember what you promised them, because we do.

deliver 배달하다. 약속을 지키다

ex) We never fail to deliver on our promises.

cotton candy 솜사탕

somewhere along the way 시간이 지나면서


< Pattern Practice >

* by the time it is ~  :  ~ 일 때가 되면 

1) 제 차례가 되면 저는 준비가 되어 있을 거에요.

I'll be ready by the time it's my turn.

2) 12월이 되었을 때, 거리에는 장식들이 있었어요.

By the time it was December, there were decorations in the street.


* be a clear example of ~  :  ~ 의 확실한 예이다

1) 그는 일에 중독된 사람의 확실한 예에요.

He's a clear example of a workaholic.

2) 그녀는 혁신적인 지도자의 확실한 예입니다.

She's a clear example of an innovative leader.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

완전 잊고 있었어요.

It totally slipped my mind.

In The Social World

Skyla ()

Why do parents think it's okay to promise their kid something and then let it go without telling them?


Morgan ()

Don't you just love when your parents make promises and then break them but don't understand why you're mad?


< 해석 >

Alyona / 우크라이나


Parents should keep their promises.

부모들은 약속을 지켜야 해요.

Speaking Summary

Parents should really consider keeping the promises they make to their kids, because I'm still pretty sad about not getting that fries maker that my dad promised me when I was six.
부모들은 정말 아이들에게 하는 약속을 지키는 것을 고려해야 해요. 저희 아빠가 제가 여섯 살 때 약속하셨던 감자튀김 기계를 안 사 주셔서 저는 여전히 아주 속상하거든요.

English On The Go

I think parents are very good at making promises but are not very good at keeping them,

저는 부모들이 약속은 정말 잘하지만 지키는 건 잘 못 한다고 생각해요.


whether it's because they think that the kid has forgotten what they were promised by the time it's time to deliver,

그 약속을 지킬 때가 됐을 때 아이가 어떤 걸 약속 받았었는지 잊어버렸다고 생각해서든,


deliver 배달하다, 약속을 지키다


We never fail to deliver on our promises.

우리는 약속을 어기는 법이 없습니다.


or it's because they actually forgot what they promised.

아니면 실제로 자신들이 약속한 내용을 잊어버려서든지 말이에요.


And my dad is a clear example of that

그리고 저희 아빠가 확실한 예입니다.


because when I was a kid, he promised me all these things that I will remember forever that he never actually delivered,

왜냐하면 제가 어렸을 때 아빠가 저에게 사 주겠다고 약속한 게 많았는데 저는 평생 기억하겠지만 아빠는 실제로 약속을 지키지 않았어요.


such as ice cream maker, cotton candy maker, a fries machine,

예를 들어 아이스크림 제조기, 솜사탕 제조기, 감자튀김 제조기


cotton candy 솜사탕


a pair of boots, a trip to Egypt, and a fishing trip.

부츠 한 벌, 이집트 여행, 낚시 여행 등이에요.


And I'm sure, you know, he forgot somewhere along the way, and I got really nice things instead.

그리고 물론 시간이 지나면서 잊어 버리셨을 것이고, 저는 그것들 대신 다른 아주 멋진 것들을 받았어요.


But don't think kids can't remember what you promised them, because we do.

그렇지만 아이들에게 약속한 것을 아이들이 잊어버린다고 생각하지 마세요. 기억하니까요.

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