Unit 635. Promises are important to keep.
Promises are important to keep.
< 본문 >
I think it's really important to keep promises, no matter how hard it seems.
English On The Go
So promises are really important to me, and I try not to make any promises that I can't keep.
And the hardest promise for me to keep I actually made ( ) when I was nine years old.
My oldest friend, we have been friends since kindergarten.
And she and I decided when we were nine or ten
that when we get married, we were going to be maid of honors at each other's wedding, no matter where we are.
And in our heads at the time, the farthest place we would be was Grandma's house.
But now we live on different continents.
So when she told me she was getting married, I was like, “Oh my gosh.”
But I made it work. I got the plane ticket, I got the dress,
I helped take care of the bachelorette party and do all the things I was supposed to do from 6,000 miles away.
It was hard, but it was really important to me. So it was worth it.
maid of honor 신부 들러리
continent 대륙
ex) It is the tallest building on the American continent.
bachelorette 미혼 여성
bachelor 미혼 남성
( ) - it
I was like 말했다, 생각했다 中 생각했다
< Pattern Practice >
* We decided we were going to : 우리는 ~하기로 결정했어요
1) 우리는 파리로 여행 가기로 결정했어요.
We decided we were going to travel to Paris.
2) 우리는 새로운 곳으로 이사 가기로 결정했어요.
We decided we were going to move to a new place.
* from ~ away : ~만큼 떨어진 곳에서
1) 20 피트 떨어진 곳에서도 당신 목소리가 들렸어요.
I could hear you from 20 feet away.
2) 2분 떨어진 거리에서 왜 전화를 한 거예요?
Why did you call from two minutes away?
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
처음에는 불가능해 보였어요.
It seemed impossible at first.
In The Social World
Penny (여)
It's very important to keep your promises ... especially the ones you've made to yourself!
Christian (남)
Remember to keep your promises. They might not be important to you, but to others they may mean the world.
mean the world 정말 중요한 (일)
It means the world to me.
You mean the world to me.
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Promises are important to keep.
약속을 지키는 건 중요해요.
Speaking Summary
I think it's really important to keep promises, no matter how hard it seems.
저는 아무리 어려워 보여도 약속을 지키는 게 중요하다고 생각해요.
English On The Go
So promises are really important to me, and I try not to make any promises that I can't keep.
저에게는 약속이 정말 중요하고, 저는 지킬 수 없는 약속은 안 하려고 노력해요.
And the hardest promise for me to keep I actually made when I was nine years old.
그리고 제가 지키기 어려운 약속은 사실 제가 9살 때 했어요.
My oldest friend, we have been friends since kindergarten.
제 가장 오래된 친구와 저는 유치원 때부터 친구였어요.
And she and I decided when we were nine or ten
그리고 그녀와 저는 우리가 9살인가 10살 때 결정했어요.
that when we get married, we were going to be maid of honors at each other's wedding, no matter where we are.
우리가 결혼할 때 우리가 어디에 있든지, 서로의 신부 들러리가 되어 주기로 말이에요.
maid of honor 신부 들러리
And in our heads at the time, the farthest place we would be was Grandma's house.
그리고 그 당시에 저희 머릿속에서는, 가장 멀리 있을 수 있는 장소가 할머니 집이었어요.
But now we live on different continents.
그런데 이제 우리는 서로 다른 대륙에 살고 있어요.
continent 대륙
It is the tallest building on the American continent.
그것은 미대륙에서 가장 높은 건물이에요.
So when she told me she was getting married, I was like, “Oh my gosh.”
그래서 그 친구가 저한테 자기가 결혼한다고 말해 줬을 때, 저는 “아이고...”라고 생각했어요.
But I made it work. I got the plane ticket, I got the dress,
그렇지만 해냈어요. 비행기 표도 사고, 드레스도 구하고,
I helped take care of the bachelorette party and do all the things I was supposed to do from 6,000 miles away.
6천 마일 떨어진 거리에서 처녀 파티 준비도 돕고, 제가 해야 할 일을 모두 다 했어요.
bachelorette 미혼 여성
bachelor 미혼 남성
It was hard, but it was really important to me. So it was worth it.
쉽지 않았지만, 저에게는 정말 중요한 일이었어요. 그래서 애 쓴 보람이 있었어요.
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