Unit 634. Many people still keep their promises.
Many people still keep their promises.
< 본문 >
Only make promises you can keep, and keep every promise you make.
English On The Go
I always thought that, in our modern world, to many people it doesn't seem to be a big deal anymore to make or even break a promise.
That's why I was pleasantly surprised to find out that
many highly educated and influencing people who manage to keep their promises throughout history still exist nowadays.
Today, not only politicians but also people who make promises or an oath, like soldiers or doctors,
as well as people who are devoted to doing good deeds in this world,
like animal rescuers and volunteers, as well as peace organizations,
are all trying to fulfill their duty and stand by their words.
I'm glad to see that people still keep their honorable promises, take actions,
and also try to change the world for the better.
I really believe that it restores the people's faith in the value of promises.
pleasantly 즐겁게, 유쾌하게
oath 맹세, 서약, 선서
devote 헌신하다
fulfill 다하다, 이행하다
honorable 고결한, 명예로운
restore 회복시키다, 복원하다
ex) She restores old paintings.
rescuer 구조자, 구출자
rescue worker 구조대원
influential people 영향력이 큰 사람들 (이 형태로 쓰임)
< Pattern Practice >
* I am surprised to ~ : 저는 ~라는 게 놀라워요
1) 자유 시간이 생겨서 놀라워요.
I'm surprised to have free time.
2) 저는 그녀의 번호를 받아서 놀랐어요.
I was surprised to get her number.
* as well as ~ : 또한 ~도
1) 아이들과 어른들도 그걸 좋아할 거예요.
Kids, as well as adults, will like it.
2) 전화 한 통, 그리고 이메일도 하나 받으실 거예요.
You will get a phone call as well as an e-mail.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
지키지 못할 약속하지 마세요.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
※ you won't be able to keep.
In The Social World
Elivan (남)
I'm thankful for the people who still keep promises.
Hayley (여)
I respect people who don't break promises and keep secrets.
< 해석 >
Sarina / 독일
Many people still keep their promises.
여전히 약속을 지키는 사람들이 많아요.
Speaking Summary
Only make promises you can keep, and keep every promise you make.
지킬 수 있는 약속만 하고, 하는 약속은 모두 지키세요.
English On The Go
I always thought that, in our modern world, to many people it doesn't seem to be a big deal anymore to make or even break a promise.
저는 항상, 현대 사회에서는 많은 사람들에게 있어서 약속을 지키든 어기든 별로 중요하지 않은 것 같다고 생각했어요.
That's why I was pleasantly surprised to find out that
그래서 ~라는 걸 알게 되었을 때 기분 좋게 놀랐어요.
pleasantly 즐겁게, 유쾌하게
many highly educated and influencing people who manage to keep their promises throughout history still exist nowadays.
역사를 통틀어서, 교육을 많이 받고 영향력 있는 사람들 중에서 약속을 지키는 사람들이 아직도 있다는 걸 말이에요.
Today, not only politicians but also people who make promises or an oath, like soldiers or doctors,
오늘날은 정치인뿐만 아니라, 약속을 하거나 서약을 하는, 군인이나 의사 같은 사람들도,
oath 맹세, 서약, 선서
as well as people who are devoted to doing good deeds in this world,
그리고 이 세상에서 좋은 일을 하는 데에 헌신하고 있는 사람들,
devote 헌신하다
like animal rescuers and volunteers, as well as peace organizations,
동물을 구조하시거나 자원봉사를 하시는 분들, 평화 단체들도,
rescuer 구조자, 구출자
rescue worker 구조대원
are all trying to fulfill their duty and stand by their words.
모두 자신들의 의무를 이행하고 자신이 한 말을 지키기 위해서 노력하고 있어요.
fulfill 다하다, 이행하다
I'm glad to see that people still keep their honorable promises, take actions,
저는 사람들이 여전히 자신들의 명예로운 약속들을 지키고, 행동에 옮기는 걸 보니 기뻐요.
honorable 고결한, 명예로운
and also try to change the world for the better.
그리고 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 바꾸려고 노력하는 것도요.
I really believe that it restores the people's faith in the value of promises.
저는 정말 그게 약속의 가치에 대한 사람들의 신념을 회복시켜 준다고 생각해요.
restore 회복시키다, 복원하다
She restores old paintings.
그녀는 오래된 그림들을 복원해요.
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