생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 631

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 16. 23:49

Unit 631. I'm getting ready for vacation

I'm getting ready for vacation.

< 본문 >

To get ready for my next vacation, I'm going to pack my bags, do all my work in advance, and of course, eat everything in my fridge.

English On The Go

I'm going to L.A. and then my hometown in just a few days, and there's a lot I still need to do.

Packing … I'm somebody who packs at the last minute, so I'll deal with that later.

I also need to finish my work in advance because I don't like working when I'm on vacation.

I don't want to check e-mails.

I don't want to have to write any files or anything like that. I just want to be on vacation.

But there's one more thing that I always do before I go on a trip.

Can you guess what that is? I clear out my fridge. I eat everything.

Look how empty that's becoming. I've barely got anything left.

But that's important because I'll be gone for about 11 days and I don't want anything to go to waste.

So, that's what I do to get ready. I pack, I work, and I eat.

deal with 처리하다

ex) Don‘t worry. I will deal with the situation.

fridge 냉장고

go to waste 낭비되다, 버려지다

ex) I hope your effort doesn’t go to waste.


< Pattern Practice >

* I am somebody who ~  :  저는 ~하는 편이에요

1) 저는 농담을 많이 하는 편이에요.

I am somebody who jokes a lot.

2) 저는 청소를 싫어하는 편이에요.

I'm somebody who hates cleaning.


* do not want to have to ~  :  ~해야 하고 싶지 않아요

1) 저는 서두르게 되는 게 싫어요.

I don't want to have to rush.

2) 그는 돈을 내게 되는 걸 원치 않았어요.

He didn't want to have to pay.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 > 

바로 맞히셨어요.

You guessed it.


In The Social World

Thad (남)

No, I don't normally carry this much money. I'm getting ready for vacation next week.


Jenna (여)

For the next two days, I'm wanting nothing to do with any drama! I'm getting ready for a vacation.


< 해석 >

Alex / 미국


I'm getting ready for vacation.
저는 휴가를 갈 준비를 하고 있어요.

Speaking Summary

To get ready for my next vacation, I'm going to pack my bags, do all my work in advance, and of course, eat everything in my fridge.
제 다음 휴가 준비를 하기 위해서 저는 가방을 싸고, 일을 미리 다 해 놓고, 그리고 물론, 냉장고 안에 있는 걸 다 먹을 거예요.


English On The Go


I'm going to L.A. and then my hometown in just a few days, and there's a lot I still need to do.

며칠 후에 저는 LA에 갔다가 제 고향으로 갈 예정인데, 여전히 해야 할 일이 많아요.


Packing … I'm somebody who packs at the last minute, so I'll deal with that later.

짐 싸는 건... 저는 마지막 순간에 짐을 싸는 편이라서, 그건 나중에 할 거예요.


deal with 처리하다


Don‘t worry. I will deal with the situation.

걱정 마세요. 그 상황은 제가 처리할게요.


I also need to finish my work in advance because I don't like working when I'm on vacation.

저는 또 일도 미리 끝내야 하는데, 휴가 중에 일하는 거 안 좋아하거든요.


I don't want to check e-mails.

이메일을 확인하고 싶지 않아요.


I don't want to have to write any files or anything like that. I just want to be on vacation.

파일을 써야 하거나 그러고 싶지 않아요. 그냥 휴가를 즐기고 싶어요.


But there's one more thing that I always do before I go on a trip.

그런데 제가 여행을 가기 전에 항상 하는 일이 하나 더 있어요.


Can you guess what that is? I clear out my fridge. I eat everything.

뭔지 맞혀 보실래요? 저는 냉장고를 비워요. 다 먹는 거예요.


fridge 냉장고


Look how empty that's becoming. I've barely got anything left.

얼마나 많이 비었는지 보세요. 거의 아무것도 안 남았어요.


But that's important because I'll be gone for about 11 days and I don't want anything to go to waste.

그런데 그건 중요해요. 왜냐하면 저는 11일 동안 집에 없을 거고, 음식을 버리기 싫거든요.


go to waste 낭비되다, 버려지다


I hope your effort doesn’t go to waste.

당신의 노력이 헛되지 않기를 바랍니다.


So, that's what I do to get ready. I pack, I work, and I eat.
그래서 준비하기 위해서 제가 하는 건 그거예요. 짐 싸고, 일하고, 먹어요.

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