생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 626

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 9. 18:12

Unit 626. Mistakes can lead to success.

Mistakes can lead to success.

< 본문 >

What one might see as a mistake, another certainly can see as a success.

English On The Go

People sometimes think that I have made a grand mistake regarding my academic choices.

As you know, I'm in med school, which is something that especially elder people regard as something very prestigious.

People are happy and proud that I have finally come to my senses by choosing a profitable job.

To make things clearer, before entering med school,

I actually took a gap year and also studied East Asian studies for almost three years,

which supposedly to other people seems to have been a huge mistake and waste of time.

Everybody tries to convince me by saying,

“Come on, you must realize that it would've been better to go to med school right after graduating high school.”

“You could've been a doctor by now.”

But I don't see my previous choices and unfinished studies as mistakes.

Moreover, I think that these experiences have led me to where I am right now.

I really enjoyed my previous studies and I made friends for life, so retrospectively I wouldn't change a thing.

And I hope for that very reason that you are also not too harsh on yourself when making mistakes.


prestigious 명망 높은

profitable 수익성이 있는

supposedly 추정상, 아마도

retrospectively 돌이켜 보면

harsh 가혹한, 냉혹한


< Pattern Practice >

* It would have been better to ~  :  ~하는 게 더 나았을 거예요

1) 전화부터 하는 게 나았을 거예요.

It would have been better to call first.

2) 적어 두는 게 나았을 거예요. 

It would've been better to write it down.


* do not see ~ as ~  :  ~를 ~라고 여기지 않는다.

1) 그는 그걸 기회로 여기지 않았어요.

He didn't see it as an opportunity.

2) 저는 그들을 가까운 친구라고 여기지 않아요.

I don't see them as close friends.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

제 입장을 확실히 말했어요.

I’ve made myself clear.


In The Social World

Domenic (남)

Some people view bad choices as mistakes. The smarter ones see them as lessons.

Abby (여)

Recognize me for the things I've accomplished instead of what you think is wrong. My choices aren't mistakes. They're what make me me.


< 해석 > 

Mistakes can lead to success.

실수가 성공으로 이끌 수도 있어요.

Speaking Summary

What one might see as a mistake, another certainly can see as a success.

어떤 사람이 실수라고 여기는 것도 다른 사람은 분명히 성공이라고 여길 수도 있어요.


English On The Go


People sometimes think that I have made a grand mistake regarding my academic choices.

사람들은 제가 학업에 관한 선택에 있어서 큰 실수를 했다고 생각할 때가 있어요.


As you know, I'm in med school, which is something that especially elder people regard as something very prestigious.

아시다시피 저는 의대를 다니고 있는데, 특히 나이 드신 분들은 이걸 아주 명망 높은 거라고 생각하세요.


prestigious 명망 높은

- prestige 명망, 위신


People are happy and proud that I have finally come to my senses by choosing a profitable job.

사람들은 제가 드디어 정신을 차리고 수익성 있는 직업을 골랐다고 좋아하고 자랑스러워해요.


profitable 수익성이 있는


To make things clearer, before entering med school,

더 알기 쉽게 설명하자면, 저는 의대에 입학하기 전에


I actually took a gap year and also studied East Asian studies for almost three years,

사실 휴학을 했고, 또한 동아시아학을 거의 3년 동안 공부했어요.


which supposedly to other people seems to have been a huge mistake and waste of time.

다른 사람들이 보기에는 큰 실수였고 시간 낭비였다고 보이겠죠.


supposedly 추정상, 아마도


Everybody tries to convince me by saying,

모두가 저에게 이렇게 말하면서 설득하려고 해요.


“Come on, you must realize that it would've been better to go to med school right after graduating high school.”

고등학교 졸업하자마자 의대 가는 게 더 나았을 거라는 걸 이제 깨달아야 돼.


“You could've been a doctor by now.”

지금쯤 의사가 되었을 수도 있어.


But I don't see my previous choices and unfinished studies as mistakes.

그렇지만 제가 전에 했던 선택들과 끝마치지 않은 학업이 실수였다고 여기지 않아요.


Moreover, I think that these experiences have led me to where I am right now.

게다가 저는 이런 경험들이 현재 제가 있는 곳으로 저를 이끌어 줬다고 생각해요.


I really enjoyed my previous studies and I made friends for life, so retrospectively I wouldn't change a thing.

저는 제가 전에 했던 공부가 정말 좋았고, 평생 갈 친구들을 사귀었기 때문에, 돌이켜 보면 저는 아무것도 바꾸지 않을 거예요.


retrospectively 돌이켜 보면


And I hope for that very reason that you are also not too harsh on yourself when making mistakes.

그리고 바로 그 이유 때문에, 여러분도 실수를 할 때 스스로에게 너무 가혹하지 않았으면 해요.


harsh 가혹한, 냉혹한


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