Unit 627. Mistakes are helpful in learning languages.
Mistakes are helpful in learning languages.
< 본문 >
Being confident and making mistakes will actually help you improve your language skills.
English On The Go
Okay, I know none of us like to make mistakes.
You know, we get embarrassed, and we always want to show our best impression.
But, I mean, it's unavoidable, right?
But I think the best thing about making mistakes is that you really learn from those experiences, especially when it comes to languages.
When I was a teacher, I would tell my students all the time,
“Don't be embarrassed about making mistakes. Just talk to me.”
“Don't think about grammar. Don't think about vocabulary. Don't think about the sentence structure. Just talk.”
“Because I'm a native speaker … I will understand you no matter what you say.”
And the best way that they would remember their mistakes, or remember their grammar points,
is when they made a mistake and I told them to change it.
They would go, “Oh, I made a mistake.” And then they remembered it.
So I feel like making mistakes actually helps you remember language points better than if you never made them at all.
So, I wish you guys all luck with your English learning. Good luck!
impression 인상
ex) I think you left a good impression on them.
unavoidable 피할 수 없는 ※ inevitable 불가피한 필연적인
ex) A small delay will be unavoidable.
making 이 주어.
your English learning : English learning 은 learning English 로 바꿀 수 있지만,
your 가 붙으면 이대로 써야함.
< Pattern Practice >
* When I ~, I would ~ : 저는 ~했을 때, ~하곤 했어요.
1) 저는 거기 살았을 때 자전거를 많이 타곤 했어요.
When I lived there, I would bike a lot.
2) 저는 어렸을 때 놀이를 만들어내곤 했어요.
When I was young, I would make up games.
* never ~ at all : 한 번도 ~한 적이 없다
1) 저는 그걸 갖고 싶었던 적이 없어요.
I never wanted that at all.
2) 그 소포는 아예 도착 안 할 수도 있어요.
The package might never arrive at all.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
저는 그렇게 해서 배웠어요.
That’s how I learned it.
In The Social World
Jana (여)
Learning a language is a process of lots of mistakes.
Steven (남)
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, especially when it comes to learning a language. You will never learn if you don't make mistakes.
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Mistakes are helpful in learning languages.
실수는 언어를 배울 때 도움이 돼요.
Speaking Summary
Being confident and making mistakes will actually help you improve your language skills.
자신감을 가지고 실수를 하는 것은 사실 언어 실력을 향상시키는 데에 도움을 줄 거예요.
English On The Go
Okay, I know none of us like to make mistakes.
실수하는 걸 좋아하는 사람은 없다는 걸 알아요.
You know, we get embarrassed, and we always want to show our best impression.
창피하고, 언제나 가장 좋은 인상을 주고 싶잖아요.
impression 인상
I think you left a good impression on them.
당신이 그들에게 좋은 인상을 남긴 것 같아요.
But, I mean, it's unavoidable, right?
그렇지만 피할 수 없죠.
unavoidable 피할 수 없는
A small delay will be unavoidable.
약간 지체되는 건 피할 수 없을 거예요.
But I think the best thing about making mistakes is that you really learn from those experiences, especially when it comes to languages.
그런데 제 생각에 실수를 하는 것의 가장 좋은 점은 그런 경험을 통해 정말 배우게 된다는 점인데, 특히 언어가 그래요.
When I was a teacher, I would tell my students all the time,
저는 선생님이었을 때 항상 제 학생들에게 이렇게 말했어요.
“Don't be embarrassed about making mistakes. Just talk to me.”
실수하는 걸 창피해하지 마. 그냥 이야기해 봐.
“Don't think about grammar. Don't think about vocabulary. Don't think about the sentence structure. Just talk.”
문법 생각하지 말고 어휘 생각하지 말고, 문장 구조 생각하지 말고 그냥 말해.
“Because I'm a native speaker … I will understand you no matter what you say.”
나는 원어민이니까, 너희가 무슨 말을 해도 알아들을 거야.
And the best way that they would remember their mistakes, or remember their grammar points,
그리고 학생들이 자신이 한 실수, 또는 문법 내용을 가장 잘 기억하게 되는 건,
is when they made a mistake and I told them to change it. They would go, “Oh, I made a mistake.” And then they remembered it.
학생들이 실수를 했고 제가 그걸 고치라고 했을 때예요. 그러면 “아, 내가 실수했구나.”라고 하고, 그걸 기억했어요.
So I feel like making mistakes actually helps you remember language points better than if you never made them at all.
그래서 실수를 하는 건 사실, 실수를 전혀 안 하는 것보다 언어 학습 내용을 더 잘 기억하게 도와주는 것 같아요.
So, I wish you guys all luck with your English learning. Good luck!
여러분 모두 영어 배우시는 데에 행운을 빌게요.
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