생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 625

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 8. 19:34

Unit 625. Do we learn from fashion mistakes?

Do we learn from fashion mistakes?

< 본문 >

We often learn from our mistakes, but I'm not quite sure that we do in fashion.

English On The Go

People always say that we learn from our mistakes.

And sure, sometimes we do. For example, a math problem.

If we make a mistake, the teacher tells us what we did wrong. Then we fix it.

In relationships, when we make a mistake, we apologize, learn from it, and hope that fixes it.

But I was thinking about fashion lately.

Do we actually learn from our fashion mistakes?

For example, there's a lot of things I'm embarrassed about that I wore 20 years ago.

My haircut was pretty awkward, too.

But I didn't “learn” from that mistake until 15 years later when I looked at pictures and said,

“Oh my ... What is that? What are those cargo pants? What is that haircut?”

So, in fashion, do you learn from your mistakes or is it just something you see in the past and realize that was just a mistake?


apologize 사과하다

- apology 사과, 사과하는 말

- apologetic 미안해하는, 사과하는

ex) He never apologized about that night.

cargo 화물

And sure = of course

in the past  ->  about past

"History repeats itself"  = 역사는 반복된다.


< Pattern Practice >

* I did not ~ until ~  :  저는 ~가 되어서야 ~했어요.

1) 저는 정오가 되어서야 일어났어요.

I didn't get up until noon.

2) 저는 어제가 되어서야 눈치를 챘어요. 

I did not notice until yesterday.


* People always say that ~  :  사람들은 항상 ~라고 말해요

1) 사람들은 항상 제가 실제보다 나이 들어 보인다고 말해요.

People always say that I look older than my age.

2) 사람들은 항상 내일부터 다이어트를 시작할 거라고 말해요.

People always say that they will start dieting tomorrow.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

다음번에 더 잘하면 되죠.

You will do better next time.

In The Social World

Crissy (여)

I always learn from my fashion mistakes and I always tell myself, “At least I tried!”

CW (남)

Those who don't learn from history's fashion mistakes will repeat them.


< 해석 >

Do we learn from fashion mistakes?

우리는 패션 실수를 통해 배우게 될까요?

Speaking Summary

We often learn from our mistakes, but I'm not quite sure that we do in fashion.

우리는 실수를 통해서 배울 때가 많지만, 패션에 있어서는 그러는지 잘 모르겠어요.


Vocabulary Check

apologize 사과하다

cargo 화물


English On The Go

People always say that we learn from our mistakes.

사람들은 항상 우리가 실수를 통해서 배운다고 말하죠.


And sure, sometimes we do. For example, a math problem.

그리고 물론, 그럴 때도 있어요. 예를 들어 수학 문제를 보세요.


If we make a mistake, the teacher tells us what we did wrong. Then we fix it.

실수를 하면 선생님이 우리가 뭘 잘못 했는지를 말해 주시고, 우리는 그걸 고쳐요.


In relationships, when we make a mistake, we apologize, learn from it, and hope that fixes it.

관계에 있어서는 실수를 하면 사과를 하고, 그로부터 배우고, 그렇게 해서 고쳐지기를 바라죠.


apologize 사과하다

- apology 사과, 사과하는 말

- apologetic 미안해하는, 사과하는


He never apologized about that night.

그날 밤 있었던 일에 대해서 그는 사과한 적이 없어요.


But I was thinking about fashion lately.

그런데 저는 최근에 패션에 대해서 생각을 했어요.


Do we actually learn from our fashion mistakes?

우리는 실제로 패션 실수를 통해서 배우는 게 있는 걸까요?


For example, there's a lot of things I'm embarrassed about that I wore 20 years ago.

예를 들어, 저는 20년 전에 제가 입었던 것들 중에 창피한 게 많이 있어요.


My haircut was pretty awkward, too.

제 머리스타일도 정말 우스웠어요.


But I didn't “learn” from that mistake until 15 years later when I looked at pictures and said,

그런데 그런 실수를 통해서 배우지 않았고, 15년이 지나서야 사진을 보고 이렇게 말했어요.


“Oh my ... What is that? What are those cargo pants? What is that haircut?”

“아이고, 저게 뭐지? 저 카고 팬츠는 뭐지? 저 머리스타일은 어떻게 된 거야?”


cargo 화물


So, in fashion, do you learn from your mistakes or is it just something you see in the past and realize that was just a mistake?

그래서 패션에 있어서는, 실수를 통해 배우는 걸까요, 아니면 예전 것을 보고 나서 그게 실수였다고 깨닫는 걸까요?


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