Unit 622. I will teach my kids manners.
I will teach my kids manners.
< 본문 >
When I have my kids in the future, I will make sure to teach them proper manners so we can make this world a better place, one well-mannered kid at a time.
English On The Go
In the modern society, I feel like more and more kids are being raised without manners.
I worked at a restaurant for quite a long time,
and I have noticed that about 90 percent of all kids that I've served actually lack basic manners,
even such as saying “thank you” or “sorry” when they make a mess.
Sometimes they start running around the restaurant and screaming
and, you know, getting in the way of the servers, creating a potentially dangerous situation.
And their parents would sit still and not pay attention to that.
And that makes me a little sad because when I was a kid,
the first thing that I was taught is saying “thank you”
and making sure I respect other people's personal space and not scream in public and, you know, act like a lady.
So, I think when I have my kids in the future,
one of the first things that I will teach them is basic manners so they know how to properly treat other people around them.
lack 부족하다, 없다
ex) He lacked the desire to learn.
mess 엉망인 상태, 지저분한 상태
potentially 어쩌면, 잠재적으로
ex) This is a potentially big market.
one at a time 한번에 하나씩
getting in the way 길을 막다
is .... 보통은 was
when 대신 if 를 쓰면 불확실
< Pattern Practice >
* I feel like more and more ~ : ~가 점점 많아지는 것 같아요
1) 커피를 마시는 사람들이 점점 많아지는 것 같아요.
I feel like more and more people drink coffee.
2) 여기에 문을 여는 식당들이 점점 많아지는 것 같아요.
I feel like more and more restaurants are opening here.
* about 90 percent of all ~ : 전체의 90퍼센트 정도
1) 전체 좌석의 90퍼센트 정도가 비어 있었어요.
About 90 percent of all the seats were empty.
2) 우리는 전체 내용의 90퍼센트 정도를 마무리했어요.
We finished about 90 percent of all the content.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
저 방해하지 마세요.
Stay out of my way.
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