Unit 623. Mistakes can be useful.
< 본문 >
Mistakes can be useful.
English On The Go
Mistakes are, simply put, learning opportunities.
I made tons of mistakes with regards to my education, specifically once I graduated from high school.
When I left high school, I went to a community college.
And because a community college is smaller than a four-year university,
there aren't a ton of resources for counseling and giving students direction on what classes to take
or how to find out what you're "passionate" about or the things that you want to major in.
So when I first got in, fresh out of high school,
I was totally confused and I took so many classes that were wastes of my time in the end.
And when I first began to think about those mistakes and reflect on them, I would get so mad at myself.
But then I realized mistakes are just learning opportunities.
And no matter how big or small, that's an opportunity to know what you did wrong and never do it again.
community college 지역 전문대학
resource 자원, 재원, 재료
ex) I didn't have a lot of learning resources back then.
direction 방향, 지휘, 감독
passionate 열정적인, 열정을 느끼는
reflect on 되돌아보다
ex) It was an opportunity to reflect on myself.
once 여기서는 after의 뜻
fresh out of 막 나왔을 때,.. fresh out of the oven.
< Pattern and Practice >
* with regard to : ~에 관해서, ~에 대해서
1) 당신의 의견에 대해서는 저는 동의하지 않아요.
With regard to your opinion, I disagree.
2) 우리는 우리의 진척 상황에 만족합니다.
We're satisfied with regard to our progress.
* When I first ~, : 저는 처음 ~ 했을 때,
1) 저는 처음으로 커피를 마셔 봤을 때, 마음에 들지 않았어요.
When I first tried coffee, I didn't like it.
2) 저는 그를 처음 만났을 때, 조금 무례하다고 생각했어요.
When I first met him, I thought he was a little bit rude.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
그 수업 괜히 들었어요.
I shouldn't have taken that class.
In The Social World
Kyle (남)
Take each mistake as a learning opportunity. Once you learn the lesson, keep that with you, not the mistake itself.
Wendy (여)
Mistakes become learning opportunities for change through thoughtful reflection. Without that reflection, we are bound to experience that same learning opportunity (repeatedly).
< 해석 >
Mistakes can be useful.
실수는 도움이 될 수 있어요.
Speaking Summary
Mistakes are just learning opportunities.
실수는 그저 배움의 기회일 뿐이에요.
English On The Go
Mistakes are, simply put, learning opportunities.
실수는 간단히 말해서 배움의 기회예요.
I made tons of mistakes with regards to my education, specifically once I graduated from high school.
저는 교육에 있어서 실수를 정말 많이 했는데, 특히 고등학교를 졸업한 후에 그랬어요.
When I left high school, I went to a community college.
고등학교를 졸업했을 때 저는 전문대학에 갔어요.
community college 지역 전문대학
And because a community college is smaller than a four-year university,
그리고 전문대학은 4년제 대학교보다 작기 때문에,
there aren't a ton of resources for counseling
상담에 필요한 자원이 많지 않아요.
resource 자원, 재원, 재료
I didn’t have a lot of learning resources back then.
그 당시에는 학습 자료가 많지 않았어요.
and giving students direction on what classes to take
그리고 학생들이 어떤 수업을 들어야 할지에 대한 지도,
direction 방향, 지휘, 감독
or how to find out what you're “passionate” about or the things that you want to major in.
아니면 자신이 어떤 것에 대해 열정을 갖고 있는지, 전공하고 싶은 것을 어떻게 찾는지에 대한 것도요.
passionate 열정적인, 열정을 느끼는
So when I first got in, fresh out of high school,
그래서 고등학교에서 막 졸업해서 처음 들어갔을 때,
I was totally confused and I took so many classes that were wastes of my time in the end.
저는 정말 혼란스러웠고 결국엔 제 시간 낭비가 되었던 수업들을 정말 많이 들었어요.
And when I first began to think about those mistakes and reflect on them, I would get so mad at myself.
그리고 그런 실수들에 대해서 생각해 보고 되돌아보기 시작했을 때는 스스로에게 정말 화가 났어요.
reflect on 되돌아보다
It was an opportunity to reflect on myself.
저 스스로를 돌아볼 수 있는 기회였어요.
But then I realized mistakes are just learning opportunities.
그런데 실수는 그냥 배움의 기회라는 걸 깨달았어요.
And no matter how big or small, that's an opportunity to know what you did wrong and never do it again.
그리고 아무리 크든 작든, 그건 뭘 잘못 했고 다시는 하지 않아야 할지를 알 수 있는 기회예요.
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