Unit 624. I felt guilty about my mistake.
I felt guilty about my mistake.
< 본문 >
It's important to recognize when you've made a mistake and be able to say sorry if needed, but it's also important not to beat yourself up too much and to realize that learning from it is the most important thing.
English On The Go
Making mistakes is part of everyone's life, and I've definitely made my fair share of mistakes.
But when I make mistakes that have consequences for other people,
I can almost feel traumatized because I feel so guilty.
One time when my parents were on holiday for a week, I was allowed to use the car because I stayed at home.
And I scraped the side of the car when I went through a very narrow gate.
My dad had warned me about this gate, but I had brushed it off and said, “Don't worry about it. I'll be fine.”
When I then had to tell them on video call, I felt so guilty that I started to cry in the middle of trying to explain it.
And their reaction showed me that I was letting my conscience get the better of me.
They weren't actually that upset, because it's just an item. So I learned two things.
I learned to drive carefully when I go through narrow gates but also not to let my conscience get the better of me,
and that items are items, and as long as I'm aware of what I did and I say sorry, everything will be okay.
consequence 결과
ex) You must answer for the consequences.
traumatize 엄청난 충격을 주다
scrape 긁다
ex) I fell and scraped my knees.
brush off 무시하다
conscience 양심, 양심의 가책
< Pattern Practice >
* in the middle of –ing : ~를 하는 도중에
1) 그는 숫자를 세는 도중에 주의가 산만해졌어요.
He got distracted in the middle of counting.
2) 저는 텔레비전을 보는 도중에 잠들었어요.
I fell asleep in the middle of watching TV.
* I am aware of ~ : 저는 ~를 알고 있어요.
1) 저는 몇 시인지 알고 있어요.
I'm aware of what time it is.
2) 저는 그녀가 누구인지 알고 있었어요.
I was aware of who she was.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
그러게 제가 뭐라고 했어요!
I told you so!
< 해석 >
I felt guilty about my mistake.
저는 제 실수에 대해 죄책감이 들었어요.
Speaking Summary
It's important to recognize when you've made a mistake and be able to say sorry if needed, but it's also important not to beat yourself up too much and to realize that learning from it is the most important thing.
실수를 했을 때 깨닫고, 필요하면 미안하다고 말하는 건 중요하지만 너무 자책하지 않고 실수를 통해 배우는 게 제일 중요하다는 걸 깨닫는 것도 중요해요.
English On The Go
Making mistakes is part of everyone's life, and I've definitely made my fair share of mistakes.
실수를 하는 건 삶의 일부이고, 저도 확실히 실수를 꽤 많이 했어요.
But when I make mistakes that have consequences for other people,
그런데 다른 사람들에게 피해를 주는 실수를 제가 했을 때는
consequence 결과
You must answer for the consequences.
당신은 일의 결과에 책임져야 합니다.
I can almost feel traumatized because I feel so guilty.
저는 너무 죄책감이 들어서 거의 트라우마를 겪을 수 있어요.
traumatize 엄청난 충격을 주다
One time when my parents were on holiday for a week, I was allowed to use the car because I stayed at home.
한 번은 부모님이 일주일간 휴가를 가셨을 때, 저는 집에 있었기 때문에 차를 써도 된다고 허락을 받았어요.
And I scraped the side of the car when I went through a very narrow gate.
그리고 저는 아주 좁은 문을 통과해 나가다가 차 옆을 긁었어요.
scrape 긁다
I fell and scraped my knees.
저는 넘어져서 무릎을 긁혔어요.
My dad had warned me about this gate, but I had brushed it off and said, “Don't worry about it. I'll be fine.”
저희 아빠가 그 문에 대해서 경고를 했었는데 저는 그 말을 무시하고는 “걱정 마세요. 괜찮을 거예요.”라고 말했어요.
brush off 무시하다
When I then had to tell them on video call, I felt so guilty that I started to cry in the middle of trying to explain it.
화상 통화로 부모님에게 이야기를 해야 했을 때 저는 너무 죄책감이 들어서 설명을 하다 말고 울기 시작했어요.
And their reaction showed me that I was letting my conscience get the better of me.
그리고 그들의 반응은 제가 양심의 가책을 너무 심하게 느끼고 있었다는 걸 보여 줬어요.
conscience 양심, 양심의 가책
They weren't actually that upset, because it's just an item. So I learned two things.
부모님은 사실은 그렇게 화가 나지도 않으셨어요. 그냥 물건일 뿐이니까요. 그래서 저는 두 가지 교훈을 얻었어요.
I learned to drive carefully when I go through narrow gates but also not to let my conscience get the better of me,
저는 좁은 문을 통과해 갈 때는 조심해서 운전하는 법을 배우면서도, 양심의 가책에 너무 시달리지 않는 법을 배웠어요.
and that items are items, and as long as I'm aware of what I did and I say sorry, everything will be okay.
그리고 물건은 물건일 뿐이라서 제 잘못을 인지하고 있고 사과하기만 하면, 다 괜찮을 거라는 걸 배웠어요.
In The Social World
Jasmine (여)
Every time I feel guilty about my mistakes, suddenly my head says, "No amount of guilt can solve the past.'
Mike (남)
Not all guilt is bad. If you eat junk food, miss a workout or treat someone poorly, you should feel guilty. That guilty feeling is there to protect you from making the same mistake again.
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