생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 620

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 2. 00:08

Unit 620. Manners still matter when you're sick.


< 본문 >

Manners still matter when you're sick.

I feel like manners can sometimes take a back seat when people get sick, especially when it comes to coughing and sneezing.

English On The Go

It feels like as soon as some people get sick that their manners just go out the window

coughing in people's faces, sneezing everywhere.

And I get it. They're in a bad mood, and they're not themselves when they're sick.

But there's a right way and a wrong way to cough or sneeze in public.

The most common way I see is people just holding their hand over their mouth like this.

It's a nice gesture, but ultimately it's ineffective because a cough or a sneeze can just go right through your fingers.

I've seen other people use the inside of their elbow,

but if you have smaller arms like mine, then they won't block anything.

And I've even seen people sneeze into their coat. Kind of makes them look like a vampire or something.

And this works more or less, but then you have to get your clothes dry-cleaned every time you get sick.

So I found that the best solution is to just use a regular handkerchief like this.

It completely stops any cough or sneeze, and as a bonus it also keeps your hands and clothes nice and clean.

It's the perfect solution. Just remember to wash it sometimes. Ew.


ultimately 궁극적으로, 근본적으로

ex) Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself.

ineffective 효과가 없는

ex) Their plan was ineffective and expensive.

solution 해결책

that 은 원래 없어야 됨


< Pattern Practice >

* You have to ~ every time you ~  :  ~할 때마다 ~해야 돼요

1) 그걸 사용할 때마다 돈을 내야 할 거예요.

You'll have to pay every time you use it.

2) 다 끝났을 때마다 로그아웃해야 돼요.

You have to log out every time you're done.


* as a bonus  :  보너스로, 게다가 좋은 점은

1) 게다가 좋은 점은 그곳은 저희 집에서 가까워요.

As a bonus, that place is close to my house.

2) 게다가 좋은 점은 저는 금요일에는 일을 안 해도 돼요.

As a bonus, I don’t have to work on Fridays.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 > 

정말 이해가 안 돼요.

I really don’t get it.

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