생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 619

[하늬바람] 2019. 4. 30. 17:15

Unit 619. Manners reflect personality.


< 본문 >

Manners reflect personality.

I think a big indicator of someone's personality is to see if they have manners when they talk to somebody who can't do anything for them.

English On The Go

So for me, I think manners are very important.

And something that I always think is interesting to watch is

to see how people treat other people who can't do anything for them

and whether they treat them with respect, whether they're using their manners or not,

because sometimes people can be very nice to you because maybe they think you can help them with something,

but then they can be very rude to, you know, waiters or people in customer service.

And, you know, I worked in customer service for quite a while,

and so I think it's very important to have manners as the person serving and as the customer

because it goes both ways and at the end of the day, we're all just humans trying to get by.

And, you know, it costs nothing to have manners.

It costs nothing to be nice to people and to maybe give them the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe they're having a bad day.

So I think it's very important and it's a good indicator as to someone's personality,

you know, to see if they have manners when they talk to other people.


get by 그럭저럭 살아가다

ex) I am not rich, but I can get by.

benefit of the doubt 선의의 해석  (유죄를 확정하기전까지 무죄추정..)

indicator 지표

ex) It’s a good indicator of how things are going.

그거 상황이 어떤지를 보여 주는 좋은 지표예요.

at the end of the day = in the end , 결국에는 

it goes both ways = it should go both ways  ( 예의,사랑,존중 등에서 많이 쓰임 )

as to = of


< Pattern Practice >

* whether one is -ing or not  :  ~하고 있는지 아닌지

1) 그가 농담을 하고 있는 건지 아닌지 모르겠어요.

I don't know whether he's joking or not.

2) 그녀가 거기에서 일하고 있는지 아닌지 확실히 모르겠어요.

I’m not sure whether she is working there or not.


* it is important to ~  :  ~하는 게 중요해요

1) 무엇보다도, 재미있게 하는 게 중요해요.

More than anything, it's important to have fun.

2) 매일 조금씩 공부하는 게 중요해요.

It is important to study a little bit every day.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

모두가 저한테 정말 친절하게 대해 줬어요.

Everybody was so nice to me.

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