생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 628

[하늬바람] 2019. 5. 13. 21:21

Unit 628. I love going on vacation.

< 본문 >

Vacation can be therapeutic.

English on the go

I love going on vacation.

When I was young, my dad would make it a point to always take us on at least one family vacation a year,which sometimes was difficult because there's five of us.

But it was so important.

I think a lot of people believe that vacation is simply to get away from the stress of daily life,but vacation can be therapeutic.

I really like visiting different places and new cities where there's tons of stuff to do and tons of stuff to look at and tons of stuff to eat.

But some of my favorite vacations have been in the simplest places, where all that I can do is sit and appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

In fact, I just came back from vacation in Wyoming, and there's so many beautiful mountains.

And there's not a ton of stuff to do around the town, but it was so beautiful and so good for my mind and good for clearing my mind to be able to stop and appreciate the beauty of the planet that we live on.


therapeutic  치료상의, 치유하는

natural 자연스러운, 자연의

ex) It wasn't a natural disaster.

planet 행성

ex) The Earth is a planet orbiting around the sun. 

make it a point to do  반드시 ~ 하다.


< Pattern Practice >

make it a point to ~  :  반드시 ~ 하다. 

1) 저는 꼭 조심해요.

I make it a point to be careful.

2) 그녀는 반드시 매일 운동을 했어요.

She made it a point to work out every day.

everyday 는 '매일의'라는 형용사. 그래서 every day가 맞음


* All (that) I ~ is ~  :  제가 하는 건 ~ 뿐 이에요.

1) 제가 원한 건 이야기를 나누는 것뿐이었어요.

All I wanted was to talk.

2) 제가 신경쓰는 건 가족뿐이에요.

All that I care about is family.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

여행 얼마 동안 갔다 오신 거에요?

How long was the trip?

In The Social World

Chris (남)

Taking a vacation in Hawaii is so therapeutic. It seems like it should be a written prescription by a doctor once a year for stress relief.


La'i (여)

I honestly feel like little vacations and getaways, no matter how small, are so important. Getting out of a routine can be really therapeutic.


< 해석 >

Jordan / 미국


I love going on vacation.

저는 휴가 가는 걸 좋아해요.

Speaking Summary

Vacation can be therapeutic.

휴가는 치유 효과가 있을 수 있어요.


English On The Go

I love going on vacation.

저는 휴가를 가는 걸 좋아해요.


When I was young, my dad would make it a point to always take us on at least one family vacation a year,

제가 어렸을 때, 저희 아빠는 최소한 일 년에 한 번은 반드시 저희를 가족 휴가에 데려가셨어요.


which sometimes was difficult because there's five of us.

저희 집은 다섯 명이기 때문에 이게 쉽지 않을 때도 있었어요.


But it was so important.

그렇지만 그건 정말 중요했어요.


I think a lot of people believe that vacation is simply to get away from the stress of daily life, but vacation can be therapeutic.

많은 사람들이 휴가가 일상의 스트레스로부터 벗어나기 위한 것일 뿐이라고 생각하는 것 같지만, 휴가는 치유 효과가 있을 수 있어요.


therapeutic 치료상의, 치유하는


I really like visiting different places and new cities where there's tons of stuff to do and tons of stuff to look at and tons of stuff to eat.

저는 할 게 많고, 볼 게 많고, 먹을 게 많은 다양한 곳들과 새로운 도시들을 방문하는 걸 정말 좋아해요.


But some of my favorite vacations have been in the simplest places,

그런데 제일 마음에 들었던 휴가는 가장 단순한 곳들로 갔을 때였어요.


where all that I can do is sit and appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

할 수 있는 거라곤 그냥 앉아서 그 지역의 아름다운 자연을 감상하는 게 전부였어요.


natural 자연스러운, 자연의


It wasn’t a natural disaster.

그것은 자연재해가 아니었습니다.


In fact, I just came back from vacation in Wyoming, and there's so many beautiful mountains.

사실, 저는 와이오밍으로 휴가를 갔다가 이제 막 돌아왔는데, 거기에는 아름다운 산이 정말 많아요.


And there's not a ton of stuff to do around the town,

그리고 거기에서는 할 수 있는 게 별로 없어요.


but it was so beautiful and so good for my mind and good for clearing my mind

하지만 정말 아름다웠고, 제 정신에도 정말 좋고, 정신을 맑게 하는 데에도 좋았어요.


to be able to stop and appreciate the beauty of the planet that we live on.

잠깐 멈춰서 우리가 사는 행성의 아름다움을 감상할 수 있다는 게 말이에요.


planet 행성


The Earth is a planet orbiting around the Sun.

지구는 태양 주위를 도는 행성이에요.

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