Unit 743. The digital camera is a cool invention.
One of the coolest inventions ever has to be the digital camera.
English On The Go
There are so many amazing inventions in modern human history
that it's mind-boggling to think about what one of the coolest inventions is.
But for me personally, one of the coolest inventions has to be the digital camera.
It wasn't that long ago that we were using a regular manual camera,
stuffing 35-millimeter film into it, a roll of 35-millimeter film that had 24 exposures,
which meant you only had 24 photos.
And when you were done with the 24, you had to remove the film from the camera, take it to the store, drop it off.
Somebody developed the film for you,
and then you got your 24 photos a couple of days later when you went back to the store.
And they were printed on paper.
These days, with a digital camera, I can make this video like I'm making right now.
And as soon as I'm done recording, I can put it onto my computer and send it over to Korea instantaneously.
The digital camera has to be one of the coolest inventions ever.
EBSe 생활영어 - 교육의 중심 EBS
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Vocabulary Check
mind-boggling 상상이 안 되는, 너무나 놀라운
stuff 채우다
exposure 노출
develop (사진을) 현상하다
instantaneously 순간적으로, 즉시
Pattern Practice
it is not that ~ 별로 ~하지 않아요
1. 별로 어렵지 않아요.
It's not that difficult.
2. 그건 별로 유용하지 않았어요.
It was not that useful.
which means ~ 그건 ~를 의미해요
1. 12시였는데, 그건 점심시간이라는 걸 의미했어요.
It was 12 o'clock, which meant it was lunchtime.
2. 문이 닫혀 있는데, 그건 그녀가 거기 없다는 걸 의미해요.
The door's closed, which means she's not there.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
그걸로 할 수 있는 일이 정말 많아요.
You can do so much with it.
In The Social World
Bilal (남)
It's incredible how much the world has changed since the invention of the digital camera.
Jennifer (여)
It's amazing how much photography has changed, especially since digital cameras came on the scene.
2019년 10월 21일 월요일
The digital camera is a cool invention.
디지털 카메라는 멋진 발명이에요.
Richard / 미국
Speaking Summary
One of the coolest inventions ever has to be the digital camera.
가장 멋진 발명 중 하나는 분명 디지털 카메라예요.
Vocabulary Check
mind-boggling 상상이 안 되는, 너무나 놀라운
stuff 채우다
exposure 노출
develop (사진을) 현상하다
instantaneously 순간적으로, 즉시
English On The Go
There are so many amazing inventions in modern human history
근대 인류 역사 속에는 놀라운 발명품들이 정말 많이 있어요.
that it's mind-boggling to think about what one of the coolest inventions is.
그래서 가장 멋진 발명 중 하나가 무엇인지 생각하는 게 쉽지 않아요.
mind-boggling 상상이 안 되는, 너무나 놀라운
But for me personally, one of the coolest inventions has to be the digital camera.
그렇지만 저는 개인적으로 가장 멋진 발명 중 하나는 분명 디지털 카메라인 것 같아요.
It wasn't that long ago that we were using a regular manual camera,
우리가 일반 수동 카메라를 사용했던 게 그렇게 오래전이 아니었어요.
stuffing 35-millimeter film into it, a roll of 35-millimeter film that had 24 exposures,
35밀리미터 필름을 넣어서 썼죠. 24번 노출을 시킬 수 있었던 35밀리미터 필름이요.
stuff 채우다
exposure 노출
which meant you only had 24 photos.
사진을 24장만 찍을 수 있다는 뜻이었어요.
And when you were done with the 24, you had to remove the film from the camera, take it to the store, drop it off.
그리고 24장을 다 찍으면, 카메라에서 필름을 꺼내 가게에 가져가서 맡겨야 했어요.
Somebody developed the film for you,
누군가가 필름을 현상해 줬어요.
develop (사진을) 현상하다
and then you got your 24 photos a couple of days later when you went back to the store.
그런 다음에 며칠 뒤에 사진 24장을 가게에 다시 가서 찾는 거예요.
And they were printed on paper.
그리고 사진들은 종이에 출력이 되었어요.
These days, with a digital camera, I can make this video like I'm making right now.
요즘에는 디지털 카메라로, 제가 지금 만드는 것 같은 비디오를 만들 수 있어요.
And as soon as I'm done recording, I can put it onto my computer and send it over to Korea instantaneously.
그리고 녹화를 마치자마자, 저는 이걸 컴퓨터에 넣어서 즉시 한국으로 보낼 수 있어요.
instantaneously 순간적으로, 즉시
The digital camera has to be one of the coolest inventions ever.
디지털 카메라는 분명 가장 멋진 발명품 중 하나예요.
Unit 744. I saw cool inventions at a trade show.
Visiting a trade show is I think just like taking a trip to the future.
English On The Go
Last week I got the chance to visit one of the world's leading trade shows for technologies and electronics in Berlin.
And that trade show has been around in Germany for I think more than 90 years now, which is pretty cool.
And, speaking of cool, there have been some amazing inventions that really made me believe that
this whole science fiction and the futuristic designs that you usually only see in movies
are about to become reality much faster than any of us could have ever imagined.
I really liked the A.I. products and robots and autonomously driving cars.
But what also caught my attention were devices connected to digital medicine
because even though they are still in the launching or testing stage,
I really had the chance to catch a glimpse of what the future of medicine might look like.
I want to become an inventor now, actually.
Just, I hope I could have a groundbreaking idea simply by sitting under an apple tree like Isaac Newton.
That would be really awesome.
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Vocabulary Check
futuristic 미래적인
autonomously 자체적으로, 독자적으로
groundbreaking 획기적인
Pattern Practice
be around for ~ years ~년 전부터 있었다
1. 이 숲은 약 50년 전부터 있었어요.
The forest has been around for 50 years.
2. 이 전통들은 약 100년 전부터 있었어요.
These traditions have been around for 100 years.
speaking of ~ ~ 이야기가 나와서 말인데
1. 식료품 이야기가 나와서 말인데, 우리는 달걀이 필요해요.
Speaking of groceries, we need eggs.
2. 부모님 이야기가 나와서 말인데, 저희 엄마가 어제 전화를 하셨어요.
Speaking of parents, my mom called yesterday.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
미래에서 온 물건 같아요.
It looks like something from the future.
In The Social World
Neil (남)
I'm here for a trade show. There are so many cool inventions to help people live easier lives.
Lauren (여)
Are you coming to the trade show? We're advocating for inventors with a machine made out of inventions.
2019년 10월 22일 화요일
I saw cool inventions at a trade show.
저는 무역 박람회에서 멋진 발명품들을 봤어요.
Sarina / 독일
Speaking Summary
Visiting a trade show is I think just like taking a trip to the future.
무역 박람회를 방문하는 건 미래로 여행을 가는 것과 같아요.
Vocabulary Check
futuristic 미래적인
autonomously 자체적으로, 독자적으로
groundbreaking 획기적인
English On The Go
Last week I got the chance to visit one of the world's leading trade shows for technologies and electronics in Berlin.
지난주에 저는 베를린에서, 기술과 전자 기기 분야에서 세계의 가장 주된 무역 박람회 중 하나에 방문할 기회가 있었어요.
And that trade show has been around in Germany for I think more than 90 years now, which is pretty cool.
그리고 그 무역 박람회는 제 생각에 독일에서 90년 넘게 열리고 있는 것 같은데, 정말 멋지죠.
And, speaking of cool, there have been some amazing inventions that really made me believe that
그리고 멋진 것 이야기가 나와서 말인데, 제가 ~라고 생각하게 만든 멋진 발명품들이 있었어요.
this whole science fiction and the futuristic designs that you usually only see in movies
주로 영화에서만 보는 공상 과학과 미래적인 디자인들이
futuristic 미래적인
are about to become reality much faster than any of us could have ever imagined.
우리 중 누구도 상상할 수 있었던 것보다도 훨씬 빠르게 현실이 될 거라고요.
I really liked the A.I. products and robots and autonomously driving cars.
저는 인공 지능 상품들과 로봇, 그리고 자율 주행 자동차들이 정말 마음에 들었어요.
autonomously 자체적으로, 독자적으로
But what also caught my attention were devices connected to digital medicine
그런데 제 주의를 끈 것은 디지털 의학과 관련된 기기들이었어요.
because even though they are still in the launching or testing stage,
왜냐하면 그것들이 아직은 출시나 실험 단계에 있긴 하지만,
I really had the chance to catch a glimpse of what the future of medicine might look like.
저는 미래의 의학이 어떤 모습일 수 있는지를 살짝 볼 수 있는 기회가 있었거든요.
I want to become an inventor now, actually.
저는 사실 이제 발명가가 되고 싶어요.
Just, I hope I could have a groundbreaking idea simply by sitting under an apple tree like Isaac Newton.
아이작 뉴턴처럼 사과나무 아래에 앉아 있는 것만으로 획기적인 아이디어가 생길 수만 있다면 좋겠어요.
groundbreaking 획기적인
That would be really awesome.
그러면 정말 멋질 텐데 말이에요.
Unit 745. Cool inventions solve little problems in life.
Cool inventions solve little problems in our lives and make them slightly better. The one I've heard about recently is a heated knife meant to toast your bread as you're cutting it.
English On The Go
Recently I read about the coolest invention I've seen in the longest time.
It was super simple but absolutely genius, and if you think about it, that's what cool inventions are.
They're something that solve a dire problem
that you've had in your life for so long that you've actually started creating workarounds for.
Just think about your day.
What is it that you do in your routine that slightly annoys you or you wish could be different?
That's where cool inventions come in.
The one I found solves this tiny, little annoyance of having to wait for your bread to get toasted in the morning.
And this invention is a heated knife that toasts your bread as you cut it off the loaf.
Isn't that absolutely brilliant?
I want it because I love a quick but good crispy-on-the-outside, still-chewy-on-the-inside piece of toast in the morning.
EBSe 생활영어 - 교육의 중심 EBS
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Vocabulary Check
dire 대단히 심각한, 지독한
workaround 제2의 해결책
annoyance 골칫거리
brilliant 훌륭한, 뛰어난
Pattern Practice
in the longest time 정말 오랫동안, 정말 오랜만에
1. 저는 거기 안 가 본 지 정말 오래 됐어요.
I haven't been there in the longest time.
2. 우리는 정말 오랜만에 그렇게 많이 웃었어요.
We hadn't laughed so much in the longest time.
what is it that you ~ ? ~하는 건 무엇인가요?
1. 말씀하신 게 뭐였죠?
What was it that you said?
2. 안 좋아하는 게 무엇인가요?
What is it that you don't like?
알쏭달쏭 한마디
아주 오래전부터 갖고 싶었던 거예요.
I’ve been wanting it forever.
In The Social World
Melon (여)
Think of all the potential inventions that will be created in the future to solve little problems we may not even realize we have.
우리가 가지고 있는 깨닫지도 못하는 작은 문제들을 해결해 줄 미래에 만들어질 잠재적인 발명품들에 대해 생각해보세요.
Jeff (남)
There comes a time in your life when you have to look down at a cotton swab and thank it for being such a simple little invention. I just did it.
살다보면 아주 단순하고 작은 면봉에 감사하는 때가 있습니다. 난 방금 그랬어요. 느꼈어요.
a cotton swab 면봉
2019년 10월 23일 수요일
Cool inventions solve little problems in life.
멋진 발명품들은 생활 속의 작은 문제들을 해결해 줘요.
Margarita / 영국
Speaking Summary
Cool inventions solve little problems in our lives and make them slightly better. The one I've heard about recently is a heated knife meant to toast your bread as you're cutting it.
멋진 발명품들은 우리 생활 속의 작은 문제들을 해결해 주고 약간 개선해 줍니다. 제가 최근에 들은 건, 빵을 자르면서 구워 주는 달궈진 칼이에요.
Vocabulary Check
dire 대단히 심각한, 지독한
workaround 제2의 해결책
annoyance 골칫거리
brilliant 훌륭한, 뛰어난
English On The Go
Recently I read about the coolest invention I've seen in the longest time.
최근에 저는 그동안 아주 오랫동안 본 것 중에 가장 멋진 발명품에 대한 글을 읽었어요.
It was super simple but absolutely genius, and if you think about it, that's what cool inventions are.
아주 간단한데 정말 천재적이었는데요, 생각해 보면 멋진 발명품이라는 게 그런 것 같아요.
That's what it is. 바로 그렇다.
They're something that solve a dire problem
끔찍한 문제를 해결해 주는 무언가예요.
구어체여서 문법적으로는 오류처럼 보임, something that sloves . They're 다음에 something 도 이상..
dire 대단히 심각한, 지독한
dire consequences
that you've had in your life for so long that you've actually started creating workarounds for.
살면서 워낙 오랫동안 겪어서 실제로 제2의 해결책을 만들어 내기 시작한 그런 문제 말이에요.
workaround 제2의 해결책
Just think about your day.
여러분의 하루를 생각해 보세요.
What is it that you do in your routine that slightly annoys you or you wish could be different?
정해진 일상 속에서 여러분이 하는 것 중에 약간 귀찮은 것, 달랐으면 하는 것은 무엇인가요?
That's where cool inventions come in.
그때 바로 멋진 발명품들이 역할을 하는 거죠.
The one I found solves this tiny, little annoyance of having to wait for your bread to get toasted in the morning.
제가 찾은 건, 아침에 빵이 구워지기를 기다려야 하는 작은 골칫거리를 해결해 줘요.
wait for A to B ; A 가 B 하기를 기다림
annoyance 골칫거리
And this invention is a heated knife that toasts your bread as you cut it off the loaf.
그리고 이 발명품은, 빵을 덩어리에서 잘라낼 때 빵을 구워 주는 달궈진 칼이에요.
Isn't that absolutely brilliant?
정말 대단하지 않나요?
brilliant 훌륭한, 뛰어난
I want it because I love a quick but good crispy-on-the-outside, still-chewy-on-the-inside piece of toast in the morning.
저는 그게 갖고 싶어요. 간단한 아침 식사로 겉은 바삭하고 안은 쫄깃한 맛있는 토스트를 먹는 걸 좋아하거든요.
Unit 746. Inventions that help many people are cool.
I think inventions that can help a lot of people and affect a large community are really cool.
English On The Go
So back when I lived in the United States, I absolutely loved watching these invention shows.
I would think they were hilarious because
most of the time people would come up with these crazy ideas for just some bizarre things.
But every now and then, you get this really cool invention.
For example, I remember when there was a guy who was a quadriplegic.
He was missing his left hand. Both of his legs had been amputated.
And so he was really only fully capable of using his right hand.
And he mentioned how he was unable to floss. He was never able to floss his teeth.
And he created this invention that was shaped like a question mark,
and it allowed him to floss his teeth using one hand.
And he said it would really benefit a lot of people in the community to have that option available.
And so he was able to get it produced and make a prototype.
So I thought that was a really cool invention,
and things like that that have a lot of meaning and can help people I think are really great.
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Vocabulary Check
bizarre 기이한, 특이한
floss 치실, 치실을 사용하다
prototype 원형, 시제품
Pattern Practice
Every now and then, you ~ 가끔씩 ~할 때가 있어요
1. 가끔씩 그는 유치한 말을 해요.
Every now and then, he says silly things.
2. 가끔씩 업데이트가 있는지 확인하셔야 해요.
Every now and then, you should check for updates.
be fully capable of –ing ~를 충분히 할 능력이 있다
1. 우리는 모두 새로운 언어를 배울 능력이 충분히 있습니다.
We're all fully capable of learning a new language.
2. 그녀는 설명을 할 능력이 충분히 있었어요.
She was fully capable of explaining things well.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
어디에서 그런 아이디어를 얻었나요?
Where did you get that idea?
In The Social World
Mayia (여)
It's so cool every year to see new inventions that help people live longer and better.
사람들을 더 오래, 더 멋지게 살도록 돕는 새로운 발명품들을 매해 보는 것이 아주 멋지다.
every year 위치가 흥미로움
It's so cool to see that there are new inventions every year.
Sal (남)
The “floating” backpack is a cool invention. It should help people on many levels and in many situations.
"플로우팅" 백팩은 멋진 발명품이다. 다양한 상황에서 그리고 다양한 단계, 정도로 사람들에게 도움을 줄 것이다.
" 가 있는 이유는 실제로 떠 있는 백팩이 아니라 많이 위아래로 움직이지 않도록 해주는 장치
2019년 10월 24일 목요일
Inventions that help many people are cool.
많은 사람들을 도와주는 발명품들은 멋져요.
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
I think inventions that can help a lot of people and affect a large community are really cool.
저는 많은 사람들을 도와주고 큰 공동체에 영향을 주는 발명품들이 정말 멋지다고 생각해요.
Vocabulary Check
bizarre 기이한, 특이한
floss 치실, 치실을 사용하다
prototype 원형, 시제품
English On The Go
So back when I lived in the United States, I absolutely loved watching these invention shows.
저는 미국에 살았을 때 발명품을 소개하는 프로그램들을 시청하는 걸 정말 좋아했어요.
I would think they were hilarious because
그 프로그램들이 정말 재미있다고 생각했는데, 그 이유는
would ; 과거의 반복했던 행동
most of the time people would come up with these crazy ideas for just some bizarre things.
대부분의 경우, 사람들이 이상한 것들에 관한 말도 안 되는 아이디어들을 내곤 했거든요.
bizarre 기이한, 특이한
But every now and then, you get this really cool invention.
그런데 가끔씩, 정말 멋진 발명품이 소개돼요.
For example, I remember when there was a guy who was a quadriplegic.
예를 들어, 사지가 마비된 사람이 나왔을 때 기억나요.
quadriplegic 사지가 마비된 사람
He was missing his left hand. Both of his legs had been amputated.
그는 왼손이 없었어요. 양쪽 다리는 절단이 된 상태였어요.
amputate 절단하다
And so he was really only fully capable of using his right hand.
그래서 그는 오른손만 제대로 사용할 수 있었어요.
really only fully ; 세 가지의 조합이 쓰이는 경우가 종종 있다.
You can really only fully use this room. 이 룸만 제대로 쓸 수 있다.
And he mentioned how he was unable to floss. He was never able to floss his teeth.
그리고 그는 자신이 치실을 사용할 수 없다고 이야기했어요. 치실을 전혀 쓸 수가 없었던 거예요.
mentioned how = mentioned the fact that
floss 치실, 치실을 사용하다
floss 의 경우에는 to floss , to floss his teeth 둘 다 써도 됨
반면 brush 같은 경우는 뒤에 목적어가 빠지면 어색 , brush my teeth.
And he created this invention that was shaped like a question mark,
그리고 그는 물음표처럼 생긴 어떤 발명품을 만들었는데,
and it allowed him to floss his teeth using one hand.
한 손을 이용해서 치실질을 할 수 있도록 해 주는 물건이었어요.
And he said it would really benefit a lot of people in the community to have that option available.
그리고 그런 게 이용 가능하면 비슷한 상황에 처한 많은 사람들에게 정말 큰 도움을 줄 거라고 말했어요.
And so he was able to get it produced and make a prototype.
그래서 그는 그걸 제작해서 시제품을 만드는 기회가 생겼어요.
prototype 원형, 시제품
So I thought that was a really cool invention,
그래서 저는 그게 정말 멋진 발명이라고 생각했어요.
and things like that that have a lot of meaning and can help people I think are really great.
그런 물건처럼, 많은 의미를 갖고 있고 사람들을 도울 수 있는 것들이 저는 정말 대단하다고 생각해요.
that that 둘 다 필요함.
things like that ~ are really great. 사이에 that ~ can help people 이 들어감.
Unit 747. The internet is a great invention.
I think the internet is a really cool invention.
English On The Go
I think the internet is a really cool invention.
There are loads of different inventions out there that are so useful to society.
For example, the camera I'm using at the moment, light bulbs, electricity, cars.
All of them are great, but the reason I've chosen the internet to talk about today is
because I think the internet is increasing the rate that we can make more inventions with.
The internet has completely revolutionized the way that we communicate with each other,
the way that we learn, and how we can share information.
And because of that, it means that we can start creating brand-new things
and change the way that we do business, how we talk with each other.
And there's just so much potential for it.
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Vocabulary Check
rate 속도, 비율, 요금
revolutionize 혁신을 일으키다
brand-new 아주 새로운
potential 잠재력
Pattern Practice
loads of ~ 많은 ~
1. 저는 휴대폰에 앱이 많이 있어요.
I have loads of apps on my phone.
2. 방에 많은 사람들이 모였어요.
Loads of people gathered in the room.
so much potential for ~ ~할 수 있는 잠재력이 많은
1. 성공할 수 있는 잠재력이 아주 많이 보였어요.
I saw so much potential for success.
2. 당신은 성장할 수 있는 잠재력이 정말 많아요.
You have so much potential for growth.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
제가 말하는 건 그게 아니에요.
That’s not what I’m talking about.
In The Social World
Jelena (여)
After the invention of the internet, craft-selling has seen a huge upward trend, and it has allowed lots of people around the world to sell online.
인터넷의 발명 이후에, 공예품을 파는 것이 인기가 많이 올라갔고, 인터넷 덕분에 전세계 사람들이 온라인으로 물건을 팔 수 있게되었다.
Nick (남)
The invention of the internet has allowed words and images to transcend time. Posts are permanent, and even in my old years people will be able to find a post and gain valuable insights into the time it was written or composed or drawn.
인터넷의 발명은 글과 이미지들이 시간을 초월하게 만들어 주었습니다. 글 올리면 영구적으로 남고, 내가 나이들었을 때에도 사람들이 글 올린거 찾을 수 있고 그 시기에 대해서 귀중한 정보를 얻을 수 있고 글이 작성된 시기나 그려진 시기에 대한..
2019년 10월 25일 금요일
The internet is a great invention.
인터넷은 대단한 발명이에요.
Stefanie / 영국
Speaking Summary
I think the internet is a really cool invention.
제 생각에 인터넷은 정말 멋진 발명이에요.
Vocabulary Check
rate 속도, 비율, 요금
revolutionize 혁신을 일으키다
brand-new 아주 새로운
potential 잠재력
English On The Go
I think the internet is a really cool invention.
제 생각에 인터넷은 정말 멋진 발명이에요.
There are loads of different inventions out there that are so useful to society.
사회에 정말 도움이 되는 다양한 발명품들이 많이 있어요.
loads of 수 많은
to society 사회라는 뜻이지만 한정해 줄 때는 the 가 붙음 .. to the Korean society, to the local society
For example, the camera I'm using at the moment, light bulbs, electricity, cars.
예를 들어, 제가 지금 쓰고 있는 카메라, 전구, 전기, 자동차 같은 것들이요.
All of them are great, but the reason I've chosen the internet to talk about today is
이 모든 게 대단하지만, 오늘 이야기할 주제로 인터넷을 고른 이유는
because I think the internet is increasing the rate that we can make more inventions with.
인터넷이 우리가 발명품을 만드는 속도를 증가시키고 있다고 생각하기 때문이에요.
끝의 with는 with the rate, at 도 가능하다
rate 속도, 비율, 요금
at this rate 이런 속도로, 이런 식으로 ...
at the rate of ...의 비율로, ...의 속도로 at the rate of 3 to 1
currency exchange rate 환율
The internet has completely revolutionized the way that we communicate with each other,
인터넷은 우리가 서로 소통하는 방식에 완전히 혁신을 일으켰어요.
each other 서로(동사나 전치사의 목적어로 쓰임), one another 서로 ; they kissed one another
revolutionize 혁신을 일으키다
revolution 자체는 회전하는 것을 말함.
the way that we learn, and how we can share information.
우리가 학습을 하는 방식, 우리가 정보를 공유하는 방식에요.
the way that we learn = the way we learn
And because of that, it means that we can start creating brand-new things
그리고 그것 때문에, 우리는 새로운 것들을 만들어 낼 수 있다는 걸 의미해요.
brand-new 아주 새로운
and change the way that we do business, how we talk with each other.
그리고 우리가 업무를 하고, 서로 이야기를 나누는 방식을 바꿀 수 있어요.
And there's just so much potential for it.
그리고 (발전할 수 있는) 잠재적 가능성이 정말 많아요.
potential 잠재력
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