Unit 705. I admire my mom's patience.
One thing that I really admire about my mom is that she has an insane amount of patience.
English On The Go
Think of the most patient person you know and then times that by, like, 20, and that's my mom.
It's something I really respect about her.
She's always been very good at kind of being like, “Okay, like, breathe.”
She always says, “Go by the ‘KISS’ principle...Keep It Simple, Stupid.”
So when you start to get, like, overwhelmed by life and start to panic,
she's always just like, “Breathe. Like, just make it more simple.”
And she's always kind of like very patient and with people
when they're maybe, like, having a hard time and, like, maybe overreacting.
And she'll be like, “Okay, like, let's step back and, like, you know, think about this.”
Or, like, when it comes to teaching things as well, you know,
she's very patient and kind of makes sure to describe everything, which I think is a really admirable quality.
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principle 원칙, 법칙
overwhelmed 압도된
overreact 과잉 반응을 보이다
admirable 감탄스러운, 존경스러운
< Pattern Practice >
* go by ~ : ~를 따르다
1) 우리는 그의 조언을 따랐어요.
We went by his advice.
2) 그들은 법을 따라야 해요.
They must go by the law.
* make sure to ~ : 반드시 ~하다
1) 저는 문을 확실히 잠갔어요.
I made sure to lock the door.
2) 반드시 허락을 받아 주세요.
Please make sure to get permission.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
그녀는 제가 아는 사람 중에 인내심이 제일 많아요.
She’s the most patient person I know.
In The Social World
Nicole (여)
I hope I can be half the woman my mom is. Patience is a beautiful trait to have, and I admire her kindness so much.
난 엄마의 반만이라도 따라갔으면 좋겠다. 인내심은 아름다운 특성이고, 난 엄마의 친절함을 정말 대단하다고 생각한다.
cf) Somebody is not even half the man someone is. 반도 못따라간다
Ariel (남)
My mom has a heart of gold and endless patience, being there for all of my big life events, being an inspiration to my career, always being there as my emotional rock and support.
엄마는 정말 친절하고 끝없는 인내심을 갖고 계시고, 인생에 있어서 큰 사건들에 항상 곁에 있어서 힘이 되어 주셨고, 제 커리어에도 영감을 주셨고, 감정적으로 흔들리지 않고 힘이 되어주셨다.
big life events ; 졸업, 결혼 .. 등을 말함
have a heart of gold 아주 친절한 사람이다
< 해석 >
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
One thing that I really admire about my mom is that she has an insane amount of patience.
제가 저희 엄마에 대해서 정말 대단하다고 생각하는 것 한 가지는 인내심이 정말 많으시다는 거예요.
an insane amount of 엄청나게 많은 ..
Vocabulary Check
principle 원칙, 법칙
overwhelmed 압도된
overreact 과잉 반응을 보이다
admirable 감탄스러운, 존경스러운
English On The Go
Think of the most patient person you know and then times that by, like, 20, and that's my mom.
여러분이 아는 가장 인내심 많은 사람을 떠올리시고, 곱하기 20을 해 보시면, 그게 저희 엄마예요.
Think of ; ~ 를 떠올려보세요.
think about ; 그게 어떤지 생각해봐서 결정을 내리는 느낌 .. ,think of ; 떠올려보는 것
think of three food ..
동사로써 곱하다 의 의미를 가진 것은 multiply ,여기서는 times that by 가 쓰임 .. times that by 20 - 곱하기 20
It's something I really respect about her.
엄마에 대해서 제가 정말 존경하는 부분이에요.
respect ; I respect 사람 ..
I respect that about 사람, I respect 사람 for that - 두 가지
She's always been very good at kind of being like, “Okay, like, breathe.”
엄마는 항상 이런 말을 해 주시는 걸 잘하셨어요. “자, 심호흡을 해.”
(being like) be like = say , 문장 뒤 like 는 생략해도 됨
우리말로 심호흡해, 깊이 들이마셔 .. 등 으로 쓰이지만 영어에서는 deeply breathe 라고 안하고 그냥 breathe
cf) breathe in, breathe out
She always says, “Go by the ‘KISS’ principle...Keep It Simple, Stupid.”
엄마는 항상 이렇게 말씀하세요. “KISS 원칙대로 해. 단순하게 해.”라고요.
핵심은 Keep It Simple
바보야 단순하게 생각해 .. 에서 온 것이 Keep It Simple, Stupid
Go by ; 시간이나 사람이 지나가는 것도 Go by, 여기서는 따르다 follow, 지키다 로 쓰임,.. 그 밖에 여러가지 뜻이 있음.. 어떤 이름으로 통하다 Go by the name of ~ .. I go by 현우, I go by 메건 .. 원래 이름은 이건데 별명은 이거다 라고 할 때도 쓰임,
principle 원칙, 법칙
So when you start to get, like, overwhelmed by life and start to panic,
살면서 감당이 안 되는 상황이 생겨서 어쩔 줄 모를 때,
overwhelmed 감정, overwhelming 상태
overwhelmed 압도된
she's always just like, “Breathe. Like, just make it more simple.”
엄마는 항상 이렇게 말씀하세요. “심호흡을 하고, 그냥 단순하게 생각해.”
And she's always kind of like very patient and with people
그리고 엄마는 항상 아주 인내심이 있으시고, 사람들이...
= And she's always very patient and with people
when they're maybe, like, having a hard time and, like, maybe overreacting.
예를 들어 어려움을 겪고 있어서 어쩌면 과잉 반응을 보일 때
like 생략해도 됨
overreact 과잉 반응을 보이다
And she'll be like, “Okay, like, let's step back and, like, you know, think about this.”
그러면 항상 이렇게 말씀하세요. “잠깐 물러서서 생각을 해 보죠.”
Or, like, when it comes to teaching things as well, you know,
아니면 뭔가를 가르칠 때도,
she's very patient and kind of makes sure to describe everything, which I think is a really admirable quality.
아주 인내심이 있고 모든 걸 설명해 주시는데, 그게 정말 대단하신 것 같아요.
admirable quality 감탄스러운 면, 감탄스러운 자질
admirable 감탄스러운, 존경스러운
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