Unit 704. Parents need a lot of patience.
I think one of the aspects of life where you have to practice most patience is parenting, and in my family we have many stories where patiences were running thin.
English On The Go
I think one of the aspects of life where you have to practice the most patience is parenting.
And we have one story of my father that we always tell,
where his patience was running particularly thin.
I have two siblings, and when we were little, we would fight a lot about anything and everything.
One of the themes we would fight about was candy, so...
“Who has more?” and “Is this fair?” and “I want some.”
If we were on a long car journey, my dad was not going to have that.
So if we started to fight, then he would honk the horn of the car for a long time until we stopped.
So this was an example of patience running thin but actually achieving something, because we always stopped.
We were so embarrassed that we would stop so that he would stop.
aspect 측면
parenting 육아
particularly 특히, 특별히
< Pattern Practice >
* when one was little : 어렸을 때
1) 저는 어렸을 때 머리가 길었어요.
I had long hair when I was little.
2) 그들은 어렸을 때 밖에서 노는 걸 좋아했어요.
When they were little, they loved playing outside.
* so ~ that ~ : 워낙 ~해서 ~하다
1) 저는 너무 피곤해서 생각을 못 하겠어요.
I'm so tired that I can't think.
2) 그녀는 너무 고마워서 선물을 샀어요.
She was so thankful that she bought gifts.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
더 이상은 못 참아 줘!
Enough is enough!
That's enough 라고 했는데도 사람들이 ... 하면 Enough is enough !
In The Social World
Jeff (남)
When there's one parent and three kids, everyone needs to practice patience.
부모 한명과 아이 셋이 있을 때, 모두가 인내심을 가져야 한다.
Susie (여)
Parents, practice patience today for an abundant payoff when your kids become adults.
부모님들, 지금 인내심을 가지면 아이들이 나중에 어른이 됐을 때 보상이 있다. (지금 인내심을 가져라)
abundant payoff ; 나중에 금전적으로 돈을 많이 받는 것
< 해석 >
Rika / 독일
Speaking Summary
I think one of the aspects of life where you have to practice most patience is parenting, and in my family we have many stories where patiences were running thin.
삶에서 가장 많은 인내심을 연습하는 부분은 육아인 것 같은데, 저희 집은 인내심이 한계에 다다랐던 상황들이 많아요.
running thin ; 얇아진다 -> 한계에 다다른다.
patiences were running thin 보다는 patience was running thin 형태를 더 많이 볼 수 있다.
Vocabulary Check
aspect 측면
parenting 육아
particularly 특히, 특별히
English On The Go
I think one of the aspects of life where you have to practice the most patience is parenting.
삶에서 가장 많은 인내심이 필요한 부분 중 하나는 제 생각에는 육아인 것 같아요.
aspects 부분 (part)
practice 연습하다가 아니고 실천에 옮기는 것, 인내심을 가지는 것
cf) practice medicine 의사로서 연습하는게 아니고 의료 행위를 하는 것 .. doing action
aspect 측면
parenting 육아 ; 우리말의 육아 보다 parenting이 더 범위가 넓음 .. 부모의 역할을 하는 것 .. 아이가 자라서 결혼을 해서 애를 낳을 때도 ..
And we have one story of my father that we always tell,
그리고 저희가 항상 이야기하는 저희 아빠에 관한 일화가 있어요.
where his patience was running particularly thin.
아빠의 인내심이 특히 한계에 다다랐을 때의 이야기예요.
running = becoming
particularly 특히, 특별히
I have two siblings, and when we were little, we would fight a lot about anything and everything.
저는 형제자매가 두 명 있는데, 저희는 어렸을 때 온갖 것들에 대해서 싸우곤 했어요.
two siblings ; 리카씨는 언니가 한 명있고, 남동생이 한 명 있음
anything and everything ; 굳어진 표현으로 많이 씀 .. everything 면 사사건건 다 싸우지만, anything 은 굳이 이런 것 까지도 싸워야 되나 .. (무엇이든지 다) 무엇이든지
One of the themes we would fight about was candy, so...
저희가 싸우는 주제 중 하나는 캔디였는데,
candy ; 한국에서는 캔디가 딱딱한 사탕을 의미 하지만, 영어에서는 사탕, 쵸콜릿 바, 젤리 .. 등
“Who has more?” and “Is this fair?” and “I want some.”
“누가 더 많이 가졌나?” 그리고 “이게 공평한가?” 그리고 “나도 먹고 싶다.” 이런 거였어요.
If we were on a long car journey, my dad was not going to have that.
차를 타고 멀리 가는 중이라면, 저희 아빠는 그걸 용납하려고 하지 않으셨어요.
not going to have that ; 많이 쓰는 표현 .. I'm not going to put up with it. I'm not going to have patience for it. 거기에 대한 인내심 난 가지지 않을거야. 안 참아 줄거야 ..
So if we started to fight, then he would honk the horn of the car for a long time until we stopped.
그래서 저희가 싸우기 시작하면, 아빠는 저희가 그만할 때까지 오랫동안 차의 경적을 울리곤 하셨어요.
honk the horn 경적을 울리다
So this was an example of patience running thin but actually achieving something, because we always stopped.
이건 인내심이 한계에 다다랐지만 실제로 뭔가 성취한 예시였어요. 왜냐하면 저희는 늘 싸움을 멈췄거든요.
We were so embarrassed that we would stop so that he would stop.
저희는 너무 창피해서, 아빠가 멈추시도록 저희가 싸움을 멈추곤 했어요.
We were so embarrassed that we would stop + we would stop so that he would stop
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