Unit 687. Competition isn't necessarily bad.
Having a healthy, moderate amount of competitiveness is fine, but when it gets to be too much, that's when it's a problem.
English On The Go
Competition in our daily lives is kind of unavoidable.
I mean, we see it in sports and in games, and also in our work and in school.
But I think personally that competition or having competition in your life isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Having a moderate, healthy amount of competitiveness will actually help you do better.
For example, when I was in school, I know that I personally tried to push myself
to be better in certain studies, to, you know, to do quite well.
However, if your competitiveness gets to be too much and it starts to negatively affect other people,
you know, putting someone down in order for you to do better,
that's when maybe your competitiveness is becoming a bit of a problem.
And I think that would be a time you need to stop and reflect.
But having a small amount of competitiveness is not necessarily a bad thing.
unavoidable 불가피한
competitiveness 경쟁력, 경쟁적인 상태
affect 영향을 주다
reflect 반영하다, 생각하다
< Pattern Practice >
* in order for A to B : A가 B 하기 위해서
1) 우리는 그들이 지나갈 수 있도록 비켰어요.
We moved in order for them to pass.
2) 그들이 여행을 즐길 수 있도록 저는 가이드북을 몇 권 샀어요.
In order for them to enjoy the trip, I bought some guide books.
* not necessarily a bad thing : 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아니다
1) 스트레스가 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아니에요.
Stress is not necessarily a bad thing.
2) 바쁜 게 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아니에요.
Being busy is not necessarily a bad thing.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
이게 나중에 문제가 될 수도 있어요.
This might become a problem in the future.
In The Social World
Dave (남)
Competition isn't necessarily bad. Sometimes it can help drive all standards up.
경쟁이 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아닙니다. 가끔씩은 기대치를 올리는데 도움이 된다.
drive (something) up 올리다
standards 기준치, 기대치, 이 정도는 해줘야지 하는 ..
Debbie (여)
Competition isn't necessarily bad. However, if you spend your whole life always competing with others and trying to one-up them, you'll be sadly disappointed over and over again.
경쟁이 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아니다. 만일 평생을 남들과 경쟁하고 남들보다 더 나아지려고 노력하면서 보내면, 슬프게도 (안타깝게도) 계속해서 실망하면서 보내게 될 것이다.
one-up 남들보다 한 단계 더 나아지려는 노력
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
Having a healthy, moderate amount of competitiveness is fine, but when it gets to be too much, that's when it's a problem.
건전하고 적당한 양의 경쟁은 괜찮지만, 너무 지나치면 그때는 문제가 돼요.
Vocabulary Check
unavoidable 불가피한
competitiveness 경쟁력, 경쟁적인 상태
affect 영향을 주다
reflect 반영하다, 생각하다
English On The Go
Competition in our daily lives is kind of unavoidable.
일상 속에서의 경쟁은 어느 정도는 피할 수 없어요.
lives ; life 의 복수형, 발음 - 라이브즈
unavoidable 불가피한 ( = inevitable ) 불가피한, 필연적인
I mean, we see it in sports and in games, and also in our work and in school.
스포츠 경기나 놀이에서도 볼 수 있고 직장에서도, 학교에서 볼 수 있어요.
But I think personally that competition or having competition in your life isn't necessarily a bad thing.
그런데 저는 경쟁이나, 살면서 경쟁을 하는 것이 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아닌 것 같아요.
necessarily 어쩔 수 없이, 필연적으로
Having a moderate, healthy amount of competitiveness will actually help you do better.
적당하고 건전한 양의 경쟁은 사실 더 잘할 수 있게 도움이 될 거예요.
competitiveness, competitive ( 두 가지의 뜻, 실력을 갖춘 상태인지 아니면 경쟁적인 상태인지는 문맥을 통해서 파악해야 됨, 여기서는 두 번째의 뜻 )
competitiveness 경쟁력, 경쟁적인 상태
For example, when I was in school, I know that I personally tried to push myself
예를 들어, 제가 학생이었을 때, 저는 개인적으로 스스로를 채찍질했어요.
push myself
He pushed me to do better. = He motivated me.
to be better in certain studies, to, you know, to do quite well.
특정 과목들에서 더 잘할 수 있도록, 성적이 아주 좋도록 말이에요.
studies 학업, subjects
However, if your competitiveness gets to be too much and it starts to negatively affect other people,
그런데 경쟁심이 너무 심해지면, 다른 사람들에게 부정적인 영향을 주기 시작해요.
gets 상태변화가 있다는 것을 알 수 있다.
affect 영향을 주다
you know, putting someone down in order for you to do better,
자신이 더 잘하기 위해서 다른 사람을 누르고 올라가는 것 말이에요.
that's when maybe your competitiveness is becoming a bit of a problem.
그러면 그때는 경쟁심이 좀 문제가 되는 것 같아요.
And I think that would be a time you need to stop and reflect.
그리고 그때는 멈춰서 생각을 해야 할 필요가 있는 것 같아요.
reflect 반영하다, 생각하다
But having a small amount of competitiveness is not necessarily a bad thing.
그렇지만 약간의 경쟁심은 꼭 나쁜 것만은 아니에요.
It is not necessarily a bad thing = It can be good
= It is not necessarily such a bad thing
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