Unit 686. I like competitions when they're fun.
If people are laughing and having fun together, I like a good competition.
English On The Go
Whenever I do anything that involves any sort of competition, I find myself getting nervous.
This is because I then remember that I do actually have quite the competitive streak.
So I recently did something called a “campus challenge.”
My friends called it a campus challenge.
And I didn't know how I was going to do because I didn't know everybody in the group.
We split up into teams, and we just were supposed to do silly little challenges and laugh together,
gain points, and potentially win for our team in the end.
I was scared at first.
Then, when the ball started rolling, I got really into it, and our team ended up winning.
So, I just remembered that I do like a good competition.
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involve 포함하다
streak 연속, 구석
split up 분리되다, 분리하다
potentially 잠재적으로, 어쩌면
< Pattern Practice >
* anything that involves ~ : ~와 관련된 건 뭐든지
1) 수학과 관련된 건 뭐든지 어려웠어요.
Anything that involved math was hard.
2) 슈퍼영웅이 나오는 건, 저는 뭐든지 볼 거예요.
I'll watch anything that involves superheroes.
* have quite the ~ : 꽤 대단한 ~가 있다
1) 당신은 올해 꽤 대단한 한 해를 보냈네요.
You've had quite the year.
2) 그는 명성이 꽤 대단해요.
He has quite the reputation.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
제가 져 준 거예요.
I let them win.
또는 I let you win. 여기서 let 은 과거형
In The Social World
Bevis (남)
I like competitions where the contestants help each other and have fun.
참가자들이 서로 돕고 즐거운 시간을 보내는 그런 경연대회들을 좋아한다.
contestants 참가자들
Joy (여)
The only games I like to be a part of always have something to do with sports and fun competition.
The only games I like to be a part of / always have something to do with sports and fun competition.
내가 참여하기를 좋아하는 유일한 종류의 게임은 항상 스포츠 그리고 재미있는 경쟁과 관련이 있는 게임이다.
< 해석 >
Rika / 독일
Speaking Summary
If people are laughing and having fun together, I like a good competition.
사람들이 웃고 재미있는 시간을 보낸다면, 저는 경쟁하는 걸 좋아해요.
a good competition 여기서의 good 이 들어간 의미는 재밌고 가벼운, 웃긴 competition
Vocabulary Check
involve 포함하다
streak 연속, 구석
split up 분리되다, 분리하다
potentially 잠재적으로, 어쩌면
English On The Go
Whenever I do anything that involves any sort of competition, I find myself getting nervous.
뭐가 됐든 경쟁을 해야 하는 걸 할 때마다, 저는 긴장을 하게 돼요.
that involves any sort of competition 경쟁 요소가 있는, 포함하는 컴피티션을
involve 포함하다
This is because I then remember that I do actually have quite the competitive streak.
그러면 저는 제가 사실 꽤 경쟁적인 면이 있다는 게 생각이 나기 때문이에요.
I then remember 그제서야 기억이 나요
streak 연속, 구석 (면)
cf) winning streak 연승 중이다.
You are on a thirty day streak. ( 학습 앱 또는 온라인 강의에서 30일 동안 연속적으로 공부를 하고 있을 때 )
Don't break it. 흐름을 깨지 말아라.
So I recently did something called a “campus challenge.”
최근에 ‘캠퍼스 챌린지’라고 불리는 걸 했어요.
My friends called it a campus challenge.
제 친구들이 그걸 캠퍼스 챌린지라고 불렀어요.
And I didn't know how I was going to do because I didn't know everybody in the group.
그리고 저는 제가 얼마나 잘하게 될지 몰랐는데, 참여하는 사람들을 다 알지는 못했거든요.
* how ; 얼마나 잘
how I was going to do 뒤에 it 이 있다면 어떻게 해야될 지 라는 뜻이 됐을 텐데, 여기서는 how well ( you do something ..)
만약 메간쌤이 피트니스 대회를 마치고 올 때 물어보면
How did you do? 어땠어요? (잘했어요?) 의 의미 .. 어떻게 , 어떤 방법으로 했어요 가 아님
cf) Did you do it well? .. ( 이런 식의 문장은 어색함 ) -> How did you do? 가 일반적
How did you do on your test? , How did you do in the competiton ?
I didn't know everybody 다 알지는 못했다
cf) I didn't know anybody 아무도 모른다
We split up into teams, and we just were supposed to do silly little challenges and laugh together,
우리는 팀을 나눴고, 유치한 도전 과제들을 해결하면서 재미있게 노는 게 목적이었어요.
we just were = we were just
split up 분리되다, 분리하다
gain points, and potentially win for our team in the end.
점수를 따고, 그리고 결국에는 어쩌면 이길 수도 있는 거였어요.
potentially 잠재적으로, 어쩌면
I was scared at first.
저는 처음에는 겁이 났어요.
Then, when the ball started rolling, I got really into it, and our team ended up winning.
그러다가 실제로 시작됐을 때 저는 정말 푹 빠졌고, 저희 팀이 결국 이기게 됐어요.
when the ball started rolling ( 관용어구 ) 실제로 시작됐을 때
Let's get the ball rolling ; (준비만 하다가) 실제로 시작을 해봅시다.
When you do really good. -> on the ball = you are on a winning streak. = you are on a ball
So, I just remembered that I do like a good competition.
그래서 저는 제가 경쟁을 좋아한다는 게 다시 기억났어요.
a good competition = fun, enjoyable, light ...
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