Unit 783. I first thought Jeju was similar to my hometown.
My first impression of Jeju ... that it was very similar in many ways to my hometown in Australia.
English On The Go
The very first time I ever came to Jeju, the first impression I kind of got of it …
that it was very similar in a lot of ways to my hometown of Brisbane in Australia.
Obviously the language and everything is different,
but in many ways I was reminded of my hometown
because here in Jeju there's a lot of palm trees like there is in Brisbane.
There's lots of fresh fruit. Australia also has got, like, a lot of, like, lovely, like, oranges and things.
And so when I came to Jeju, I felt almost at home, even though it's still in so many ways different to Australia.
Just the landscape alone ... I was like, “It's so nice to be surrounded by green and everything.”
And so my first impression was kind of like, “Ooh, did I, like, come back to Australia?” for a second.
Obviously the food is very different though to Australia.
We don't have as many black pigs in Australia.
EBSe 생활영어 - 교육의 중심 EBS
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Vocabulary Check
remind 떠올리게 하다, 생각나게 하다
landscape 풍경
surround 둘러싸다
Pattern Practice
be reminded of ~ ~가 떠오르다
1. 저는 그걸 보면 대학 시절이 떠올라요.
When I see it, I'm reminded of my college days.
2. 우리는 우리가 시카고에서 보냈던 시절이 떠올랐어요.
We were reminded of our Chicago days.
just ~ alone ~만 가지고도, ~만 놓고 봤을 때
1. 저는 계단만으로도 힘들었어요.
I struggled with just the stairs alone.
2. 우리의 격려만으로는 충분하지 않아요.
Just our encouragement alone is not enough.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
제가 생각한 거랑 전혀 달라요.
It’s nothing like I imagined.
(과거형) It was nothing like I had imagined.
In The Social World
Bibi (여)
Every time I go to a different country, my first thought is, “Wow, this looks just like my city.”
다른 나라에 갈때마다, 처음에 드는 생각은 "와우, 내가 살고있는 곳과 똑같네."
Jon (남)
My first impression of Indianapolis, where I'm in town for my first NBA game, is it feels very similar to Columbus.
인디애나폴리스주에 갔을 때 첫 인상은, 처음으로 NBA 게임을 보러온, 콜럼버스랑 매우 비슷하게 느꼈다.
S5 ep. 783
2019년 12월 16일 월요일
I first thought Jeju was similar to my hometown.
저는 처음에는 제주도가 제 고향과 비슷하다고 생각했어요.
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
My first impression of Jeju ... that it was very similar in many ways to my hometown in Australia.
제주도에 대한 제 첫인상은, 여러 면에서 호주의 제 고향과 아주 비슷하다는 거였어요.
... 부분 ; 구어제여서 is 나 was 가 생략됨
it was very similar ( in many ways ) to my hometown
Vocabulary Check
remind 떠올리게 하다, 생각나게 하다
landscape 풍경
surround 둘러싸다
English On The Go
The very first time I ever came to Jeju, the first impression I kind of got of it …
제주도에 제가 처음 왔을 때 제가 받았던 첫인상은...
that it was very similar in a lot of ways to my hometown of Brisbane in Australia.
많은 면에서 호주의 제 고향인 브리즈번과 비슷하다는 거였어요.
Obviously the language and everything is different,
물론 언어도 다르고 다른 것도 다르죠.
여기서 everything 이 모든 것의 의미라기보다는 other things ..처럼 해석
but in many ways I was reminded of my hometown
그렇지만 많은 면에서 저는 고향 생각이 났어요.
remind 떠올리게 하다, 생각나게 하다
because here in Jeju there's a lot of palm trees like there is in Brisbane.
왜냐하면 이곳 제주도에는 브리즈번에서처럼 야자수가 많이 있거든요.
like there is in Brisbane ( ; there is 도 생략가능) ; like there is (a lot of palm trees) in Brisbane
There's lots of fresh fruit. Australia also has got, like, a lot of, like, lovely, like, oranges and things.
신선한 과일도 많고요. 호주도 맛있는 오렌지 같은 것들이 많이 있어요.
And so when I came to Jeju, I felt almost at home, even though it's still in so many ways different to Australia.
그래서 저는 제주도에 왔을 때 거의 집에 온 것 같은 기분이었어요. 여전히 많은 면에서 호주와는 다르지만요.
at home ; 두 가지 뜻 .. 집에, 편안하게
Just the landscape alone ... I was like, “It's so nice to be surrounded by green and everything.”
풍경만 딱 보고 저는 “푸른 자연에 둘러싸여 있으니 정말 좋다”라고 생각했어요.
사진의 두 가지 모드 ; 세로 portrait, 가로 landscape
landscape 풍경
surround 둘러싸다
And so my first impression was kind of like, “Ooh, did I, like, come back to Australia?” for a second.
그래서 제 첫인상은 잠깐 “내가 호주에 돌아온 건가?”였어요.
Obviously the food is very different though to Australia.
물론 호주랑 음식은 아주 다르죠.
We don't have as many black pigs in Australia.
호주에는 흑돼지가 여기만큼 많지 않아요.
as many ; 같은 수만큼의 (것) , How many books did she buy? Give me as many.
Unit 784. We shouldn't rely on first impressions.
We usually form our opinions of someone based on our first impressions, but first impressions aren't everything.
English On The Go
How much do you trust your first impressions?
I used to blindly trust mine until I remembered a few times I was wrong.
An employee that I hired after a great interview didn't want to do much work.
A friendly coworker turned out to be just trying to get me to join a pyramid scheme.
And I went on a first date which I thought was perfect, but … well, let's not talk about that one.
Anyway, the point that I'm trying to make is that we can't rely on our first impressions, at least not always.
Now, a good first impression can help get your foot in the door at a job or get you a second date.
But there are just so many things like being shy or having a bad day that can really affect a first impression.
And it can take more than just a few minutes to know somebody.
Take, for example, my best friend, who I met online.
My first impression was that he was really energetic and we didn't have much in common.
But when I finally met him, he was really down-to-earth and we clicked right away.
So, while we can't always trust our first impressions, they are all that we have.
And I'll keep using them, but I'll try not to rely on them completely.
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Vocabulary Check
blindly 맹목적으로, 무턱대고
scheme 계획, 책략
Pattern Practice
I used to ~ until I ~ ~했었는데 ~하고 나서 달라졌어요
1. 저는 힘들어 했었는데, 개인 교사를 구하고 달라졌어요.
I used to struggle until I got a tutor.
2. 저는 버스를 타고 다니다가, 차를 구입했어요.
I used to take the bus until I bought a car.
all that we have 우리가 가진 전부, ~말고는 없다
1. 우리는 10달러밖에 없었어요.
Ten dollars was all that we had.
2. 우리가 가진 건 그게 전부였지만, 그걸로 충분했어요.
It was all that we had, but it was enough.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
그 사람은 실제로 만나면 더 재미있어요.
He is funnier in person.
In The Social World
Madhuri (여)
Don't rely on first impressions to form a judgment about a person. Everyone deserves a second chance.
어떤 사람을 판단하는데 첫인상에 의존하지 마세요. 누구에게나 두 번째 기회는 주어질만해요.
Bastian (남)
Why do people rely on first impressions when making decisions even when better cues are available?
결정을 할 때 왜 사람들은 첫인상에 의존하는 걸까? 다른 것들을 토대로 결정 할 수 있는데?
cue ; 일종의 신호,
S5 ep. 784
2019년 12월 17일 화요일
We shouldn't rely on first impressions.
우리는 첫인상에 의존하면 안 돼요.
Billy / 미국
Speaking Summary
We usually form our opinions of someone based on our first impressions, but first impressions aren't everything.
우리는 주로 첫인상을 기반으로 어떤 사람에 대한 의견을 형성하지만, 첫인상이 전부는 아니에요.
Vocabulary Check
blindly 맹목적으로, 무턱대고
scheme 계획, 책략
English On The Go
How much do you trust your first impressions?
여러분은 첫인상을 얼마나 신뢰하시나요?
I used to blindly trust mine until I remembered a few times I was wrong.
저는 예전에는 첫인상을 맹목적으로 신뢰했었는데 몇 번 제가 잘못 생각했다는 걸 알게 됐어요.
mine = first impression
blindly 맹목적으로, 무턱대고
An employee that I hired after a great interview didn't want to do much work.
면접을 정말 잘해서 고용한 어떤 직원은 일을 별로 안 하고 싶어 했어요.
A friendly coworker turned out to be just trying to get me to join a pyramid scheme.
친절한 동료가 있었는데 알고 보니 그냥 저를 다단계 조직에 가입시키려고 하는 거였어요.
scheme 계획, 책략
* in the grand scheme of things ; (관용표현) 크게 봤을때, 전체적으로 봤을 때
And I went on a first date which I thought was perfect, but … well, let's not talk about that one.
그리고 한 번은 첫 번째 데이트가 아주 잘 됐다고 생각했는데... 아, 그 이야기는 하지 말죠.
Anyway, the point that I'm trying to make is that we can't rely on our first impressions, at least not always.
아무튼, 제 말의 요지는 첫인상에 의존하면 안 된다는 거예요. 적어도 항상 그러면 안 된다는 거예요.
Now, a good first impression can help get your foot in the door at a job or get you a second date.
물론 첫인상은 어떤 일자리에 발을 들여 놓을 수 있도록, 또는 두 번째 데이트 약속을 잡을 수 있도록 도와줄 수 있죠.
But there are just so many things like being shy or having a bad day that can really affect a first impression.
그런데 수줍다든지, 아니면 그날 일이 잘 안 풀린다든지, 첫인상에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요소들이 정말 많아요.
And it can take more than just a few minutes to know somebody.
그리고 어떤 사람을 몇 분만 만나서 알 수는 없어요.
Take, for example, my best friend, who I met online.
그런 예로, 인터넷으로 만난 제 제일 친한 친구가 있어요.
Take , something or someone, for example ...
My first impression was that he was really energetic and we didn't have much in common.
제가 받은 첫인상은 그 친구가 정말 에너지가 넘치고 우리가 공통점이 많지 않다는 거였어요.
But when I finally met him, he was really down-to-earth and we clicked right away.
그런데 드디어 실제로 만나 보니 정말 털털한 성격이었고, 우리는 바로 친해졌어요.
down-to-earth ; (여기서는) 털털한 성격, 현실적인, 실제적인; 세상 물정에 밝은. a down-to-earth person
So, while we can't always trust our first impressions, they are all that we have.
그래서 첫인상을 항상 믿을 수는 없지만, 그거 말고는 다른 정보가 없죠.
And I'll keep using them, but I'll try not to rely on them completely.
그리고 저는 첫인상을 계속 참고하겠지만, 완전히 의존하지 않으려고 노력할 거예요.
Unit 785. First impressions are extremely important.
Although we shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly, I still think first impressions are really important.
English On The Go
First impressions, in my opinion, are extremely important.
Although we're taught not to judge a book by its cover, this is quite hard to do in reality
because we so naturally formulate some sort of opinion about someone that we've just met.
Of course it would be nice to sit down with someone that you've just met
and have a conversation and ask them a lot of questions about themselves.
And perhaps the more time you spend together, the more relaxed and comfortable the other party would feel as well,
and all of this would change your first impression of them.
But unfortunately we're not always in such situations.
For example, in job interviews, you only have a select number of minutes
to convey your personality, your mindset, and your entire aura.
And unfortunately this is very challenging, especially for people who feel rather shy and awkward talking to new people.
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Vocabulary Check
formulate 만들어내다
select 엄선된
convey 전달하다, 전하다
aura 기운, 분위기
Pattern Practice
be ~ in reality 실제로는 ~하다
1. 그건 실제로는 웃겼어요.
It was funny in reality.
2. 그 관광지는 실제로 가 보면 실망스러워요.
The tourist spot is disappointing in reality.
It would be nice to ~ ~하면 좋겠네요
1. 다시 같이 모이면 좋겠네요.
It would be nice to get together again.
2. 그와 직접 만나서 이야기를 나눌 수 있으면 좋겠네요.
It would be nice to talk to him in person.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
제가 그 사람을 잘못 봤어요.
I was wrong about him.
wrong <-> right
In The Social World
A.M. (남)
First impressions are always important because most people can't see past them. Be a good actor.
첫 인상은 항상 중요합니다 왜냐하면 대부분의 사람들은 그걸 넘어서서 볼 수가 없어요. 연기를 잘 해보세요.
go past me ; 나를 지나가는 것 (무시)
Mikayla (여)
Even though I know they'll like me, I get anxiety before meeting someone's family because first impressions are lasting ones.
그들이 나를 맘에 들어할거란걸 알지만, 누군가의 가족을 만나기 전에 긴장된다. 왜냐면 첫인상은 지속되는거라서요.
lasting ones ; lasting impressions
S5 ep. 785
2019년 12월 18일 수요일
First impressions are extremely important.
첫인상은 정말 중요해요.
Bluinse / 오스트리아
Speaking Summary
Although we shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly, I still think first impressions are really important.
너무 성급하게 결론을 내리면 안 되지만, 저는 그래도 첫인상이 정말 중요하다고 생각해요.
Vocabulary Check
formulate 만들어내다
select 엄선된
convey 전달하다, 전하다
aura 기운, 분위기
English On The Go
First impressions, in my opinion, are extremely important.
첫인상은 제 생각에 정말 중요한 것 같아요.
Although we're taught not to judge a book by its cover, this is quite hard to do in reality
사람을 겉모습만 보고 판단하지 말라고 배우지만, 현실에서는 꽤 어려운 일이에요.
not to judge a book by its cover ; (관용적 표현) 책을 표지만 보고 판단하지마라 -> 주로 사람에 대해 쓰임.
Who taught you? ; 누가 가르쳐줬어요?
because we so naturally formulate some sort of opinion about someone that we've just met.
왜냐하면 우리는 이제 막 만난 사람에 대해서 정말 자연스럽게 의견을 형성하기 때문이에요.
formulate 만들어내다
Of course it would be nice to sit down with someone that you've just met
물론 이제 막 만난 사람과 차분히 앉아서 ~하면 좋겠죠.
and have a conversation and ask them a lot of questions about themselves.
대화를 나누고 그들에 대해서 질문을 많이 하면 말이에요.
And perhaps the more time you spend together, the more relaxed and comfortable the other party would feel as well,
그리고 어쩌면 더 많은 시간을 보낼수록, 상대방도 더 긴장을 풀고 편안하게 느끼겠죠.
you ; 여기서는 both 의 개념 너와 나, 함께 시간을 보냄
the other party ; the other person
and all of this would change your first impression of them.
그리고 이 모든 건 그 사람에 대한 첫인상도 바꿀 거예요.
would ; 좀 전에 가정으로 시작했기 때문에 여기서도 would 가 쓰임.
But unfortunately we're not always in such situations.
그런데 아쉽게도 우리는 항상 그런 상황에 부닥쳐 있지 못해요.
For example, in job interviews, you only have a select number of minutes
예를 들어 채용 면접에서는 시간이 제한되어 있어요.
select 엄선된
Only a select few can enter the room. ; 엄선된 소수 ( 소수 정예 ) 만이 ..
to convey your personality, your mindset, and your entire aura.
자신의 성격과 사고방식, 그리고 전반적인 분위기를 전달할 시간 말이에요.
convey 전달하다, 전하다
aura 기운, 분위기
And unfortunately this is very challenging, especially for people who feel rather shy and awkward talking to new people.
그리고 안타깝게도 이건 전혀 쉽지 않아요. 특히 새로운 사람들과 이야기 나눌 때 수줍고 어색하게 느끼는 사람들은 말이에요.
challenging ; difficult
( when they are ) talking to new people.
Unit 786. I want my first impression to reflect my true self.
I used to quiet down my personality, but I've found that when making a first impression, revealing my true self is better.
English On The Go
Oftentimes when I would first meet people, I would quiet my personality and be more agreeable and less expressive.
But I've realized that people like it better if I'm true to myself and show them who I really am.
Naturally I'm a very expressive person.
I use my hands a lot and I talk quite loud,
and I'll make a lot of different faces while I'm telling stories, for example.
But whenever I would meet someone for the first time,
I figured that I always needed to be more quiet and not talk as much
and just kind of sit there and be nice and agreeable.
And then later on, once I would get to know the person better,
they'd see my real personality and be like, “Wow, I had no idea you were like this.”
So I've decided that I just want to reveal more of my true personality in my first impression,
and so far it's been going great.
People love knowing the real me within the first time that I meet them.
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Vocabulary Check
agreeable 기분 좋은, 받아들일 수 있는
expressive 감정을 표현하는
reveal 드러내다, 보여주다
Pattern Practice
be true to ~ ~에 충실하다, ~에 일치하다
1. 자신의 믿음에 충실하세요.
Be true to your beliefs.
2. 저는 학교의 좌우명에 맞춰 행동했어요.
I was true to the school motto.
I figure (that) ~ 저는 ~라고 생각해요
1. 저는 그게 끝났다고 생각했어요.
I figured it was over.
2. 우리는 여분이 더 필요할 것 같아요.
I figure that we'll need extra.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
저는 항상 이래요.
This is what I’m always like.
In The Social World
Qlah (남)
I'd rather show my true self than give false first impressions.
잘못된 첫인상을 주기보다는 차라리 제 실제 모습을 보여주겠어요. (원래대로 행동하겠어요)
I'd rather ; 차라리 ~ 하겠다
Kristin (여)
In a new environment, sometimes I get shy. Most people have said the first impression I give off is not anything like my true self.
새로운 환경에서 가끔은 수줍어 져요. 대부분의 사람들은 사람들에게 주는 제 첫인상이 원래 모습과는 전혀 다르대요.
give off 에서 off 는 향기처럼 퍼지는 느낌,
is not anything like my true self. = is nothing like my true self.
S5 ep. 786
2019년 12월 19일 목요일
I want my first impression to reflect my true self.
저는 제 첫인상이 제 진짜 모습을 보여 주면 좋겠어요.
Jordan / 미국
Speaking Summary
I used to quiet down my personality, but I've found that when making a first impression, revealing my true self is better.
저는 예전에는 얌전한 모습을 보이곤 했는데, 첫인상을 줄 때는 진짜 모습을 보여 주는 것이 더 낫다는 걸 알게 됐어요.
Vocabulary Check
agreeable 기분 좋은, 받아들일 수 있는
expressive 감정을 표현하는
reveal 드러내다, 보여주다
English On The Go
Oftentimes when I would first meet people, I would quiet my personality and be more agreeable and less expressive.
종종 저는 사람들을 처음 만날 때, 제 성격을 좀 덜 보여 주고, 상냥한 모습을 보이고, 감정 표현을 덜 하곤 했어요.
first 가 동사 앞에 쓰일 때는 first 만 쓰이는데 뒤로 가면 for the first time 인 경우가 많다.
agreeable 기분 좋은, 받아들일 수 있는
expressive 감정을 표현하는
But I've realized that people like it better if I'm true to myself and show them who I really am.
그런데 제가 평소처럼 행동하고 제 원래 모습을 보여 주면 사람들이 더 좋아한다는 걸 알게 됐어요.
Naturally I'm a very expressive person.
저는 원래부터 감정 표현이 풍부한 사람이에요.
Naturally 가 자연스럽게 라기 보다는 원래부터 ..
by nature 천성이 그렇다 ..
I use my hands a lot and I talk quite loud,
저는 손을 많이 움직이면서 말하고, 큰 소리로 말해요.
and I'll make a lot of different faces while I'm telling stories, for example.
그리고 예를 들어 이야기를 해 줄 때 다양한 표정들을 지어요.
But whenever I would meet someone for the first time,
그런데 어떤 사람을 처음 만날 때면
I figured that I always needed to be more quiet and not talk as much
저는 항상 더 조용히 있어야 하고 말을 덜 해야 한다고 생각했어요.
I figured ; I thought
as much ; as I do usually ; 평소처럼
and just kind of sit there and be nice and agreeable.
그냥 가만히 있으면서 친절하고 상냥한 모습을 보여야 한다고요.
agreeable ; 잘 맞춰주는 ...
And then later on, once I would get to know the person better,
그러다가 나중에 그 사람을 좀더 잘 알게 되면,
본문에서 would 가 종종 쓰이는 이유는 과거에 ~ 하곤했다. 는 의미
they'd see my real personality and be like, “Wow, I had no idea you were like this.”
그들은 제 진짜 성격을 보고는 이렇게 말하곤 했어요. “우와, 네 성격이 이런 줄 몰랐어.”
they'd ; they would
So I've decided that I just want to reveal more of my true personality in my first impression,
그래서 저는 그냥 제 진짜 성격을 제 첫인상을 통해서 더 보여 주기로 결심했어요.
reveal 드러내다, 보여주다
and so far it's been going great.
그리고 지금까지는 결과가 좋아요.
so far, so good ; 지금까지는 좋다[순조롭다]
People love knowing the real me within the first time that I meet them.
사람들을 처음 만난 자리에서 진짜 제 모습을 알게 되는 걸 좋아해요.
Unit 787. I decided to let go of my first impressions.
First impressions can make us act totally subjectively towards people and even cloud our judgment. So, recently I've decided to let go of the first impressions that I make of people.
English On The Go
I've recently changed how I feel about first impressions.
A first impression is an opinion you form about somebody when you meet them for the first time.
And I am known for holding on to first impressions for a long time.
When I meet somebody and they have a negative first impression on me,
no matter what kind of great person they are or if they've done amazing things, my opinion about them wouldn't change.
Similarly, if someone had a great first impression on me,
I would look more favorably on them and even forgive certain actions or behaviors that I would normally frown upon.
Recently, I've decided to let go of the first impressions that I make about people,
because you just never know what a person is going through on a given day.
Sometimes I have not such great days, and I wouldn't want people who meet me for the first time on those days
to form opinions about me that they would hold on to forever.
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Vocabulary Check
favorably 호의적으로
frown 눈살을 찌푸리다
Pattern Practice
look favorably on ~ ~를 좋게 보다
1. 그는 열심히 노력하는 걸 좋게 봐요.
He looks favorably on strong effort.
2. 그 위원회는 그 지원자를 좋게 봤어요.
The committee looked favorably on the applicant.
let go of ~ ~를 놓다, ~를 버리다
1. 저는 과거에 연연하지 않을 거예요.
I will let go of the past.
2. 그는 걱정을 버려야 해요.
He needs to let go of his worries.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
오늘은 일이 잘 안 풀리네요.
Today is not my day.
In The Social World
Benjamin (남)
I'm a great judge of character upon meeting someone. But I need to get better at letting go of my first impression.
누군가를 만났을 때 그 사람이 어떤 사람인지 잘 판단하지만 첫인상을 잊어버리는거를 잘 할필요가 있다.
upon doing something ~ 하자마자 , ~ 했을 때
Jennifer (여)
Have you ever let go of your first impression of a person? There's someone I've always thought of as snobbish and overrated. It's been more than a decade. Time to move on?
어떤 사람에게서 받은 첫인상을 잊어버린적이 있나요? 나는 항상 거만하고 과대평가되었다고 생각했던 사람이 있는데 그렇게 생각한지 십년이 넘었어요. (첫인상때문) . 이제 생각을 바꿀 때가 됐겠죠?
S5 ep. 787
2019년 12월 20일 금요일
I decided to let go of my first impressions.
저는 첫인상을 무시하기로 했어요.
let go of ; 놔 준다
Let go of my hand ; 제 손 놔주세요
Margarita / 영국
Speaking Summary
First impressions can make us act totally subjectively towards people and even cloud our judgment. So, recently I've decided to let go of the first impressions that I make of people.
첫인상은 우리가 사람들에게 완전히 주관적으로 행동하게 만들고 심지어 판단도 흐려지게 해요. 그래서 최근에 저는 사람들에 대해 제가 갖는 첫인상을 버리기로 했어요.
Vocabulary Check
favorably 호의적으로
frown 눈살을 찌푸리다
English On The Go
I've recently changed how I feel about first impressions.
저는 최근에 첫인상에 대한 제 생각을 바꿨어요.
A first impression is an opinion you form about somebody when you meet them for the first time.
첫인상이란 어떤 사람을 처음 만났을 때 그 사람에 대해서 우리가 형성하는 의견이에요.
somebody when you meet them ; 예전에는 somebody 를 쓰면 뒤에 대명사로 him 이나 her 를 썼었지만 somebody 가 단수여도 요즘에는 them 이 쓰임. someone, him, her 대신에 them 이 쓰임..
And I am known for holding on to first impressions for a long time.
그리고 저는 첫인상이 한번 생기면 오랫동안 그렇게 느끼는 편이에요.
am known for ; 너도 알고 나도 알고 다아는 .. 유명하다는 의미가 아니고, 모두가 아는 ... 한 성향을 갖고 있다
holding on to ; 붙들고 있는 것을 말함.
When I meet somebody and they have a negative first impression on me,
저는 누군가를 만나서 그 사람이 저에게 부정적인 첫인상을 남기면,
마지막에 on me 대신에 of me 가 쓰였다면 나에 대해서 그들이 부정적인 첫인상을 받은 것.
on 이 쓰여서 leave 의 느낌 .. give a negative impression to me
no matter what kind of great person they are or if they've done amazing things, my opinion about them wouldn't change.
그 사람이 아무리 대단한 사람이거나 멋진 일을 했어도, 그 사람에 대한 제 의견이 바뀌지 않아요.
Similarly, if someone had a great first impression on me,
마찬가지로, 어떤 사람이 저에게 좋은 첫인상을 남겼다면,
I would look more favorably on them and even forgive certain actions or behaviors that I would normally frown upon.
저는 그 사람을 더 호의적으로 보고, 심지어 보통은 눈살을 찌푸렸을 행동도 용서할 거예요.
favorably 호의적으로
frown 눈살을 찌푸리다 ( on 이나 upon 과 자주 쓰임 )
어떤 행동을 했는데 그걸보고 사람들이 눈살을 찌푸렸다라고 할 때
it was frowned upon. 이런 식으로 자주 쓰임
Recently, I've decided to let go of the first impressions that I make about people,
최근에 저는 제가 사람들에게서 받는 첫인상을 버리기로 했어요.
because you just never know what a person is going through on a given day.
왜냐하면 그 사람이 그날 어떤 일을 겪고 있는지 절대 알 수 없으니까요.
on a given day ; on this random day that you met
Sometimes I have not such great days, and I wouldn't want people who meet me for the first time on those days
가끔은 저도 좋지 않은 하루를 보낼 때가 있는데, 그럴 때 사람들이 저를 처음 만나길 바라지 않을 거예요.
to form opinions about me that they would hold on to forever.
그리고 저에 대해서 영원히 유지할 의견을 형성하는 걸 말이에요.
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