Unit 768. I grew up watching a lot of sci-fi.
As a kid, I used to watch a lot of sci-fi with my dad. And because of that, I really love Patrick Stewart as an actor now.
English On The Go
When I was younger, my dad always watched a lot of sci-fi with my brother and I.
Particularly, we watched a lot of Star Trek.
And because of that, we watched the series that Patrick Stewart was Captain Picard, and I loved that so much.
And so I think because of that, it really kind of grew my love for sci-fi … except I love kind of non-realistic sci-fi,
when they're in space and there's lasers and it's kind of a little bit fun and almost unbelievable.
But when it comes to realistic sci-fi, I find that really scary.
So I always love Star Trek. I love the kind of unbelievable,
because when I watch a movie, I want to be taken somewhere else.
I don't want to have to think about my own worries or, like, the reality of “Oh my goodness, this could happen.”
I really want to be transported to another world.
Vocabulary Check
realistic 현실적인
unbelievable 믿을 수 없는
transport 수송하다, 실어 나르다
Pattern Practice
except I ~ ~한다는 점만 빼면
1. 저는 식사를 하긴 했는데, 과일만 먹었어요.
I ate, except I just had fruit.
2. 수영은 좋죠. 그런데 저는 수영을 잘 못해요.
Swimming is great, except I don't swim well.
I do not want to have to ~ ~해야 하고 싶지 않아요
1. 저는 거절해야 하는 상황을 원치 않았어요.
I didn't want to have to say no.
2. 저는 다시 돌아와야 하고 싶지 않아요.
I don't want to have to come back.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
저는 그 사람을 좋아하게 됐어요.
I grew fond of him.
In The Social World
Conrad (남)
It's just so upsetting how the world seems to be dividing more and more! I grew up watching sci-fi, where humanity banded together in the face of global problems.
Faranaaz (여)
I grew up watching sci-fi, and every day when I stand in front of the closet, trying to decide what to wear, I have a grumble about why we aren't all just wearing jumpsuits already.
S5 ep. 768
2019년 11월 25일 월요일
I grew up watching a lot of sci-fi.
저는 공상 과학 영화를 많이 보면서 자랐어요.
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
As a kid, I used to watch a lot of sci-fi with my dad. And because of that, I really love Patrick Stewart as an actor now.
어렸을 때 저는 아빠하고 공상 과학 영화를 많이 봤어요. 그래서 저는 이제 패트릭 스튜어트라는 배우를 좋아해요.
Vocabulary Check
realistic 현실적인
unbelievable 믿을 수 없는
transport 수송하다, 실어 나르다
English On The Go
When I was younger, my dad always watched a lot of sci-fi with my brother and I.
제가 어렸을 때 저희 아빠는 항상 제 오빠와 저를 데리고 공상 과학 영화를 많이 보셨어요.
Particularly, we watched a lot of Star Trek.
특히 저희는 스타 트렉을 많이 봤어요.
And because of that, we watched the series that Patrick Stewart was Captain Picard, and I loved that so much.
그래서 저희는 패트릭 스튜어트가 피카드 선장으로 나오는 시리즈를 봤는데, 저는 그게 정말 좋았어요.
And so I think because of that, it really kind of grew my love for sci-fi … except I love kind of non-realistic sci-fi,
그래서 저는 그것 때문에 공상 과학을 좋아하게 된 것 같은데, 저는 비현실적인 공상 과학을 좋아하는 편이에요.
realistic 현실적인
when they're in space and there's lasers and it's kind of a little bit fun and almost unbelievable.
우주가 배경이고, 레이저가 나오고 좀 재미있으면서 거의 믿기 어려운 이야기 있잖아요.
unbelievable 믿을 수 없는
But when it comes to realistic sci-fi, I find that really scary.
그런데 현실적인 공상 과학은 저는 정말 무섭더라고요.
So I always love Star Trek. I love the kind of unbelievable,
그래서 저는 항상 스타 트렉을 좋아해요. 그런 종류의 비현실적인 작품을 좋아해요.
because when I watch a movie, I want to be taken somewhere else.
왜냐하면 어떤 영화를 볼 때 저는 다른 세계로 떠나고 싶거든요.
I don't want to have to think about my own worries or, like, the reality of “Oh my goodness, this could happen.”
저는 제가 가지고 있는 걱정들에 대해서 생각하면서 “아, 저런 일이 생길 수도 있구나.”하는 현실을 생각하고 싶지 않아요.
I really want to be transported to another world.
저는 이야기를 통해 정말 다른 세계로 떠나고 싶어요.
transport 수송하다, 실어 나르다
Unit 769. Unlike me, my friends like science fiction books.
My friends love to read science fiction books, whereas I prefer to read books that are less fictional.
English On The Go
My best friend loves to read science fiction books.
She finds it really exciting to read about something that is both imaginary but also still based on scientific fact.
She suggests a ton of books to me all the time,
saying that they will open up my mind and expand my imagination
to encompass all the wonderful and crazy things that are possible in the world today.
I mean, I do enjoy watching some science fiction movies or TV shows,
but when it comes to books, I prefer less fictional things,
like history books or advice-from-famous-people books or autobiographies of famous people.
I find them so fascinating because of all the choices that those people made and how their lives turned out as a result.
Let's just say my friends find my choice in books a little bit boring.
Vocabulary Check
imaginary 가상적인, 상상에만 존재하는
expand 확대시키다
encompass 아우르다, 포함하다
fascinating 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인
Pattern Practice
how ~ turns out ~가 어떻게 되는지, ~가 어떤 모습이 되는지
1. 장식이 어떻게 나왔는지 맞혀 보세요.
Guess how the decorations turned out.
2. 우리 프로젝트의 결과가 어떻게 될지 모르겠어요.
I don't know how our project will turn out.
one's choice in ~ ~에 있어서의 선택, ~에 대한 선택
1. 저는 당신이 어떤 친구를 고르든지를 존중해요.
I respect your choice in friends.
2. 그들의 의상 선택은 특이했어요.
Their choice in clothing was unusual.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
안 좋아한다는 말은 아니에요.
I’m not saying I don’t like it.
In The Social World
Waragu (남)
I will train myself to fall in love with science fiction books like my friend has.
Kira (여)
Pretty much all my friends currently read, watch, and enjoy science fiction and fantasy.
S5 ep. 769
2019년 11월 26일 화요일
Unlike me, my friends like science fiction books.
저와는 달리, 제 친구들은 공상 과학 책들을 좋아해요.
Margarita / 영국
Speaking Summary
My friends love to read science fiction books, whereas I prefer to read books that are less fictional.
제 친구들은 공상 과학 소설을 읽는 걸 좋아하는데, 저는 덜 허구적인 책을 읽는 걸 선호해요.
Vocabulary Check
imaginary 가상적인, 상상에만 존재하는
expand 확대시키다
encompass 아우르다, 포함하다
fascinating 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인
English On The Go
My best friend loves to read science fiction books.
제일 친한 친구는 공상 과학 책들을 읽는 걸 좋아해요.
She finds it really exciting to read about something that is both imaginary but also still based on scientific fact.
그 친구는 상상에만 존재하면서도 여전히 과학적인 사실에 근거를 둔 무언가에 대해서 읽는 걸 정말 재미있어 해요.
imaginary 가상적인, 상상에만 존재하는
She suggests a ton of books to me all the time,
그녀는 저에게 항상 책을 정말 많이 추천해 줘요.
saying that they will open up my mind and expand my imagination
그 책들이 제 마음을 열어 주고 상상력을 확장시켜 줄 거라고 하면서요.
expand 확대시키다
to encompass all the wonderful and crazy things that are possible in the world today.
오늘날 세상에서 가능한 모든 대단하고 말도 안 되는 일들을 상상해 볼 수 있도록 말이에요.
encompass 아우르다, 포함하다
I mean, I do enjoy watching some science fiction movies or TV shows,
물론 저도 공상 과학 영화나 TV 프로그램들을 즐겨 보기는 해요.
but when it comes to books, I prefer less fictional things,
그런데 책에 있어서는 저는 덜 허구적인 것을 선호해요.
like history books or advice-from-famous-people books or autobiographies of famous people.
역사책이나, 유명한 사람들의 조언이 담긴 책이나, 유명한 사람들의 자서전 같은 거 말이에요.
I find them so fascinating because of all the choices that those people made and how their lives turned out as a result.
저는 그 책들이 정말 흥미로운데, 그들이 한 모든 선택들과 그 결과 그들의 삶이 어떤 모습을 갖췄는가 하는 것 때문이에요.
fascinating 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인
Let's just say my friends find my choice in books a little bit boring.
이렇게 말해 둘게요. 제 친구들은 제가 선택하는 책들을 좀 지루하다고 생각해요.
Unit 770. I admire creativity in science fiction.
I admire science fiction stories a lot because it takes a lot of creativity to come up with them.
English On The Go
I wouldn't necessarily say science fiction is one of my favorite genres,
but I definitely respect it a lot because I don't think it's easy to create
something that's set in a completely unreal world and yet have it make sense to an audience like us.
I really admire creators of science fiction stories for their creativity
and how they can think of new ways of how a society might function, as opposed to how we know society.
And every time I watch science fiction movies, I always feel kind of inspired
because they've taken something which is technically not at all possible,
yet they've depicted it in a way that's completely believable,
and it makes me feel really empowered for some reason.
Vocabulary Check
admire 존경하다, 감탄하며 바라보다
function 기능하다, 작동하다
technically 기술적으로, 엄밀히 따지면
depict 그리다, 묘사하다
empower 권한을 주다
Pattern Practice
admire one for one's ~ ~의 ~가 대단하다고 생각하다
1. 사람들은 그녀의 친절함이 대단하다고 생각해요.
People admire her for her kindness.
2. 우리는 우리 부모님의 강인함이 대단하다고 생각해요.
We admire our parents for their strength.
as opposed to ~ ~와는 달리, ~에 반해서
1. 그는 단 음식이 아니라 짠 음식을 선호해요.
He prefers salty food, as opposed to sweet food.
2. 저는 가파른 산이 아니라 오르기 쉬운 등산로를 걸어요.
I hike easy trails, as opposed to steep mountains.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
그건 결코 쉬운 일이 아니에요.
It’s no easy feat.
In The Social World
Barbara (여)
I admire those who can write science fiction. That's one genre that intimidates me.
Nathan (남)
I admire science fiction authors who come from scientific backgrounds or have science degrees.
S5 ep. 770
2019년 11월 27일 수요일
I admire creativity in science fiction.
저는 공상 과학에서 볼 수 있는 창의력이 대단하다고 생각해요.
Bluinse / 오스트리아
Speaking Summary
I admire science fiction stories a lot because it takes a lot of creativity to come up with them.
저는 공상 과학 이야기들이 정말 대단하다고 생각하는데, 그 이야기를 만들어 내려면 창의력이 많이 필요하거든요.
Vocabulary Check
admire 존경하다, 감탄하며 바라보다
function 기능하다, 작동하다
technically 기술적으로, 엄밀히 따지면
depict 그리다, 묘사하다
empower 권한을 주다
English On The Go
I wouldn't necessarily say science fiction is one of my favorite genres,
공상 과학은 제가 딱히 제일 좋아하는 장르 중 하나는 아니에요.
but I definitely respect it a lot because I don't think it's easy to create
그런데 확실히 대단하다고 생각하는 게, 만들기 쉽지 않은 것 같거든요.
something that's set in a completely unreal world and yet have it make sense to an audience like us.
완전히 비현실적인 세계에서 일어나는 무언가를 만들면서도 우리와 같은 관객이 봤을 때 말이 되게 하는 것이 말이에요.
unreal 현실 같지 않은
I really admire creators of science fiction stories for their creativity
저는 공상 과학 이야기를 만드는 사람들의 창의력이 정말 대단하다고 생각해요.
admire 존경하다, 감탄하며 바라보다
creator 창작자
creativity 창의력, 창의성
and how they can think of new ways of how a society might function, as opposed to how we know society.
그리고 우리가 알고 있는 형태가 아닌, 어떤 사회가 기능하는 새로운 방식을 생각해 낼 수 있다는 것이 말이에요.
function 기능하다, 작동하다
And every time I watch science fiction movies, I always feel kind of inspired
그리고 공상 과학 영화를 볼 때마다 저는 항상 영감을 받아요.
because they've taken something which is technically not at all possible,
왜냐하면 엄밀히 따지면 전혀 가능하지 않은 것을 가져다가
technically 기술적으로, 엄밀히 따지면
yet they've depicted it in a way that's completely believable,
완전히 믿을 수 있는 방식으로 그려낸 거니까요.
depict 그리다, 묘사하다
and it makes me feel really empowered for some reason.
그리고 저는 왠지 거기에서 정말 힘을 많이 얻어요.
empower 권한을 주다
Unit 771. Science fiction got me back into reading.
Science fiction books, because they're so fascinating, got me back into reading more regularly.
English On The Go
I've always wanted to be someone who read a lot of books, but I just couldn't finish any of them.
I have a lot of books down here, actually, that I never ended up reading …
until I had a friend give me this science fiction book.
Actually, it's right here. It's called Ender's Game.
And I picked up the book and I couldn't put it down.
I don't know why it was so interesting,
but the other books I had read, like self-help books or autobiographies, they just weren't enough for me.
But sci-fi really draws you in.
And if it's a good author, the author creates a world in which you become sucked into and can't get out of it.
You can't put the book down.
So science fiction really brought me back into reading, and I'm really thankful for that.
Vocabulary Check
draw 끌다, 이끌다
self-help 자기 계발
autobiography 자서전
Pattern Practice
never end up –ing 끝내 ~를 안 하게 되다
1. 저는 제 시계를 끝내 안 고치게 될 거예요.
I'll never end up fixing my watch.
2. 그들은 끝내 해돋이를 보지 못했어요.
They never ended up seeing sunrise.
I’m really thankful for ~ ~를 정말 감사하게 생각해요
1. 이 기회를 정말 감사하게 생각해요.
I’m really thankful for this opportunity.
2. 솔직하게 말씀해 주셔서 정말 감사하게 생각합니다.
I’m really thankful for your honesty.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
그 책을 처음부터 끝까지 다 읽었어요.
I read the book from cover to cover.
In The Social World
JV (남)
I'm now fully into reading this year and have finished at least one book per month. Mostly science fiction, but that still counts, right?
Liz (여)
I'm looking for a really good fiction book to read ... science fiction or fantasy! Please drop some titles. I'm desperate to get back into reading.
S5 ep. 771
2019년 11월 28일 목요일
Science fiction got me back into reading.
공상 과학 덕분에 저는 다시 책을 읽게 됐어요.
Alex / 미국
Speaking Summary
Science fiction books, because they're so fascinating, got me back into reading more regularly.
공상 과학 책들은 워낙 흥미롭기 때문에, 제가 다시 책을 자주 읽게 됐어요.
Vocabulary Check
draw 끌다, 이끌다
self-help 자기 계발
autobiography 자서전
English On The Go
I've always wanted to be someone who read a lot of books, but I just couldn't finish any of them.
저는 늘, 책을 많이 읽는 사람이 되고 싶었지만, 책을 끝까지 읽지를 못했어요.
I have a lot of books down here, actually, that I never ended up reading …
사실 여기 책이 많이 있는데, 끝내 안 읽게 된 책들이에요.
until I had a friend give me this science fiction book.
그러다가 친구 한 명이 저한테 어떤 공상 과학 책을 줬어요.
Actually, it's right here. It's called Ender's Game.
사실 바로 여기 있어요. 엔더스 게임이라는 책이에요.
And I picked up the book and I couldn't put it down.
그리고 저는 이 책을 읽기 시작해서는 내려놓지를 못했어요.
I don't know why it was so interesting,
왜 그렇게 재미있었는지 모르겠어요.
but the other books I had read, like self-help books or autobiographies, they just weren't enough for me.
그런데 제가 읽었던 다른 책들, 자기 계발서나 자서전 같은 책들은 저한테는 충분히 흥미롭지 않았어요.
But sci-fi really draws you in.
그런데 공상 과학은 흡입력이 있어요.
And if it's a good author, the author creates a world in which you become sucked into and can't get out of it.
그리고 실력 있는 작가라면, 빨려 들어가서 나올 수 없는 세계를 만들어 내요.
You can't put the book down.
책을 내려놓을 수가 없어요.
So science fiction really brought me back into reading, and I'm really thankful for that.
그래서 공상 과학은 정말 제가 다시 책을 읽게 해 줬고, 저는 정말 감사하게 생각해요.
Unit 772. Everybody should give science fiction a chance.
I think science fiction is really interesting and everybody should give it a chance.
English On The Go
So I, like most human beings, love watching movies and TV and reading books,
but I particularly like two types of genres, the first being fantasy and the second being science fiction.
Now, I know science fiction is not everybody's favorite, but just hear me out for a second.
The reason I love science fiction so much is because it's this perfect blend of realistic possibilities and fantasy.
Like, for example, think about artificial intelligence, or A.I.
Yeah, in most situations, a lot of that technology isn't possible right now,
but we'd like to think about could this be possible in the future.
Is this something we'd be capable of doing in the future?
And I think those ideas are so interesting and so cool.
So before you completely write science fiction off your list, give it a try.
You might find something that you like.
Vocabulary Check
blend 혼합, 조합
capable 할 수 있는
Pattern Practice
hear one out 이야기를 끝까지 듣다
1. 그녀의 이야기를 끝까지 듣고 결정합시다.
Let's hear her out and then decide.
2. 그들의 말이 맞을지도 모르니, 끝까지 들어 볼게요.
They might be right, so I'll hear them out.
give ~ a try ~를 시도해 보다
1. 새 책상을 한번 사용해 보세요.
Please give the new desk a try.
2. 우리는 이 언어를 한번 시도해 봐야 해요.
We should give this language a try.
알쏭달쏭 한마디
그 영화 보기를 잘했어요.
I’m glad I watched that movie.
In The Social World
Rob (남)
Science fiction is severely under-read. More people should give it a chance.
K.J. (여)
I'm not normally a huge sci-fi person, but the book I just finished was sci-fi and I loved it. So I'm trying to give another one a chance.
S5 ep. 772
2019년 11월 29일 금요일
Everybody should give science fiction a chance.
모두 공상 과학으로 만든 내용을 감상해 봐야 해요.
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
I think science fiction is really interesting and everybody should give it a chance.
저는 공상 과학이 정말 흥미로운 것 같고, 모두 감상해 봐야 한다고 생각해요.
Vocabulary Check
blend 혼합, 조합
capable 할 수 있는
English On The Go
So I, like most human beings, love watching movies and TV and reading books,
대부분의 사람들처럼, 저도 영화와 TV를 보고 책을 읽는 걸 좋아해요.
but I particularly like two types of genres, the first being fantasy and the second being science fiction.
그런데 저는 두 가지 장르를 특히 좋아하는데, 첫 번째는 판타지이고 두 번째는 공상 과학이에요.
Now, I know science fiction is not everybody's favorite, but just hear me out for a second.
물론 공상 과학이 모든 사람이 다 제일 좋아하는 장르는 아니라는 걸 알지만, 제 이야기를 잠깐 들어 보세요.
The reason I love science fiction so much is because it's this perfect blend of realistic possibilities and fantasy.
제가 공상 과학을 그렇게 좋아하는 이유는 현실적인 가능성과 공상의 완벽한 조합이기 때문이에요.
blend 혼합, 조합
Like, for example, think about artificial intelligence, or A.I.
예를 들어 인공 지능, AI에 대해서 생각해 보세요.
Yeah, in most situations, a lot of that technology isn't possible right now,
대부분의 경우에 그 기술의 대부분은 지금은 가능하지 않아요.
but we'd like to think about could this be possible in the future.
하지만 우리는 이게 미래에 가능할지에 대해 생각해 보고 싶어요.
Is this something we'd be capable of doing in the future?
이게 미래에 우리가 할 수 있는 일일까?
capable 할 수 있는
And I think those ideas are so interesting and so cool.
그리고 저는 그 아이디어들이 정말 흥미롭고 멋지다고 생각해요.
So before you completely write science fiction off your list, give it a try.
그러니 공상 과학을 완전히 배제하지 마시고, 한번 감상해 보세요.
You might find something that you like.
마음에 드는 무언가를 발견할지도 몰라요.
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