Unit 678. I improvised before a childhood performance.
It's true what they say … always improvise and work with what you got.
English On The Go
At the age of eight, I actually auditioned at one of Germany's state opera houses to become a member of the youth choir.
To my surprise, I got in, and for the next two years, we toured, sang, and performed at different theaters in Germany.
It was really an exceptional experience, but there is one fond memory I'll probably never forget.
A few hours prior to our very first premiere,
I had washed my hair to braid it neatly afterward so it would suit my costume.
My mom went out for a few seconds while I was blow-drying my hair,
just to find me with a horrified facial expression the moment she came back.
The brush had gotten stuck in my hair and tangled so tightly that no pulling or tugging helped to get it off.
The only option was to chop it all off one hour before I had to go onstage.
I hurried to the theater with my hair sticking out like sun rays,
acted like it was part of the performance, and actually aced it.
state 국가, 주, 국립의
choir 합창단
exceptional 이례적인, 특출한
exceptionally 유난히, 특별히, 이례적으로
braid 머리를 땋다 (= plait)
horrified 겁에 질린
tangle 헝클어지게 하다 헝클리다
tug 잡아당기다
chop 자르다
< Pattern Practice >
* to one's surprise : ~가 봤을 때 놀랍게도
1) 그녀는 그 상자가 비어 있어서 놀랐어요.
To her surprise, the box was empty.
2) 우리는 그 비행편이 취소되어서 놀랐어요.
The flight got canceled, to our surprise.
* a few hours prior to ~ : ~하기 몇 시간 전에
1) 우리는 저녁 먹기 몇 시간 전에 간식을 먹었어요.
We had a snack a few hours prior to dinner.
2) 일부 팬들은 경기 몇 시간 전에 도착해요.
Some fans arrive a few hours prior to the game.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
우리는 아무 일도 없는 것처럼 행동했어요.
We acted like nothing was wrong.
In The Social World
Tolulope (여)
As children, my friends and I always had a goal for our plays, like to cook rice. We would improvise 'resources,' like sand for food, a tin for a pot, etc.
어릴 때, 내 친구와 나는 항상 놀 때 목표가 있었다. 밥을 짓는 것처럼, 임시방편으로 모래를 음식대용으로 쓰고 통조림을 냄비로 쓰는 등 ..
Mack (남)
As a kid, one of my favorite things to do was watch old movies on mute and improvise the dialogue. I'm happy to report that it's over 20 years later and nothing has changed.
어릴 때, 가장 좋아하는 것 중의 한 가지는 올드 무비들을 보면서 음소거를 해놓고 대사를 바꿔보는 것이었다. 기쁘게도 이렇게 말 할 수 있다. 20년이 지났지만, 지금도 그렇다
< 해석 >
Sarina / 독일
Speaking Summary
It's true what they say … always improvise and work with what you got.
사람들이 하는 말이 맞아요. 항상 상황에 맞게 대처하고 있는 걸 활용하라고 하는 거 말이에요.
It's true what they say = what they say is true 의 도치
what you got (구어체) = what you have got
Vocabulary Check
state 국가, 주, 국립의
choir 합창단
exceptional 이례적인, 특출한
braid 머리를 땋다
horrified 겁에 질린
tangle 헝클어지게 하다
English On The Go
At the age of eight, I actually auditioned at one of Germany's state opera houses to become a member of the youth choir.
저는 8살 때 사실 독일의 국립 오페라 하우스 중 한 곳에서 청소년 합창단에 들어가기 위해서 오디션을 봤어요.
state 국가, 주, 국립의 , 상태
state university 주립대학 .. 그런데 다른나라에선 주라는 개념이 없으므로 국립대학 . = national university
choir 합창단
To my surprise, I got in, and for the next two years, we toured, sang, and performed at different theaters in Germany.
놀랍게도 합격을 했고, 그 후 2년 동안 저희는 투어를 하면서 노래를 하고 독일의 여러 극장에서 공연을 했어요.
To my surprise (자신이 생각했을 때) 놀랍게도
It was really an exceptional experience, but there is one fond memory I'll probably never forget.
그건 정말 놀라운 경험이었는데, 아마 제가 절대 잊지 못할 즐거운 추억이 하나 있어요.
exceptional 이례적인, 특출한 ,
exceptionally 유난히, 특별히, 이례적으로 , 둘 다 특별하다는 뜻으로 많이 쓰임
A few hours prior to our very first premiere,
첫 공연을 하기 몇 시간 전에
prior to ~ 전에, ~ 에 앞서, 먼저
premiere 개봉, 초연 ( 프랑스어에서 유래 )
I had washed my hair to braid it neatly afterward so it would suit my costume.
저는 제 의상과 어울리게 나중에 깔끔하게 땋기 위해서 머리를 감았어요.
so 는 목적, it 머리
braid 머리를 땋다 (= plait)
My mom went out for a few seconds while I was blow-drying my hair,
제가 머리를 말리고 있는 동안 저희 엄마가 잠깐 밖에 나가셨다가
while I was drying my hair 머리를 말리는 방법은 여러가지 ..
while I was blow-drying my hair 헤어드라이기를 이용해서 머리를 말림
just to find me with a horrified facial expression the moment she came back.
들어오셨을 때 제가 겁에 질린 표정을 하고 있었던 거예요.
just to ~ ; (과거에) ... 하다가 결과가 .. 되었다
facial expression 표정
horrified 겁에 질린
The brush had gotten stuck in my hair and tangled so tightly that no pulling or tugging helped to get it off.
브러시가 제 머리카락에 끼어서 꽉 얽혀서 아무리 잡아당겨도 소용이 없었어요.
pulling or tugging 둘 다 비슷한 의미 .. 잡아 당기다
tangle 헝클리다 ( 여기선 얽히다의 의미 )
tug 잡아당기다 tug-of-war 줄다리기
The only option was to chop it all off one hour before I had to go onstage.
유일한 방법은 제가 무대에 오르기 1시간 전에 머리카락을 다 잘라내는 거였어요.
The only option 유일한 선택사항, 선택지
chop it all off = cut it all off 차이 ; cut 은 조금 자르는 것, chop 은 상당히 자르는 것
chop 자르다
I hurried to the theater with my hair sticking out like sun rays,
그래서 저는 머리카락이 태양 광선처럼 삐져나온 상태로 극장으로 급히 이동했고,
acted like it was part of the performance, and actually aced it.
그게 공연의 일부인 것처럼 행동했어요. 그리고 사실 정말 잘 해냈어요.
Unit 679. It's fun to compare childhood memories.
Sharing and comparing childhood memories is a great way to learn about other people.
English On The Go
One of my favorite things to talk about are childhood memories.
And I am super fortunate to have some great memories from when I was a kid,
although it seems as I'm getting older, I'm starting to forget them more and more, which is not good.
But, yeah, one of my favorite things to do is
to talk with my friends about our childhood memories and compare them because they were so different.
I grew up in the countryside, and so we had a small group of kids that lived near each other.
And we would ride bikes and build tree forts and, you know, go dirt biking and just all this outdoor activity
because we pretty much lived and played outside in nature.
But compared to some of my friends who grew up in the city,
who would go to the park and would go to these big shopping malls and spend time out at the food court …
is a completely different childhood memory.
So it's always fun to compare and share and learn about people
and how they became who they are and their perspective on life based on how they grew up.
fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
fort 요새
perspective 관점, 시각
< Pattern Practice >
* be super ~ to ~ : ~하는 건 정말 ~해요
1) 여기 와 있으니 정말 이상하네요.
It's super weird to be here.
2) 그는 그 소식을 듣고 정말 신났어요.
He was super excited to hear the news.
* As I ~, I start to ~ : ~하면 ~하기 시작하다
1) 저는 자전거를 타면, 평온한 기분이 들기 시작해요.
As I ride my bike, I start to feel peaceful.
2) 그의 이야기를 들으니, 저는 질문이 생겼어요.
As I listened to his story, I started to have questions.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
저는 어렸을 때 기억이 잘 안 나요.
I don’t remember much from my childhood.
In The Social World
Jeej (여)
The forgetful sibling, me, is comparing childhood memories with my sister to make sure I didn't fabricate them.
뭔가 잘 잊어버리는 형제자매인, 나는, 어린시절의 기억을( 지어내지 않게) 확신을 갖기위해 내 시스터와 비교한다.
fabricate 지어내는 것, (거짓 정보를) 날조하다[조작하다]
Lou (남)
At our B&B in Canada, another guest and I compared childhood memories of a hurricane hitting New York City in 1960.
캐나다의 B&B에서 다른 손님과 나는 어린 시절의 기억을 비교했다. 1960년에 허리캐인이 왔었던 기억에 대해서
B&B ; bed and breakfast 숙박을 할 수 있는 곳.
< 해석 >
Kayla / 미국
Speaking Summary
Sharing and comparing childhood memories is a great way to learn about other people.
어린 시절 추억 이야기를 나누고 비교하는 건 서로에 대해서 알 수 있는 좋은 방법이에요.
Sharing 공유하고 나누는 거지만, 이야기를 해 주는 것도 share
Vocabulary Check
fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
fort 요새
perspective 관점, 시각
English On The Go
One of my favorite things to talk about are childhood memories.
제가 이야기하기 제일 좋아하는 것 중 하나는 어린 시절 추억이에요.
are 는 뒤에 memories 를 생각하고 말 한거기 때문에 썼지만, 일반적으로 is를 씀
둘 다 맞음
And I am super fortunate to have some great memories from when I was a kid,
그리고 저는 어렸을 때 좋은 추억들이 있어서 정말 운이 좋아요.
fortunate 운 좋은, 다행한
although it seems as I'm getting older, I'm starting to forget them more and more, which is not good.
나이가 들면서 더 많이 잊어버리는 것 같고, 그건 좋은 건 아니지만요.
although (단서를 붙인 것) 좋은데 이런 면도 있지만요 ..
as I'm getting older 나이가 들면서
But, yeah, one of my favorite things to do is
그런데 제가 제일 좋아하는 것 중 하나는
to talk with my friends about our childhood memories and compare them because they were so different.
친구들과 어린 시절 추억에 관해서 이야기하고 비교하는 건데요, 정말 달랐거든요.
I grew up in the countryside, and so we had a small group of kids that lived near each other.
저는 시골에서 자라서, 가까운 곳에 사는 친구들이 몇 명 있었어요.
and so = so
And we would ride bikes and build tree forts and, you know, go dirt biking and just all this outdoor activity
그리고 우리는 자전거를 타고, 나무 위에 집도 만들고, 비포장도로에서 오토바이도 타고, 이런 온갖 야외 활동을 했어요.
activity ; activites 라고 해도 됨,
fort 요새
because we pretty much lived and played outside in nature.
왜냐하면, 우리는 거의 자연 속에서 살고 놀았으니까요.
pretty much ; 거의 almost, basically, 쉽게 말해서 .., 기본적으로,
But compared to some of my friends who grew up in the city,
그런데 도시에서 자란 제 몇몇 친구들과 비교했을 때
some of my friends 몇몇 친구들 (자주 쓰임, 발음이 빠르다 보니까 썸어 처럼 들림)
who would go to the park and would go to these big shopping malls and spend time out at the food court …
그 친구들은 공원에 가거나 큰 쇼핑몰에 가서 푸드 코트에서 시간을 보내곤 했는데
is a completely different childhood memory.
완전히 다른 어린 시절의 추억이에요.
원래 It is a ~ 이어야 하지만, 앞에 주어가 나온 것처럼 했음.
So it's always fun to compare and share and learn about people
그래서 비교하고, 이야기 나누고, 다른 사람들에 대해서 알게 되는 건 항상 재미있어요.
and how they became who they are and their perspective on life based on how they grew up.
그리고 그들이 어떻게 이런 사람이 되었는지와 자란 환경에 따라 어떤 인생관을 갖고 있는지에 대해서요.
perspective on life 인생관
perspective 관점, 시각
Unit 680. I played in the sandbox as a kid.
One of my very earliest memories from childhood was playing in the backyard sandbox with one of my best friends.
English On The Go
I have a ton of childhood memories.
I feel extremely fortunate because in our neighborhood where I grew up,
just two houses down one of my best friends also grew up,
and he is only two months older than me to the day.
So because we were virtually the same age and had many of the same interests, we spent a lot of time together.
And one of my very earliest memories from my childhood was spending time with him in the backyard sandbox.
Do you know what a sandbox is?
I don't know if they have them in Korea, but we do have them in the United States.
Children still have them. You can buy them now.
They're made of plastic, but I think the one that we played in growing up was made from my father out of wood.
It was just a square box, and then you buy sand, very much similar to sand at the beach, pour it into the box.
And then you play around like you're at the beach, except for it's located in your backyard.
extremely 극도로, 극히
virtually 사실상, 거의
< Pattern Practice >
* two ~ down : 하나 건너서
1) 그녀는 옆 옆 사무실에 있어요.
She's two offices down.
2) 저쪽으로 두 블록 가셔야 해요.
You should go two streets down.
* be virtually the same ~ : 사실상 똑같다.
1) 그건 사실상 똑같은 거였어요.
It was virtually the same thing.
2) 그건 거의 불가능한 거였어요.
It was virtually impossible.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
어렸을 때 그거 저도 있었어요.
I used to have one, too, when I was a kid.
I used to have it 대신에 누구나 가지고 있을 수 있는 기성품일 때 one이 훨씬 자연스럽다.
In The Social World
Adrian (남)
Can I go back to the days where I just played in the sandbox, chilling in my diaper?
샌드박스에서 놀던 시절로 되돌아 갈 수 있나요, 기저귀차고 편안하게 놀던 ?
chilling 릴렉싱의 의미, 편안하게
Janelle (여)
I have not played in the sandbox in forever. The last time I played in the sandbox was when I was a kid.
샌드박스에서 안 놀아본지 정말 오래 되었다. 가장 마지막은 어렸을 때 였다 .
in forever = in a long time.
< 해석 >
Richard / 미국
Speaking Summary
One of my very earliest memories from childhood was playing in the backyard sandbox with one of my best friends.
가장 어렸을 때의 기억 중 하나는 제 가장 친한 친구들 중 한 명과 뒷마당에 있는 모래 놀이통에서 논 거예요.
Vocabulary Check
extremely 극도로, 극히
virtually 사실상, 거의
English On The Go
I have a ton of childhood memories.
저는 어렸을 때 추억이 정말 많아요.
I feel extremely fortunate because in our neighborhood where I grew up,
저는 정말 운이 좋았다고 느끼는데, 왜냐하면 제가 자랐던 동네에서는
extremely 극도로, 극히
just two houses down one of my best friends also grew up,
한 집 건너서 있는 집에 제 제일 친한 친구 중 한 명이 살았거든요.
two houses down 한 집 건너
one house down 바로 옆집
cf) two blocks down ; first block, second block ...
and he is only two months older than me to the day.
그리고 그 친구는 저보다 정확히 딱 두 달 나이가 많았어요.
So because we were virtually the same age and had many of the same interests, we spent a lot of time together.
그래서 저희는 거의 나이가 같았고, 같은 관심사도 많았기 때문에, 많은 시간을 함께 보냈어요.
virtually 사실상, 거의
cf: VR ; virtual reality 가상 현실
And one of my very earliest memories from my childhood was spending time with him in the backyard sandbox.
그리고 가장 어렸을 때의 기억 중 하나는 그 친구랑 뒷마당의 모래 놀이통에서 시간을 보냈던 거예요.
very 강조
Do you know what a sandbox is?
모래 놀이통이 뭔지 아세요?
I don't know if they have them in Korea, but we do have them in the United States.
한국에도 있는지 모르겠는데, 미국에는 있어요.
they 일반적인 사람들, people
Children still have them. You can buy them now.
아직도 (요즘) 아이들한테 있는 거고요. 지금도 살 수 있어요.
They're made of plastic, but I think the one that we played in growing up was made from my father out of wood.
플라스틱으로 만드는 건데, 어렸을 때 저희가 들어가서 놀았던 건 저희 아빠가 나무로 만드신 거였어요.
made of, made with, made out of, made using ..
made from my father out of wood ; made by my father .. 와 비슷, 아빠로 부터 받은 박스라는 의미를 포함함.
It was just a square box, and then you buy sand, very much similar to sand at the beach, pour it into the box.
그냥 정사각형으로 된 상자인데, 모래를 사서, 바닷가에 있는 모래와 아주 비슷한데, 그 상자 안에 붓는 거예요.
And then you play around like you're at the beach, except for it's located in your backyard.
그리고는 바닷가에 있는 것처럼 노는 건데, 유일한 차이는 집 뒷마당에 있는 모래통이라는 거죠.
except for = except , except for the fact that
Unit 681. I've relived childhood memories through my niece.
Thanks to my 2-year-old niece, I've had the chance to relive my childhood memories.
English On The Go
A lot of my most precious childhood memories have been recently revived because I now have a niece.
She's almost two years old, and I see my father making her laugh the way that he used to make us laugh.
Or, because it's summertime at the moment, she was running through the water sprinkler in the garden,
and we always used to do that with lots of friends.
So it's been such a joy to have this second chance at these memories.
I thought they were slowly fading into the distance,
but now they're right in front of me again and I can remember everything really closely, and I love that.
I want to continue giving her what I used to have as a child whenever I see her.
revive 다시 살리다
fade 바래다, 희미해지다
distance 거리
distant memory 아득한 추억
< Pattern Practice >
* always used to ~ : 항상 ~하곤 했어요
1) 저는 항상 학교에 지각하곤 했어요.
I always used to be late for school.
( = I would always be late for school. )
2) 우리는 항상 그것에 대해서 농담을 하곤 했어요.
We always used to joke about it.
( = We would always joke about it. )
* I thought they were ~ : ~한 줄 알았어요
1) 제 신발인 줄 알았어요.
I thought they were my shoes.
2) 그들이 저한테 실망한 줄 알았어요.
I thought they were disappointed in me.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
옛날 생각이 나네요.
It takes me back.
It took me back.
It takes me back to my college days. ( to 를 붙여서 언제적 생각이 나는지 말 할 수있다. )
In The Social World
Pamela (여)
I'm trying to relive my childhood memories through an animated-movie marathon.
애니메이션을 연달아 보는 것으로 어린 시절의 기억을 되살리려고 하고 있습니다. ( 첨 보는게 아니고 어린 시절에 봤던)
an animated-movie marathon 애니메이션을 연달아서 계속 보는 것
Josh (남)
It's funny how we relive childhood memories through our kids. I just went hunting for fireflies for the first time since elementary school.
아이들을 통해 어린시절의 기억을 다시 떠올리는 것이 웃기다. 초딩 이후로 첨으로 반딧불을 잡으러 갔었다.
< 해석 >
Rika / 독일
Speaking Summary
Thanks to my 2-year-old niece, I've had the chance to relive my childhood memories.
2살 된 제 조카 덕분에 저는 제 어린 시절 추억을 다시 경험할 기회가 있었어요.
niece 여자 조카 , nephew 남자 조카
relive (특히 상상 속에서) 다시 체험하다
ex) He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.
Vocabulary Check
revive 다시 살리다
fade 바래다, 희미해지다
distance 거리 ( 자체가 멀리 있는 곳을 가리킬 수 있다. )
English On The Go
A lot of my most precious childhood memories have been recently revived because I now have a niece.
저한테 조카가 생겨서, 제 가장 소중한 어린 시절 추억들 중 상당 부분을 최근에 다시 경험했어요.
revive ; survive, live .. 등 ive 로 끝나는 단어들이 사는 것과 관계가 있음
revive 다시 살리다
She's almost two years old, and I see my father making her laugh the way that he used to make us laugh.
조카는 거의 두 살인데요, 저희 아빠가 저희를 웃게 만들었던 방식으로 조카를 웃게 만드는 걸 보게 돼요.
Or, because it's summertime at the moment, she was running through the water sprinkler in the garden,
아니면, 지금 여름이라서, 조카가 정원에 있는 스프링클러에서 나오는 물을 통과해서 뛰어갔는데
at the moment = now 지금
and we always used to do that with lots of friends.
저희도 여러 친구들이랑 항상 그렇게 하곤 했어요.
So it's been such a joy to have this second chance at these memories.
그래서 이런 추억들을 다시 접할 기회가 있어서 정말 좋았어요.
second chance 두 번째 기회 ( 대회나 면접을 떠올리기 쉽지만 여기서는 문자적으로 두 번째 기회 .. 기억을 떠올리는 것 )
I thought they were slowly fading into the distance,
그런 기억들이 천천히 점점 멀어져가고 있다고 생각했었어요.
they = the childhood memories
into the distance 먼 거리 = in the distance , a short distance 라고 할 때에만 짧은 거리
fade 바래다, 희미해지다
distance 거리
distant memory 아득한 추억
but now they're right in front of me again and I can remember everything really closely, and I love that.
그런데 지금은 다시 바로 제 앞으로 다가왔고, 모든 걸 정말 선명하게 기억할 수 있는데, 그게 너무 좋아요.
closely 가깝게 이지만 .. 여기서는 clearly 선명하게
I want to continue giving her what I used to have as a child whenever I see her.
조카를 볼 때마다, 제가 어렸을 때 가졌던 것을 계속해서 주고 싶어요.
what I used to have as a child 의미가 분명치 않음, 아마 경험들
Unit 682. I was recently reminded of childhood memories.
I recently went back to Australia and got very nostalgic over childhood memories.
English On The Go
I went back to Australia quite recently, actually, for a holiday for the first time in quite a while.
And while I was there, my mom and dad actually dug out these old home videos
from when I must have been, like, three or four or something.
And they were filmed on the first-ever video camera that my parents had got.
It was this, like, massive camcorder.
And so it was really nice to kind of take a walk down memory lane and look at all these childhood memories that …
I hadn't forgotten them, but it's nice to kind of be reminded of these.
And it's always really funny watching how my brother and I used to interact on camera,
because we were both such idiots about it all. But I loved watching it.
dig out 파내다
massive 커다란, 거대한
memory lane 과거로 더듬어 가는 기억
interact 상호 작용을 하다, 교류하다
< Pattern Practice >
* for the first time in ~ : ~만에 처음으로
1) 저는 10년 만에 처음으로 새 컴퓨터를 샀어요.
For the first time in ten years, I bought a new computer.
2) 우리는 5년 만에 처음으로 외국에 나갔어요.
We went abroad for the first time in five years.
* We are both ~ : 우리는 둘 다 ~예요
1) 우리는 둘 다 야구를 좋아해요.
We're both baseball fans.
2) 우리는 그때 둘 다 어린아이였어요.
We were both kids at the time.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
아마 제가 다섯 살 때쯤이었을 거예요
I was probably around 5 years old.
In The Social World
Lydia (여)
This was the most enjoyable book I've read recently. It reminded me of beautiful memories of my childhood that I've neglected to remember for a long time.
neglect 소흘히 했고, 무시했고, 하지 않았던 일
Matt (남)
It was nice to see a couple of kids playing outdoors when I took the dogs for a walk tonight. They reminded me of the good old days when we played cricket in the park till it was too dark to see the ball.
good old days 과거의 좋았던 일, 시기 ..
공이 안보일 때까지 .. 어린 시절에 크리켓을 하고 놀았음
< 해석 >
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
I recently went back to Australia and got very nostalgic over childhood memories.
저는 최근에 호주에 다시 갔다가 어린 시절 추억이 아주 많이 그리워졌어요.
I was reminded 상기시크는 일이 있었다.
Did you remember to pick up your wallet ? Well, thanks for reminding me.
over (=about)
Vocabulary Check
dig out 파내다
massive 커다란, 거대한
memory lane 과거로 더듬어 가는 기억
interact 상호 작용을 하다, 교류하다
nostalgic 향수의 , 향수를 불러 일으키는
English On The Go
I went back to Australia quite recently, actually, for a holiday for the first time in quite a while.
저는 최근에 호주에 다시 갔었는데, 사실 정말 오랜만에 휴가차 간 거였어요.
for a holiday 휴가나 명절
have been 전에 가본 적이 있다. ( ~ before )
went 갔었다.
have gone to 가 버린 뒤에 안 돌아온것
And while I was there, my mom and dad actually dug out these old home videos
그리고 거기 있는 동안, 부모님께서 오래된 비디오 테이프들을 꺼내셨어요.
dig out 파내다
※ dig in 음식 차려놓고 드세요 .. 라고 할 때 쓰임
더그아웃 .. 야구장에서 조금 낮은 위치에 선수들 대기하는 곳
from when I must have been, like, three or four or something.
제가 분명 3~4살이었을 때 찍었던 비디오들이었어요.
And they were filmed on the first-ever video camera that my parents had got.
그리고 그 비디오들은 저희 부모님께서 처음 구매하신 비디오 카메라로 찍은 거였어요.
전치사 on .. 컴퓨터 저장장치나 화면인 경우 (정보) 에 많이 쓰임 , in (x)
had got = had gotten
It was this, like, massive camcorder.
커다란 캠코더 같은 거였어요.
massive 커다란, 거대한
And so it was really nice to kind of take a walk down memory lane and look at all these childhood memories that …
그래서 예전 기억을 되살려 보면서 어린 시절의 추억이 담긴 비디오를 보니 정말 좋았어요.
take a walk down memory lane, take a trip down memory lane 형태로 많이 씀
memory lane 과거로 더듬어 가는 기억
I hadn't forgotten them, but it's nice to kind of be reminded of these.
잊어버렸던 건 아니었지만, 다시 생각이 나니 좋았어요.
And it's always really funny watching how my brother and I used to interact on camera,
그리고 카메라 앞에서 제 오빠와 제가 서로에게 어떻게 행동하는지를 보는 건 항상 정말 웃겨요.
interact 상호 작용을 하다, 교류하다
because we were both such idiots about it all. But I loved watching it.
왜냐하면, 둘 다 정말 유치했거든요. 그렇지만 저는 그걸 보는 게 즐거웠어요.
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