Unit 664. Hobbies can take up a lot of time.
I think having a hobby is a great thing as long as it doesn't take up all of your time.
English On The Go
I think that one great way to spend your time and to, you know, get to learn new things is by having a hobby.
And a hobby can be, like, a million things.
It can be sports … that's what it is, you know, for normal people.
But for me, when I was growing up in high school, my hobby was actually learning Korean,
which was really funny because it was completely random.
No one knew why I wanted to learn Korean.
But I would just go around, and I had my little Korean notebooks
and I had all these lessons that I downloaded from online.
And anytime I had free time, I would be teaching myself Korean.
And that really became my hobby.
I … It in fact was my hobby so much that I wasn't doing as well in school
because I was spending all my time studying Korean.
So I think sometimes your hobbies can take over your life.
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completely 완전히
random 무작위의, 임의의
take over 장악하다, 지배하다
ex) When she grows up, she’ll take over their business.
< Pattern Practice >
* no one knows why ~ : 왜 ~인지는 아무도 몰라요
1) 왜 그게 잠겨 있는지 아무도 몰라요.
No one knows why it's locked.
2) 당신이 왜 자원했는지는 아무도 몰랐어요.
No one knew why you volunteered.
* anytime I ~ : ~할 때마다
1) 저는 좋은 아이디어가 있을 때마다 그에게 말해줬어요.
Anytime I had a good idea, I told him about it.
2) 저는 밖에 나갈 때마다 선크림을 발라요.
Anytime I go outside, I wear sunscreen.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
처음에는 취미로 시작한 일이에요.
It started as a hobby.
In The Social World
Krista (여)
Is online dating considered a hobby? It does take up a lot of your time ...
온라인 데이팅도 취미로 간주되나요? 시간이 많이 들어가긴 해요...
Bob (남)
I have a motorcycle named Jill and a cat named Boo. I'm not sure if those are hobbies, but they take up a lot of my time.
I will not take up too much of your time. 시간 많이 안 뺏을게요. ~ much of your time. ~ a lot of your time.
이야기를 한참 하다가 I don't want to take up anymore of your time. 하면서 일어날 때도 많다.
< 해석 >
Kelsey / 호주
Speaking Summary
I think having a hobby is a great thing as long as it doesn't take up all of your time.
시간을 거기에 다 뺏기지 않는다면 취미가 있는 건 좋은 것 같아요.
English On The Go
I think that one great way to spend your time and to, you know, get to learn new things is by having a hobby.
시간을 보내는 좋은 방법, 그리고 새로운 걸 배울 수 있는 좋은 방법은 취미를 갖는 거라고 생각해요.
by 는 생략해도 됨
And a hobby can be, like, a million things.
그리고 취미는 정말 다양할 수 있어요.
hobby 미국식, 호주식 발음차이 .. hubby 허비는 미국에서 구어체로 남편을 뜻 함,
like 는 생략해도 됨
It can be sports … that's what it is, you know, for normal people.
스포츠가 될 수도 있고... 보통 사람들에게는 스포츠가 그렇죠.
But for me, when I was growing up in high school, my hobby was actually learning Korean,
그런데 저는 어렸을 때, 고등학교 다닐 때, 제 취미는 사실 한국어를 배우는 거였어요.
when I was growing up (and when I was) in high school 두 문장이 합쳐진 것
which was really funny because it was completely random.
정말 웃겼어요. 왜냐하면 정말 뜬금없이 배우게 된 거였거든요.
in a random order 아무 규칙도 없이 아무 숫자나 ( no reason )
completely 완전히
random 무작위의, 임의의
No one knew why I wanted to learn Korean.
제가 왜 한국어를 배우고 싶어 하는지 아무도 몰랐어요.
No one knew 하면 자신도 몰랐다 .. I don't even know, I didn't know either ..
But I would just go around, and I had my little Korean notebooks
그렇지만 저는 그냥 제 한국어 공책들을 갖고 다니면서
두 문장을 합쳐야 의미가 통함, I would go aroung carrying my little korean notebooks
and I had all these lessons that I downloaded from online.
인터넷에서 다운로드 받은 레슨들이 많이 있었어요.
downloaded from online .. from 빼면 어색.
online 에 보통 전치사 안 씀. 인터넷에서 샀다, 구했다 등.. 그러나 다운로드같은 경우에는 어색할 수 있어서
I put it online, I posted it online, I uploaded it online ..
And anytime I had free time, I would be teaching myself Korean.
그리고 시간이 생길 때마다 저는 한국어를 혼자서 공부했어요.
And that really became my hobby.
그리고 그게 정말로 제 취미가 됐어요.
I … It in fact was my hobby so much that I wasn't doing as well in school
사실 워낙 큰 취미여서 학교 성적이 좋지 못했어요.
so much 는 동사와 많이 쓰이는게 일반적, I was learning korean so much ..
as well 은 항상 뭔가 비교하는 거
because I was spending all my time studying Korean.
시간을 모두 한국어 공부하는 데에 쓰고 있었거든요.
So I think sometimes your hobbies can take over your life.
그래서 가끔은 취미가 자신의 인생을 장악하게 될 수도 있는 것 같아요.
take over 장악하다, 지배하다
When she grows up, she’ll take over their business.
그녀가 성인이 되면 그들의 사업을 인계받을 거예요.
I'll take over frome here. 여기서부터는 제가 맏겠습니다.
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