Unit 654. I rely on online reviews.
I always check online shopping reviews before I buy anything, just in case it's not quite what the picture shows.
English On The Go
I don't know what people did before online reviews, because whenever I buy something big or important,
like maybe a new computer or an expensive kitchen appliance or something,
I always check out online reviews because sometimes, you know,
people who make the products like to say that the products do things that they maybe don't do,
or maybe they break easier than you thought.
And also these days, a lot of, like … there's a lot of apps in Korea as well
where people can upload photos of what they've been delivered.
And so I really like that because sometimes the picture looks a lot nicer than the actual product is.
So I really think it's important to check online reviews before you buy anything,
just so you don't get scammed or misled or anything like that.
But yeah, I really don't know what people did before online reviews.
I guess just maybe ask friends or something like that … maybe?
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appliance 기기
scam 사기
mislead 오도하다
< Pattern Practice >
* look a lot -er than ~ : ~보다 훨씬 ~해 보이다
1) 바깥이 실내보다 훨씬 더 더워 보여요.
Outside looks a lot hotter than inside.
2) 당신의 친구는 당신보다 훨씬 더 나이 들어 보여요.
Your friend looks a lot older than you.
* just so one does not ~ : ~하지 않도록
1) 우리 나중에 지치지 않도록 앉읍시다.
Let's sit down, just so we don't get tired later.
2) 그녀가 넘어지지 않도록 제가 코드를 옮겼어요.
Just so she doesn't trip, I moved the cord.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
정말 추천합니다!
I highly recommend this to everyone!
In The Social World
Shea (여)
I rely on reviews so much for online shopping but never leave reviews myself.
Babu (남)
The first and only rule for reading a book or watching a movie is to stop reading others' reviews. Don't rely on online reviews.
The first and only rule 첫 번째이자 유일한 규칙
< 해석 >
Sara / 호주
Speaking Summary
I always check online shopping reviews before I buy anything, just in case it's not quite what the picture shows.
저는 뭐든지 사기 전에 항상 인터넷상의 후기를 확인해요. 사진에서 보이는 것과 다를 수도 있으니까요.
just in case 혹시 ~ 할 수 있으니까, 만약을 위해서, ~한 경우에 한해서
the picture 판매자가 올려놓은 사진
English On The Go
I don't know what people did before online reviews, because whenever I buy something big or important,
인터넷 후기가 있기 전에 사람들이 어떻게 쇼핑을 했는지 모르겠어요. 왜냐하면, 저는 뭔가 크거나 중요한 걸 살 때마다
what should we do now? 우리 이제 어떻게 하지
what peopel did = how they chose what to buy, how do they buy product ..
something big = usually expensive, 큰 거를 말할 수 있지만 대게 비싼 거 예를 들어 쥬얼리 같은 거도 ..큰 금액의 구매
like maybe a new computer or an expensive kitchen appliance or something,
예를 들어 새로운 컴퓨터나 비싼 주방 기기나 그런 거 말이에요.
maybe 예를 들어서
I always check out online reviews because sometimes, you know,
저는 항상 인터넷상의 후기를 읽어요. 왜냐하면, 가끔은….
people who make the products like to say that the products do things that they maybe don't do,
제품을 만드는 사람들이, 실제로는 없는 효과나 기능이 있다고 말하는 걸 좋아하거든요.
people who make the products 제품을 만드는 사람들
things that they maybe don't do 어쩌면 안 할수도 있는 기능들 ..
or maybe they break easier than you thought.
아니면 생각했던 것보다 더 쉽게 고장 날 수도 있고요.
easier = more easily 가 더 정확 ... 구어체에서는 이렇게도 많이 쓰임
And also these days, a lot of, like … there's a lot of apps in Korea as well
그리고 요즘에는 한국에는 앱도 많이 있어요.
호주에서는 Korea 뒤에 모음이 있는 경우에 r발음을 섞는 습관이 있음.. the idea of 경우에서도 비슷
where people can upload photos of what they've been delivered.
사람들이 배송받은 물건의 사진을 올릴 수 있는 앱 말이에요.
upload 'ㅍ'발음을 살려 줘야 함
And so I really like that because sometimes the picture looks a lot nicer than the actual product is.
그래서 저는 그게 정말 좋아요. 왜냐하면, 가끔은 상품이 실제보다 사진에서 훨씬 더 멋지게 보일 때도 있으니까요.
And 와 so 가 함께 쓰일 때는 so 의 의미로 쓰임.
the picture 온라인 상품페이지의 사진
So I really think it's important to check online reviews before you buy anything,
그래서 저는 뭐든지 사기 전에 인터넷으로 후기를 확인하는 게 중요한 것 같아요.
just so (that) you don't get scammed or misled or anything like that.
사기를 당하거나 잘못된 정보를 접하거나 하지 않도록 말이에요.
just so you don't (강조) = so you don't .. 구어체에서는 that 이 많이 빠짐
scam 사기
mislead 오도하다
But yeah, I really don't know what people did before online reviews.
아무튼, 사람들이 인터넷 후기가 없었을 때는 어떻게 했는지 모르겠어요.
I guess just maybe ask friends or something like that … maybe?
아마도 그냥 친구들한테 물어보거나 그랬겠죠?
마지막 maybe 는 잘 모르겠다는 의미
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