생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 652

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 14. 20:19

Unit 652. I save up money with a savings account.

For people who are trying to save up money, I think opening up a savings account can be really helpful.

English On The Go

As I grow older, I've started to notice the importance of having savings

because you never know when you're going to be encountered by an unexpected situation

where you have to spend a lot of money at once.


Whether that's something fun, like a spontaneous holiday,

or perhaps something less pleasant, like an expensive doctor's appointment, it's always good to have savings.

And I found that the most effective way for me to save money is by starting a savings account.


I have tried to actively put money aside at the end of each month,

but I found that that wasn't very helpful because sometimes I'd forget.

Sometimes I would only be able to deposit less than I was hoping for,


whereas with the savings account, it's nice because it just automatically takes it out of your account.

And it's also nice to check up on your savings account and be surprised at how much money has already accumulated.



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savings 저축한 돈, 저금, 예금

encounter 마주치다, 맞닥뜨리다

at once 지체없이, 한꺼번에

spontaneous 즉흥적인

deposit 예금하다, 놓다

accumulate 모이다, 축적되다



< Pattern Practice >

* you never know when ~  :  언제 ~하게 될지 모르는 거예요

1) 언제 비가 올지 모르는 거예요.

You never know when it'll rain.

2) 그 사람 도움이 언제 필요할지 모르는 거예요.

You never know when you will need his help.


* at the end of each ~  :  매 ~말에

1) 해마다 연말에 우리는 파티를 해요.

At the end of each year, we have a party.

2) 매일 하루를 마치면서 저는 일기를 써요.

I write in my diary at the end of each day.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

모아 둔 돈이 좀 있었어요.

I had some money saved up.

I wish I had some money saved up.  모아 둔 돈이 있었으면 좋았을 텐데.

I wish + 과거  :  보통 현재와 반대되는 상황 .


In The Social World

Tumi (여)

A good way to save money is to transfer half of whatever you make that month to your savings account.


Richard (남)

I'm currently cutting off 10 percent of my monthly allowance to go straight into my savings account. It forces me to save money, since I have zero control over my urges.

urges  욕구


< 해석 > 

Bluinse / 오스트리아

Speaking Summary

For people who are trying to save up money, I think opening up a savings account can be really helpful.

돈을 모으려고 하는 사람들은 저축 계좌를 여는 것이 정말 도움이 된다고 생각해요.

opening up a savings account = opening a savings account


English On The Go

As I grow older, I've started to notice the importance of having savings

저는 나이가 들면서 저축한 돈이 있는 것의 중요성을 깨닫기 시작했어요.


savings 저축한 돈, 저금, 예금


because you never know when you're going to be encountered by an unexpected situation

예상치 못한 상황에 언제 마주치게 될지 모르거든요.

 to be encountered by : 수동태로 써서 좀 더 심각한 상황, 갑작스럽게 맞닥뜨린 상황 표현..

  예상할 수 없고 컨트롤할 수 없을 것 같은 느낌 표현..

 to encounter an unexpected situation 이라고 써도 되지만..

encounter 마주치다, 맞닥뜨리다


where you have to spend a lot of money at once.

한꺼번에 돈을 많이 써야 하는 상황 말이에요.


at once 지체없이, 한꺼번에


Whether that's something fun, like a spontaneous holiday,

그게 즉흥적인 휴가와 같은 뭔가 재미있는 일이든,


spontaneous 즉흥적인


or perhaps something less pleasant, like an expensive doctor's appointment, it's always good to have savings.


아니면 비싼 병원 진료와 같이 덜 즐거운 일이든, 저축한 돈이 있는 건 항상 좋아요.


And I found that the most effective way for me to save money is by starting a savings account.

그리고 저는 제가 돈을 아끼는 가장 효과적인 방법은 저축 계좌를 여는 것이라는 걸 알게 됐어요.


I have tried to actively put money aside at the end of each month,

저는 적극적으로 매달 말에 돈을 따로 떼어 놓으려고 노력해 봤어요.


but I found that that wasn't very helpful because sometimes I'd forget.

그런데 가끔 잊어버려서 별로 도움이 안 되더라고요.

 I found that ~ : 뒤의 내용을 경험한 것을 말함.


Sometimes I would only be able to deposit less than I was hoping for,

가끔은 제가 바라던 만큼 돈을 예금하지 못할 때도 있고요.

 deposit 예금  <-> withdrawal 인출

deposit 예금하다, 놓다 


whereas with the savings account, it's nice because it just automatically takes it out of your account.

그런데 저축 계좌를 이용하면, 그냥 자동으로 계좌에서 돈을 출금하기 때문에 좋아요.


And it's also nice to check up on your savings account and be surprised at how much money has already accumulated.

그리고 저축 계좌를 확인해 보고는 얼마나 많은 돈이 모였는지 놀라는 것도 기분이 좋아요.

 be surprised at = be surprised by


accumulate 모이다, 축적되다




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