생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 650

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 12. 21:02

Unit 650. My parents taught me the value of money.

Mastering the skill of saving money is very important because it teaches us how to spend money wisely.

English On The Go

As a kid, I didn't really have the experience of saving money by using a piggy bank,  

because my parents believed that the concept of a monthly or a weekly allowance was obsolete.


Everyday necessities were always provided, and when I needed something else, I simply had to ask for it.

I didn't do that light-heartedly though,

because they still managed to teach me how valuable money is

despite the fact that I didn't have actual physical money in hand.


I understood that it takes a lot of perseverance and hard work to earn it,

so from that point on I had a very inherent interest in budgeting.


I had no urge to buy things, because I was a simple kid who loved to play outdoors and use its imagination,

so I grew up with a very non-materialistic mindset.


Still, I hope that one day I'll be able to show my gratitude

and earn enough money to grant my parents as many wishes as they like, just like a genie.



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allowance 용돈

obsolete 구식의, 쓸모없게 된

light-heartedly 근심 없이, 속 편하게

perseverance 인내

inherent 내재하는

ex) Every business has some inherent risks.

grant 승인하다, (소원을) 이뤄주다

non-materialistic 물질적이지 않은

gratitude 고마움, 감사, 사의

예) I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work.


< Pattern Practice >

* despite the fact that ~  :  ~라는 사실에도 불구하고

1) 여름인데도 저는 추워요.

I'm cold despite the fact that it's summer.

2) 그는 뛰어갔지만 지치지 않았어요.

Despite the fact that he ran, he wasn't tired.


* One day I’ll be able to ~  :  저는 언젠가 ~할 수 있을 거예요

1) 언젠가 저는 거기에 다시 갈 수 있을 거예요.

One day I’ll be able to go there again.

2) 언젠가 저는 거기에서 일할 수 있을 거예요.

One day I’ll be able to work there.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

저는 지금 현금이 하나도 없어요.

I don’t have any cash on me now.

In The Social World

Frank (남)

I‘ve been saving my money for three years now. My parents taught me the value of money.


Steph (여)

My parents taught me, at a very early stage of my life, the value of money, the value of saving and investing. They sat me down at our kitchen table and laid out a plan for me.

lay something out   ~을 펼치다, 배치하다, 제시하다, 돈을 쓰다



< 해석 >

Sarina / 독일

Speaking Summary

Mastering the skill of saving money is very important because it teaches us how to spend money wisely.

돈을 절약하는 기술을 익히는 것은 정말 중요한데, 돈을 현명하게 쓰는 법을 가르쳐 주기 때문이에요.

English On The Go

As a kid, I didn't really have the experience of saving money by using a piggy bank,

어렸을 때 저는 돼지 저금통을 써서 돈을 모으는 경험을 하지 않았어요.


because my parents believed that the concept of a monthly or a weekly allowance was obsolete.

왜냐하면, 저희 부모님은 한 달에 한 번이나 일주일에 한 번 용돈을 준다는 개념이 구식이라고 생각했거든요.


allowance 용돈

obsolete 구식의, 쓸모없게 된


Everyday necessities were always provided, and when I needed something else, I simply had to ask for it.

일상적으로 필요한 것들은 모두 제공이 되었고, 제가 뭔가를 필요로 하면 저는 그냥 달라고 하기만 하면 됐어요.


I didn't do that light-heartedly though,

그렇지만 저는 그걸 가볍게 하지는 않았어요.


light-heartedly 근심 없이, 속 편하게


because they still managed to teach me how valuable money is

왜냐하면, 부모님은 저에게 돈이 얼마나 귀중한 것인지도 가르쳐 주셨거든요.


despite the fact that I didn't have actual physical money in hand.

제가 실제로 현금 자체를 갖고 있지는 않았지만 말이에요.

despite the fact that = although

actual physical money = actual money, physical money



I understood that it takes a lot of perseverance and hard work to earn it,

돈을 벌기 위해서는 인내와 수고가 많이 필요하다는 걸 이해했어요.

perseverance 인내 : 힘들고 괴롭지만 이겨내는느낌 

tolerance  : 거슬리지만 참아주는 관용의 느낌


so from that point on I had a very inherent interest in budgeting.

그래서 그때부터 저는 예산을 짜는 것에 대해서 아주 자연스럽게 관심이 생겼어요.

 so from that point on = from then on 그때부터 (쭉)

예)  was with him from then on.

inherent 내재하는

ex) Every business has some inherent risks.

모든 사업에는 위험 요소가 내재되어 있어요.



I had no urge to buy things, because I was a simple kid who loved to play outdoors and use its imagination,

밖에서 놀고 상상력을 이용하는 걸 좋아하는 소박한 아이였기 때문에, 물건을 사고 싶다는 욕구는 없었어요.

 its 아이를 가리킬 때 쓰는 경우가 있음, his her their 대신 쓰임


so I grew up with a very non-materialistic mindset.

그래서 저는 자라면서 물질적이지 않은 태도를 갖게 됐어요.


non-materialistic 물질적이지 않은


Still, I hope that one day I'll be able to show my gratitude

그렇지만 언젠가 제 감사의 마음을 전하고 싶어요.

 still 그래도, 그럼에도 불구하고 여전히


and earn enough money to grant my parents as many wishes as they like, just like a genie.

충분히 돈을 벌어서 램프의 요정 ‘지니’처럼 부모님의 소원을 마음껏 이뤄드리고 싶어요.


grant 승인하다, (소원을) 이뤄주다

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