생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 643

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 3. 20:51

Unit 643. I try to avoid misunderstandings.

I think especially when it comes to languages, it's so important to ask clarification just so (that) you don't have a  misunderstanding.

English on the go

So, something I've learned about learning languages ... something I've learned about learning languages ...

That's an interesing sentence.

But I find that it's very easy to have misunderstandings, especially because sometimes how you phrase things in your native language is different from how people phrase things in their language.

So I've found that when learning Korean, there's been times when I've said something to somebody or they've said something to me and I took it the wrong way because when I translated it in my head, I did it incorrectly.

And so instead of jumping to a conclusion and misunderstanding what they say, it's much better to kind of take a step back and be like, "Oh, is it in this person's personality to say something mean or is it maybe that I misunderstood what they said?"

And so when it comes to situations like that, I think it's much better to just ask for clarification rather than kind of getting carried away with this misunderstanding. 



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phrase  표현하다

incorrectly  부정확하게, 틀리게

mean  못된, 심술궂은 

ex) Don't be so mean to your little sister.

ex) Why are you so mean to me?

clarification  설명, 해명

ex) Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question.

be like 말하거나 생각하는 것을 가리킴 .. 여기서는 생각하는 것 

get carried away 실려가다 ... (감정이 실려가는 것 .. 여기서는 흥분하는 것)


< Pattern Practice >

* I find that it's easy to ~  :  ~ 하기 쉽더라고요

1) 누군가의 성(姓)을 잊어버리기가 쉽더라고요. 

I find that it's easy to forget someone's last name.

2) 다른 사람의 의도를 오해하기가 쉽더라고요.

I find that it's easy to misunderstand someone's intentions.


* take a step back  :  한 걸음 물러서다 

1) 두 사람 모두 한 걸음씩 물러서야 해요.

Both of you have to take a step back.

2) 그녀가 상황을 처리할 수 있도록 저는 한 걸음 물러서 있었어요.

I took a step back so she could handle the situation.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

오해가 있었던 것 같아요.

There seems to have been a misunderstanding.

There seems to be a misunderstanding. ( 지금 오해가 있는 것 같다 )

< 해석 >

Sara / 호주

Speaking Summary

I think especially when it comes to languages, it's so important to ask for clarification just so you don't have a misunderstanding.

특히 언어에 관해서는, 오해를 하지 않도록 명확한 설명을 요구하는 게 정말 중요한 것 같아요.


English On The Go

So, something I've learned about learning languages ...

언어를 배우는 것에 대해서 제가 배운 것은...


something I've learned about learning languages … That's an interesting sentence.

언어를 배우는 것에 대해서 제가 배운 것이라니, 재미있는 문장이네요.


But I find that it's very easy to have misunderstandings,

그런데 오해를 하기가 정말 쉬운 것 같아요.


especially because sometimes how you phrase things in your native language is

특히 가끔은 자신의 모국어로 어떤 것을 표현하는 방식이


phrase 표현하다


different from how people phrase things in their language.

사람들이 자신의 언어로 표현하는 것과 다를 때 말이에요.


So I've found that when learning Korean, there's been times when

그래서 저는 한국어를 배울 때 ~할 때가 있었다는 걸 알게 됐어요.


I've said something to somebody or they've said something to me and I took it the wrong way

누군가에게 뭔가 말을 했거나 그들이 저한테 뭐라고 했는데 그걸 제가 잘못 이해한 거예요.


because when I translated it in my head, I did it incorrectly.

왜냐하면 그걸 머릿속에서 제가 번역할 때 부정확하게 했기 때문이에요.


incorrectly 부정확하게, 틀리게


And so instead of jumping to a conclusion and misunderstanding what they say,

그래서 성급하게 결론을 내려서 그들이 한 말을 오해하는 대신에


it's much better to kind of take a step back and be like,

한 걸음 뒤로 물러서서는 ~라고 생각하는 게 훨씬 좋아요.


“Oh, is it in this person's personality to say something mean or is it maybe that I misunderstood what they said?”

“못된 말을 하는 게 이 사람 성격의 특징인 건가? 아니면 어쩌면 내가 이 사람 말을 오해한 걸까?”


mean 못된, 심술궂은

ex) Don’t be so mean to your little sister.

동생에게 그렇게 못되게 굴지 마.


And so when it comes to situations like that, I think it's much better to just ask for clarification

그리고 그런 상황의 경우에는 그냥 설명을 해 달라고 하는 게 훨씬 좋은 것 같아요.


clarification 설명, 해명

ex) Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question.

질문이 이해가 안 되면 설명해 달라고 하세요.


rather than kind of getting carried away with this misunderstanding.
그런 오해에 대해서 흥분하는 것보다는 말이에요.



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