생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 644

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 4. 20:34

Unit 644. My exaggerations lead to misunderstandings.

Sometimes I have a bit of a misunderstanding because I exaggerate a lot.

English on the go

I think when it comes to communicating with people, there are a few things that can make it really easy or really difficult.

And one of the things that I usually find is I tend to be ... like, I exaggerate a lot.

If ... Especially if I'm telling a story, just to make it more dramatic because I just like to be dramatic, I just say, like, crazy things.

Like, if I'm really hungry, I'll be like, "Oh my gosh, I haven't eaten in three days. I'm so hungry."

And there are some people who just get it and they're like, "Oh man, she is really hungry," and then other people who take it literally and they just think,

"Wow, Kelsey, you haven't eaten in three days. That's really serious."

"You should probably go to a hospital and get some fluids in you or something."

And this usually happens quite a lot between me and my mother, where if something happens and I'll say, like,

"I've been waiting for 10 hours and I still haven't met my friends yet," and she'll be like, "What have you been doing waiting for 10 hours?"

And it just, it makes these really funny situations.



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exaggerate 과장하다 

ex) I might have exaggerated a little bit.

literally 말 그대로, 문자 그대로

ex) Don't take his words literally.

fluids 유체, 유동체 (여기서는 링거)


< Pattern Practice >

* especially if I ~  :  특히 제가 ~ 하면 

1) 제 다리가 아픈데, 특히 걸으면 아파요.

My leg hurts, especially if I walk.

2) 특히 제가 불평을 하면 그들은 짜증을 내요.

Especially if I complain, they get annoyed.


* just to make it more ~  :  그냥 더 ~ 하게 만들기 위해서 

1) 그냥 더 재미있게 만들기 위해서 그녀에게 말을 안 해 줬어요.

I didn't tell her just to make it more interesting.

2) 그냥 더 다채롭게 만들기 위해서, 파란색을 더합시다. 

Just to make it more colorful, let's add blue.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

지금 진심이에요?

Are you being serious?    ( 지금 순간에 집중해서 말함 )

= Are you serious?


come about  ->  happen


< 해석 >

Kelsey / 호주

Speaking Summary

Sometimes I have a bit of a misunderstanding because I exaggerate a lot.

제가 과장을 많이 하기 때문에 가끔은 오해가 좀 생겨요.


English On The Go

I think when it comes to communicating with people, there are a few things that can make it really easy or really difficult.

사람들과 의사소통을 아주 쉽게 만들어 주는 것도 있고 아주 어렵게 만들어 주는 것도 있는 것 같아요.


And one of the things that I usually find is I tend to be … like, I exaggerate a lot.

그리고 그 중 하나는 제가 주로... 제가 과장을 많이 해요.


exaggerate 과장하다

ex) I might have exaggerated a little bit.

제가 과장을 좀 보탰을 수도 있어요.


If … Especially if I'm telling a story, just to make it more dramatic because I just like to be dramatic, I just say, like, crazy things.

특히 제가 이야기를 해 줄 때, 더 극적으로 만들기 위해서, 저는 그런 걸 좋아하거든요, 저는 말도 안 되는 말들을 해요.


Like, if I'm really hungry, I'll be like, “Oh my gosh, I haven't eaten in three days. I'm so hungry.”

예를 들어 제가 정말 배가 고프면 저는 “아이고, 3일 동안 밥을 안 먹어서 정말 배고파요.”라고 해요.



And there are some people who just get it and they're like, “Oh man, she's really hungry,”

그러면 어떤 사람들은 그냥 그 말을 듣고 “우와, 정말 배가 고프구나.”라고 생각해요.


and then other people who take it very literally and they just think,

그리고 다른 어떤 사람들은 그걸 아주 말 그대로 받아들여서는 이렇게 생각하죠.


literally 말 그대로, 문자 그대로

ex) Don’t take his words literally.

그 사람의 말을 문자 그대로 받아들이지 마세요.


“Wow, Kelsey, you haven't eaten in three days. That's really serious.”

“우와, 켈시 씨. 3일 동안 밥을 안 먹었으면 정말 심각한데요.”


“You should probably go to a hospital and get some fluids in you or something.”

“병원에 가서 링거를 맞거나 해야 하는 거 아니에요?”


fluid 유체, 유동체


And this usually happens quite a lot between me and my mother,

그리고 이건 대체로 저와 엄마 사이에서 꽤 많이 일어나는 일이에요.


where if something happens and I'll say, like, “I've been waiting for 10 hours and I still haven't met my friend yet,”

어떤 일이 생겨서 제가 “10시간 동안 기다렸는데 친구를 아직도 못 만났어.”라고 하면


and she'll be like, “What have you been doing waiting for 10 hours?”

엄마가 “뭐 하러 10시간 동안이나 기다리고 있어?”라고 하세요.


And it just, it makes these really funny situations.

그리고 그러면 정말 웃기는 상황들이 생겨요.





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