생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 645

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 4. 20:51

Unit 645. I hate schedule-related misunderstandings.

My least favorite type of misunderstandings are scheduling misunderstandings.

English On The Go

Now, like everyone, I hate misunderstandings.

But one of my least favorite types of misunderstandings is scheduling misunderstandings.


I have worked my hardest to alleviate any kind of misunderstandings that could arise from scheduling mistakes

or not being clear about what time we're going to meet and where we're going to meet,

or how much the activity that we're going to do costs or something like that.


Now, I don't have a distinct memory,

because for a very long time I have been making sure to take care of any scheduling misunderstandings

by always sending one last message at the end of every conversation that says,


“Awesome. I'll see you on this date, at this time, at this place.”

And ever since I've implemented that practice,

I've had no scheduling misunderstandings, which makes my life way easier.



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alleviate 완화하다

예) to alleviate suffering

예) The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain.

arise 생기다, 발생하다

예) A storm arose during the night.

딕) If a situation or problem arises, it begins to exist or people start to become aware ofit.

distinct 뚜렷한, 분명한

ex) I have a distinct memory of that day.

implement 시행하다

ex) They are implementing the new system next month.

예) to implement changesdecisionspoliciesreforms

예)  Leadership is about the ability to implement change.

My least favorite  <-> My most favorite

that practice  - a way of doing something

That's common practice  일반적인 관행이다.


< Pattern Practice >

* one's least favorite type of ~  :  가장 안 좋아하는 종류의 ~   ( type 대신 kind 써도 됨 )

1) 그는 제가 제일 안 좋아하는 종류의 배우예요.

He's my least favorite type of actor.

2) 그것은 그녀가 제일 안 좋아하는 종류의 스포츠가 되었어요.

It became her least favorite type of sport.


* one last ~  :  마지막 하나 더

1) 우리는 마지막으로 사진을 한 장 찍었어요.

We took one last picture.

2) 그들은 마지막으로 한 번 더 경고하고 있어요.

They're giving one last warning.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

날짜를 헷갈렸어요.

I got the dates mixed up.


In The Social World

Noah (남)

One of my biggest fears is that I'll continue to misunderstand the finals schedule and miss a final.


Daisy (여)

From misunderstandings to delays that throw your day off schedule, you could wind up feeling very frustrated.



< 해석 >

Jordan / 미국

Speaking Summary

My least favorite type of misunderstandings are scheduling misunderstandings.
제가 제일 안 좋아하는 종류의 오해는 일정 관련 오해예요.


English On The Go

Now, like everyone, I hate misunderstandings.

다른 사람들처럼 저도 오해를 싫어해요.


But one of my least favorite types of misunderstandings is scheduling misunderstandings.

그렇지만 제가 제일 안 좋아하는 종류의 오해 중 하나는 일정 관련 오해예요.


I have worked my hardest to alleviate any kind of misunderstandings that could arise from scheduling mistakes

저는 일정 잡을 때의 실수로 인해 생길 수 있는 실수를 줄이기 위해 최선을 다해 왔어요.


alleviate 완화하다

arise 생기다, 발생하다


or not being clear about what time we're going to meet and where we're going to meet,

아니면 몇 시에 어디에서 만날 건지에 대해서 명확하게 하지 않아서 생긴 오해나


or how much the activity that we're going to do costs or something like that.

또는 우리가 할 활동이 돈이 얼마나 들지 그런 것들에 대해서 (명확하게 하지 않아서 생긴 오해를요).


Now, I don't have a distinct memory,

확실하게 기억나는 건 없어요.


distinct 뚜렷한, 분명한


I have a distinct memory of that day.

저는 그날 일이 뚜렷하게 기억나요.


because for a very long time I have been making sure to take care of any scheduling misunderstandings

왜냐하면, 아주 오랫동안 저는 일정과 관련된 오해를 안 만들려고 노력해 왔거든요.


by always sending one last message at the end of every conversation that says,

모든 대화의 끝에 마지막으로 이런 메시지를 항상 하나 더 보냄으로써 말이에요.


“Awesome. I'll see you on this date, at this time, at this place.”

“좋아요. 이 날짜에, 이 시간에, 이 장소에서 만나요.”


And ever since I've implemented that practice,

그리고 이렇게 하기 시작한 이후로,


implement 시행하다


They are implementing the new system next month.

그들은 다음 달에 새로운 제도를 시행할 거예요.


I've had no scheduling misunderstandings, which makes my life way easier.

저는 일정에 관한 오해가 없었는데, 덕분에 생활이 훨씬 편해졌어요.


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