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EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 638 to 642 [ fitness ]

[하늬바람] 2019. 6. 2. 00:30

< 638 >

Fitness is an extremely important aspect of my life.

English on the go

Fitness is a huge part of my life.

Now, this wasn't always the case, and I used to do the same thing that everyone else does, where at the beginning of every new year, I would make my goal to be super fit and go to the gym all the time, and then I'd end up failing.

But I've been surprisingly consistent this year.

One thing that I did differently is I finally started going to the gym, which doesn't seem like a big deal, but I used to be so afraid of going into the gym.

And I was scared that I would try to use a machine and I'd use it wrong, and then it would break and I'd look like a total idiot.

But I recently started going to the gym because I get a free gym membership with my college tuition.

So I started going, and it's been awesome for my fitness ... one, because it's a place that I can actually go.

I feel like I've had a, I've had a designated time to go to the gym and work out, which changes my mindset and gets me more in the mode of fitness.

But also, they have all of the equipment that I could need to work out with.

So I'm not worried about not being able to do a certain exercise because I don't have the stuff at home.


< 639 >

When I was young, fitness was to make sure I didn't feel bad about myself, but as an adult, fitness is about feeling strong.

English on the go

I have had a mixed relationship with exercise and fitness.

As a young kid, I was really hard on myself and I was basically very unhealthy.

I was too skinny and I was exercising too much and really into fitness for the wrong reasons.

As an adult, though, I have come to really appreciate how I feel when I exercise and when I'm doing things that are, you know, healthy for me like that ... so, eating well, trying to sleep, and being sure to go to the gym or go outside.

And I'm so happy that there's now more of a trend that people that are in shape, that are muscular, that have, you know, that are fit, not just skinny, is a popular thing.

I think that's so much better.

It's such a better standard in the main culture to have than to just be looking at people that are skinny.

So fitness is great and it makes me feel great.


< 640 >

I find it much more difficult as an adult to stay physically fit than when I was a child.

English on the go

I don't know about you, but I find it challenging to stay physically fit on a regular basis.

However, this wasn't always the case.

Growing up in our neighborhood, there were several other people who were around my age, and we would all play naturally together.

We would participate in sports like baseball, American football, basketball, soccer, hockey, tennis, golf.

Play all day in the summertime, go to bed exhausted, wake up the next morning and do it all over again.

I don't have the luxury of living in a place where all my friends live right in the general vicinity so we can't play on a regular basis and get our physical fitness naturally anymore, because as an adult, we are all very busy.

Everyone works.

And I need to rely on myself to gain the motivation individually to go out and keep a routine day after day to get physical fitness.

So I don' know if any of you can relate with this, but as an adult, it's just so much more difficult to stay physically active than when I was a child. 


< 641 >

Your level of fitness might be determined by the friends you have.

English on the go

Fitness, Fitness is something that we all need to worry about .... how strong we are, how fast we are, how well we can walk down the street or walk up steps

But how do we get fit?

We always talk about exercise and of course what we eat.

But we rarely talk about our friends.

See, if you have friends who work out a lot or eat well or stretch, then you yourself will be more likely to do those things.

Or, like in my case, I was around people who said, "Alex you need to stretch more," so I got a yoga met.

Whatever it is, the friends you have could determine how strong or weak or flexible or not flexible or healthy you are, in general.

Five more. How was that?


< 642 >

Fitness is a combination of exercise and food.< 본문 >

Recently I've learned that fitness is not just about going to the gym and being physically active. It's also about ensuring you are eating really good, healthy, nutritious food.

English On The Go

With summer just around the corner, I've been going to the gym a lot more frequently and often,

hoping to get that summer body last minute.

But unfortunately, I hadn't really been seeing results, and so I was wondering why.

And it turns out that for my case, since I wasn't really trying to lose weight … I just wanted to gain muscle …

I should have been eating a lot more food and ensuring that it's really good, nutritious food as well.

I think this is something that we often misunderstand, and especially girls tend to starvethemselves when they think of fitness.

They think that it's about going to the gym really often, doing lots of cardio, but then not eating equivalently.

And actually, I've learned that fitness has to be a really good combination of these things.

Yes, you do need to be bodily active and go to the gym or do some sort of activity,

but at the same time you need to really make sure that you're eating well and giving your body all the nutrients

that it needs to grow and form that dream body of yours.