Unit 608. Fewer people are watching TV.
< 본문 >
These days I don't watch a lot of TV, and I have a lot of friends that say the same things as well.
But that doesn't mean I don't watch TV shows.
When I watch shows, I tend to watch them online on, you know, streaming services,
or I watch a lot of content made by, you know, people, you know, on websites and things like that.
And I feel like more and more these days, less people are wanting to watch shows on TV
because of ads and everything,
but instead maybe watch, like, the replays online or recordings and things like that.
That being said, though, TV still has its charm. ( 그렇기는 하지만, )
Sometimes, you know, I just like to put it on and have it in the background,
or there is something special about getting to watch it live for the first time or for the first airing.
But, yeah, I really wonder what's going to happen in the future with TV,
if it's all going to move to the internet or not. ( whether )
< Pattern Practice >
* does not mean I do not ~ : 제가 ~를 안 한다는 뜻은 아니에요.
1) 그렇다고 제가 열심히 일을 안 한다는 뜻은 아니에요.
It doesn't mean I don't work hard.
2) 이게 제가 당신을 사랑하지 않는다는 뜻은 아니에요.
This does not mean I don't love you.
* When I ~, I tend to ~ : 저는 ~할때 ~하는 편이에요.
1) 저는 배고플 때 짜증이 나는 편이에요.
When I'm hungry, I tend to get annoyed.
2) 저는 공부할 때 커피를 많이 마시는 편이에요.
When I study, I drink a lot of coffee.
< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >
* 저는 요즘 그 프로그램을 몰아서 보고 있어요.
I am binge-watching that show these days.
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