생활 영어

EBSe 생활영어 시즌4 - 615

[하늬바람] 2019. 4. 24. 19:53

Unit 615. Eating out can get expensive.

< 본문 >

I love eating out, but this becomes an issue when you start to spend all your money on restaurants.

English On The Go

I'm a huge foodie and I absolutely adore eating out.

I love trying different cuisines, and I'm not at all a picky eater, so eating out has always been something I love to do.

And I know a lot of people may splurge on either shopping or traveling or partying,

but for me it's always clearly been eating out.

And this becomes an issue when you live in an expensive city such as London,

and unfortunately that's the case for me.

So these days I've been noticing how much money I really spend on restaurants,

and the solution to this has been to try cooking at home.

So I've actually been quite enjoying this because I've noticed my cooking skills are improving.

And also this way I can ensure I'm using nutritious and healthy ingredients,

whereas when you eat out at a restaurant, you never truly know what's going into your food.

So, overall I'm quite content because I've been noticing my expanded culinary skills and also I'm saving up some money while doing this.


foodie 식도락가

splurge 돈을 마음껏 쓰다

ensure 보장하다, 확실히 하다

nutritious 영양가 높은

예) Bananas are very nutritious.

content 만족하는

예) I am not content with your work.

culinary 요리의


< Pattern Practice >

* become a(n) ~ when ~  :  ~할 때 ~가 되다

1) 해외여행을 하고 싶을 때 문제가 될 거예요.

It will become a problem when you want to travel overseas.

2) 그건 우리가 밖에 나갈 때 분명해질 거예요. 

It will become obvious when we go outside.


* I ensure (that) I ~  :  저는 반드시 ~해요.

1) 저는 손을 반드시 씻어요.

I ensure I wash my hands.

2) 저는 반드시 매일 운동을 해요.

I ensure that I work out every day.


< 알쏭달쏭 한마디 >

저는 열에 아홉 번은 외식을 해요.

I eat out 9 out of 10 times.

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