생활 영어/VOA

drastically, refine, sophisticated, identical

[하늬바람] 2018. 3. 14. 21:26

* drastically


Maria's life has changed drastically in only some months!

This product will allow you to cut fuel costs drastically.

Todaythe exchange rate fell drastically.

The Government subsidy has been drastically slashed.

* refine

(어떤 물질을) 정제[제련]하다, (작은 변화를 주어) 개선[개량]하다

Refine oil

When a substance is refinedit is made pure by having all other substances removed from it.

* sophisticated

세련된, 교양있는,    정교한, 복잡한,   지적인,수준높은

the sophisticated pleasures of city life

Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.

highly sophisticated computer systems

Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the time.

a sophisticated audience

A sophisticated machinedeviceor method is more advanced or complex than others.

* identical

동일한, 똑같은,    바로 그 (the identical 명사 바로 앞에 씀)

Things that are identical are exactly the same.

a row of identical houses 

Her dress is almost identical to mine.

The two pictures are similaralthough not identical.

This is the identical room we stayed in last year.